Sunday, May 02, 2010

Quote of the Day: Tony McNulty

"You are a BNP man in a suit."

Tony McNulty, addressing Harrow East UKIP candidate, Abhijit Pandya


  1. Does the suit substantially darken his skin?

  2. His core vote in Harrow is ebbing away - no wonder he is tetchy and confused...


  3. Is "BNP in a suit" the on-air version of "bigot"?

    In that being "if you cannot defeat on policy, attack credibility".

  4. McNulty or McShameless - both are revolting Labour creatures. Both are capable of vile misrepresentations - both the product of NuLAB.

  5. Sorry, you've lost me. Why is that quote of the day?

  6. Because the UKIP man is Indian

  7. Iain, didn't you know that the BNP accepts Indians nowadays? Like Rajinder Singh?

  8. I'm sure he said,"You are a BJP man in a suit."

  9. and your comment concerning Phillipa Stroud is ??

  10. McNulty aside, up until this campaign I was prepared to believe that UKIP were different to the BNP but having met some of the activists they do sound like they are just a middle class BNP but for whom the actual BNP is just too common.

    I don't know anything about this Pandya chap but I hope, if he stays in UKIP, he stands up to the racist element there.

  11. and now John Hills

    any comment ?

  12. Ah, right, apologies Iain. It came across to me like you agreed with Mr McNulty's view that that was the only difference between UKIP and the BNP.

  13. Wow McNulty is a complete arse. You know the Conservatives are desperate when they wheel out the "BNP in a suit" jab at UKIP.

    Its moronic because one is national socialist and UKIP is free market.

    The pillock deserves to lose.

  14. Well you see, UKIP are against the EU. That makes them BNP Little Englander Fascist Racist Islamophobic Bigots

  15. I'm sure he said,"You are a BJP man in a suit."

    Genius! :)

    Never mind UKIP being the BNP in suits, the Tories were recently described as "UKIP, but with an Armani tie"!

  16. This reminds me of David Brent in the office arguing that his joke couldn't be racist because a black guy laughed at it.

  17. Not so much bigot, Roger; but the initials "Bnp In A Suit" spell BIAS.

    Anyway, as we know, BIGOT means "Brown Is Going On Thursday".

  18. The BJP quip was rather amusing.

  19. You know the Conservatives are desperate when they wheel out the "BNP in a suit" jab at UKIP.

    I thunked McNulty was a Labrat. Or am I missing some subtle joke here?

  20. if the abuse hadn't come from a crook in a suit we might take it more seriously

    And why is McNasty out canvassing. Can you see it on the doorsteps.

    "Hi I am Tony McNulty. I was forced to apologise and resign as a Minister because I fiddled my expenses but can I rely on your vote "

  21. Mr McNutty must really hate Indians.

    Incidentally some of the defenders of McNutty have been puerile.
