Friday, July 23, 2010

The Daley (Half) Dozen: Friday

1. Capitalists@Work is enjoying the confusion about the GDP figures.
2. Max Atkinson Listens With Mandy.
3. Jonathan Sheppard disagrees with me n prisoner rehab.
4. Skipper thinks the LibDems are on a suicide mission.
5. Party Lines reports on Jackie Doyle-Price MPs' week.
6. The Staggers reports on Alex Hilton's libel victory.


  1. I know many will have probably read it but Guido makes a good point (for once in a while) about the way the press report the Treasury Select Committee.

  2. interesting how during the last government you commented on every news item.

    This week you've missed out on Cleggs gaffe prone question time.

    Camerons silly junior partner cockup.

    The lack of proper answers by DC and Clegg regarding forgemasters of sheffield.

    The Tory party donor allegations.

    and finally DD's brokeback mountain comment tirade.

    If any of these had been made by the last government the Tory Blogesphere would have run these stories daily with updates galore.

    Shame on you for becoming the usual tory stooge.

  3. I thought you believed I always had been a Tory stooge.

    Actually I have commented on three of these on Twitter.

    And I've just blogged on DD.
