Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dale v Bercow Round 1

Here, by popular demand is the second half of the Sky News paper review from Wednesday featuring your humble servant bantering with Sally Bercow. Enjoy.

It got such a massive reaction from the audience and on Twitter that we've now been booked for three more appearances together. The next one is on 1 September.


  1. For me Sally Bercow is only famous because her husband is speaker. If she was married to man who had a different job would she be as famous?

  2. Oh my god can Sally Bercow please give the whole "Tories bad, Labour good" thing a rest. She spends all her time pointing out "oh this is Tory" and it gets really boring. All councils waste the last of their budgets.

    I dare say that if a Tory MP were to sell everything they owned and gave it to the poor she'd still find a way criticise them.

    Iain, on the other hand, excellent. Happy to criticise his own party when they make mistakes and also quite happy to acknowledge when someone opposite has done a good thing.

  3. I do think you should have out her down a bit more, Iain. She does talk a load of nonsense.

  4. Hate to puff up your ego Iain, but you come across very well on TV. Relaxed, good sense of humour, balanced and likeable.

    The complete opposite of that partisan, tribal, shrill Bercow bird.

    Probably good TV chemistry then!

  5. Please, please be on the solo first part Iain - probably should send my plea to Sky? I just might not have TV left in one piece if she is on solo again...

  6. Funny, who hear had heard from Sally Bercow BEFORE her husband was elevated to speaker.

    More feminism in action.

  7. You should definitely do more prime time telly Dale.

  8. Sorry to hear that she has been booked for more shows. This is the first time I have seen her and she is plain ignorant. She is so up herself she cannot see how bad she comes over on TV. Double act, a very bad idea!

  9. Well done Iain. Made that Bercow woman look like a ... (What was that word that the boy David got into trouble about?)

  10. Sally Bercow actually twittered something intelligent the other day when she said that Labour should stop automatically opposing all of the Coalition's cuts and say which cuts it supports and which it doesn't.

  11. I saw and I liked the put-downs. This is woman who is without an original thought. A trained parrot could have done as well.

  12. I didn't think she was too bad for a Labourite. The problem is not individuals such as her, but that Labour is not so much a party but a fundamentalist religious movement. And like all fundies, they show an incredible talent for avoiding rational discourse.

    We do urgently need to address the issue of party funding. For starters, I would like to see the maximum allowed donation from any body with legal personality capped at the ninth decile earnings of individuals. This would encourage parties to behave like democratic organizations, rather than incestuous cults deriving funding from and propagating dogma through affiliated bodies.

  13. Iain, I admire you for being so courteous to the insufferable woman.Why are Sky giving her airtime?Ditto Simon Hughes on BBC.

  14. Interesting that La Bercow asserts so much about Green - does she have any source at all for her information?

    For that matter does she really have very much to offer apart fom being Mrs Speaker? She's relatively decorative - age is beginning to encroach, of course - but I cannot think she has a real grasp on things. Where's the insight? In the end she's just another middle-aged, nearly middle-class, mother, with a hugely overinflated sense of her own importance - an importance imparted by virtue of her husband's good luck.

  15. give her a good kicking the next time - she is awful

  16. I really enjoyed that video. It was the first time I'd heard Sally Bercow say anything and it seems you are a complete antithesis of her, which makes a very entertaining on-screen partnership.

  17. I was just imagining what married life must be like in the Bercow household. I wonder what JB`s selection meeting in Buckingham made of our Sal. Possibly she kept her trap shut and tried as hard as possible to look sweet and domestic. Ha.

  18. Both behaving like school children. Unhelpful and immature. I expected more from these articulate and intelligent people.

  19. More Conservative MPs have a second job 'It's A Fact!'.Presumably because they have marketable skills?
