Sunday, May 02, 2010

Shaun Woodward Plumbs the Depths (Again)

What a despicable little toerag Shaun Woodward is. Earlier he told Sky News that if the Conservatives come to power...

"There's a substantial risk to the peace process"

Are there no depths to which Labour won't sink to scare the people of the United Kingdom? Clearly not. The Conservatives started the peace process under Margaret Thatcher and continued it under John Major. Tony Blair recognised that and he paid tribute to Major for his role. The Conservatives under David Cameron would be committed to the peace process too, as Woodward well knows.

For him to play politics with this issue is a disgrace. Whoever advised him to go down this road ought to be sacked.

Perhaps it was his butler...


  1. Butlers have far more sense than that !

    It was probably his groundsman's mistress (a la Lady Chatterley)

    Alan Douglas

  2. Agreed. He typifies the vile lie-machine that is new Labour. Having read Jeanette Winterton's marvellous piece about Burnley yesterday you can see why arses like Woodward have reduced the Labour Party to what it is today. Out-of-touch, irrelevant, dangerous and unlikeable.

    I often wonder if he takes his butler with him when he holds his nose and visits St Helens....

  3. Yet another postitive post from you iain !!

    As your party is linked to the UUP which doesn't support the devolution of policing powers. It's a fair statment to make. The UUP have nowhere to go other than to pick apart the peace process and cause as much discord as possible.

    In a hung parliment your party will be in hoc to the UUP for votes.

    No comment yet on Phillipa Stroud ?

  4. Shaun Woodward's days as a minister are numbered: Five. And counting.....

    The odious hypocrite can then spend more time with his (wifes) money.

  5. Speaking of plunging you think like one of your parties councillors that Brown should fall under his car, or like the candidate for Sutton and Cheam that homosexuals need to be cured by prayer to drive out the demons?

  6. He's a self serving scumbag and the Tories are well rid of him.

  7. Of course, whenever Blair or Brown speak at an important point in the peace process, they acknowledge the role played by John Major. Perhaps Shaun Woodward needs to listen to his leadership...

  8. Ulster Unionists were opposed to secretive stitch-ups between the DUP and Sinn Fein. They support the principle of devolution of policing. Why vote for something when there isn't full disclosure of what the deal was? We're still in the dark about the parades deal. I guess we can be thankful for Shaun Woodward for letting Cameron into the Witney seat.

  9. @golden balls more like stone balls!

  10. There is no slur, no accusation, no line of attack too base, too vile, too disingenuous for a Labour campaigner to make. And if you think the campaigning has been dirty just wait for the voting and the aftermath if the Conservatives manage to actually win the general election.

  11. Absolutely disgraceful!
    Politicians resorting to scaremongering instead of talking about their own policies.

  12. was also smearing for his master on Any Questions.

    He won't be missed.

  13. Quentin Davies is another creep I'm gonna enjoy watching get kicked out of his ministers job, and all the privileges that go with it.

  14. I have just written about this last night.

    I'm a labour voter, probably, assuming my pro-immigration feeling doesn't stop me. I wouldn't vote Conservative in a month of sundays as I completely disagree with many of their policies and most of their ideology.

    However, I really think this scaremongering (by all the parties by the way, eg "if labour wins we have to sell your gran" etc) is counter productive. Hopefully after the election we can all stay engaged in politics, and not just waiting five years since our man didn't get in.

    I may disagree with them completely but the conservatives policies at least have an exciting narrative of localism and 'big society' to them.

    Still not voting for it mind you.

  15. Not that the your lot aren't trying to frighten us about what the markets will do to us if we don't vote Tory.

    The usual hypocrisy from Dale.

  16. At uni' you are told things don't happen in vacuum.

    But what I found with my socialist leaning lecturers is that doesn't apply to anything the Tories (or any right wing administration) does.

    For example Mrs Thatcher shut down industries in the '80s seemingly for the fun of it. No mention of the chaos brought about the unions in the the late 60s and 70s. One young lecturer made the Miners' Strike sound like William's purge of the north.

    It was so silly that I left the course.

  17. John Major was involved in the peace process.

    Thatcher not so much.

    Still, even the Alliance in NI, thinks that the Tories hooking up with the Unionists will make it hard for them to be disinterested players.

    And that's the truth.

  18. Would it be right to suggest that Tories are doing their fair share of scaremongering and making false claims as well?

  19. An absolute absurdity. Woodward should have more sense - he supported Brown each time there was a leadership crisis and still didn't get promotion. Now he will cease to be a Minister and that is good.

    There is absolutely no excuse for either him or Clegg to be warning of civil unrest when the Tories achieve power.

  20. Personal attacks do you no credit.
    Please don't lower the tone of an otherwise reasonably civilised blog.

  21. Does anyone remember Shaun Woodward's spat with Tom Utley? Utley said that Woodward was a turncoat (which he is) and that he'd changed his mind about fox hunting for political reasons. Woodward faxed the Telegraph suggesting Utley was an alcoholic. Utley waited months before putting him down in his column, and when he did, it was awesome stuff. I'd find the links, but I'm too busy.

    The betting markets now say a Tory victory looks the most likely. This is going to be a very interesting election!

  22. Woodward has been at this since teh Hatfield talks, spreading false stories. Indeed, in the recent negotiations in Hillsborough, the Labour spinners were ardently briefing the Press what absolute shits the DUP were and how awful that Cameron might contemplate any political relationship with them at all (even when the Tories were considering nothing of the kind).

    Woodward then emerged from the talks and praised Peter Robinson to the hilt as a great statesman and leader of a fine party that had done so much for peace. He later also went out of his way to exonerate Robbo over Irisgate (currenetly subject of a police invetsigation) and the odd circumstances where Mr Robinson bought a strip of land from a developer for £5, sold it to another developer again for £5, allowing a major developement to be unlocked on which he allegedly made £470k. Along the way he declared no interest in this in the House ("I bought it and sold it for £5 so I saw no profit")and didnt declare any conflict of interest at the Council Meeting when the planning application came up (the minutes show him attending but he says at the critical moment he left the room and only returned after the item had been voted through by his party collegsues, so there was no conflict)

    This led to the jibe that the DUP stands for Developers' Unionist Party - but the blessed Sean didnt see it that way. He was sure that Robbo was man of sargacity, culture and refinement whose integrity was beyond doubt.

    Still, what else can you expect from a Secretary of State whose main claim to fame is that he once workled on a programme that brought to the nation a dog that could say 'sausages'.

  23. I cant find the Tom Uttley piece but did come across this one which is quite entertaining

  24. PAul

    And in what way would a Tory / Unionist link be different from the evident Labour / Nationalist one?

  25. @Thomas Rossetti:

  26. Btw looks like its over. Even the Mirror has given up with Maguire describing Brown as 'like a crash test dummie' and the debate moving on to who will replace him after the election

    Meanwhile their own tame site Labour list forecasts them in a firm 3rd place

  27. Apologies for the spelling in earlier post

    Must have been the excitement!

  28. "Are there no depths to which Labour won't sink"

    No double negatives please, we're British.
