Friday, July 23, 2010

How To Lose An Election In Two Easy Words

I tend to steer clear of youth politics, but I can't let this one go without mentioning it. At last night's ConservativeFuture hustings, the three candidates were asked...

Which politician from Northern Ireland do you admire most? Unfortunately, one of the candidates, Ben Howlett, uttered the words "Gerry" and "Adams".

One suspects his chances of winning the chairmanship of CF have not improved.

Full story from Tory Bear HERE.


  1. I don't quiet see the controversy here. Gerry Adams while the leader of IRA/Sinn Fein. Managed to persuade the majority of the hardline terrorists to enter politics and put down the gun. To abandon their most deeply held belief that of a united Ireland. That was no mean feat of political negotiation. You don't have to like or agree with someone to admire their ability as a politician.

    DId this guy give an explanation of his belief? Given time to explain a view that he would know a poll of the audience would not put on the top. Or are people just jumping on the sound bite and not analyzing anything people say? This kind of thing will just result in politicians becoming more and more sound bite, focus group dedicate talking robots.

  2. Ben Howlett has never had to trawl a street with a plastic bag picking up pieces of meat that used to constitute a human being, obviously, amongst other things.

    OCT, the gun is not gone, and neither is the bomb, only in tacit and provisional obeisance after Blair and New Labour caving in to any and every demand. Adams never brought the terrorists to peace, Blair and Labours appeasement did. Go to the back end of Armagh or Belfast and see how money was thrown at the terrorists to buy them off.

    Nahhh, can't even be bothered explaining some very basic home truths to you, except to say that the terrorism was more about money and 'turf' than any imagined belief in a united Ireland, which had never existed except as a British colony.

  3. I agree with OCT

    This chap, on the other hand, has only himself to blame.

  4. I cannot see the story here, unless it is what a loyal Thatcherite this boy is. She, who first conceded joint sovereignty over Northern Ireland, had a continuous line of contact with the IRA.

    Carved up between a bizarre fundamentalist sect with close ties to the 1980s Radical Right that is now “the Centre Right”, and a Marxist guerrilla organisation with close ties to the 1970s campus-based sectarian Left that is now “the Centre Left”, Northern Ireland is at the cutting edge of “centrist” politics. We all approve of that. Don’t we?

  5. Howlett may have a point. When can we expect to see the masked and heavily armed Conservative Liberation Army touring the streets of Belfast in their technicals, brandishing RPGs?

    It'd give Adams something to think about, apart from his next scam.

  6. How to lose an election in two other words: "vote Balls".

  7. Don Quixote David Davis and his "Brokeback coalition" jibe does not seem to realise the political realities. Tilting at windmills he seems to believe that the Conservatives have a majority in parliament. No wonder HE didn't win HIS election!

  8. ABSOLUTELY disgusting.....those who are in CF are now too young to remember the horror and devastation thrown on Great Britain and Northern Ireland by Gerry Adams and Sinn Fein/IRA...the torture, maming and terror this man inflicted on lives and communitie is an utter disgrace.

    Furthermore, let us not forget that this man wants to bring an end to the United Kingdom...we are a UNIONIST party and we must never forget our role at preserving this union.

    Shameful...utterly shameful!!
