Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Labour 'Frit' in Erith & Thamesmead

Every single Tory poster in Erith & Thamesmead was ripped down overnight. Labour must be very frightened. They have a majority of 9,878. If they're worried about that seat falling, they really must be concerned about heading for meltdown.


  1. Iain,

    I've tried to put my thoughts down on what the choice tomorrow really is about.




    P.S. I'm highly amused that the Word Verification has come up as "change" - a sign?

  2. Lot of it going on.
    Ripping that is.
    The tearing down of election posters.
    Bloody unsightly things.
    But why only Tory posters, are they more unsightly than others?
    The act of tearing down someone else's poster is rather desperate, lets hope its an augury for tomorrow.

    Word veri, "ingst", is that a new word for - ""intense angst""

  3. It's not that Iain. It's just the natural childish instinct of socialists to vandalise everything.

    If they lose on Thursday, we are in for one long whine lasting a decade because "It's just not fair.."

    If they win on Friday, we are in for one long whine as they blame everyone else when forced to clean up the mess in the playroom.

    I'm convinced my 4-year old, my 2-year old and my one-year old are all socialists. They certainly act like them.

  4. If I remember the MP is called John Austin. He effectively stopped working two years ago, opting to go on just about every overseas junket possible. He is a very good example that if the recall of MP is put through Parliament, then the reason of being 'bloody useless' should also be included.

  5. All posters? Sounds like typical "organised labour" of Socialism. They only use the system to win, yet despise it no matter what.

    p.s. John Austin does not sound useless. He sounds very good at wasting our money.

  6. Having worked in the Erith area some years ago - I still have the mental scars - I am not surprised at the tearing down of posters. Full of arseholes and sad people with a dirty river running alongside.

  7. Iain,

    They've been attempting to do this all over the Medway Towns but keeping stopping half-way. The Chavs are so pissed on Gordon's handouts they can't stay on a ladder.

  8. Not as frit as you are though Iain! Must be some truth in my comments about your 'job' ad since you're so keen to censor me rather than respond reasonably.

  9. I haven't published your comments because they are total rubbish and I am not having people smear my company on this blog.

  10. What really offends me about this kind of crap is that you're not only petty vandala, but you're crapping on people whose politics you may despise, but at least they got off their arses and did something positive.

    I've also seen posters and hoardings defaced with obscene graffiti -- in the case of female candidates in particular, often sexual and violent in nature. And people wonder why there's a gender gap in public life...

  11. didn't linda smith once say that erith was twinned in a suicide pact with dagenham ?

    i knew erith years ago when bicc and frazers where major employers -all gone !

  12. Just the start though - we can expect riots and general violence organised by the socialists for the next decade.

    Has anyone else ever wondered why the "people" rioted over the poll tax, an essnentially fair system of local goverment funding, yet merely protest at the Iraq War, 42 days, etc. etc.?

    We could do with a centre-right mischief-making organisation to counteract Socialist Worker and their ilk. Something like "Toff Troublemakers" perhaps?

  13. The Tory posters in my local area were vandalised with Hitler mustaches and eventually taken down. The local Conservative club was the only place that put them up to begin with. Very little local support for any party, and least of all the Tories.

    The simple fact is that people do not like the Tories. It isn't a rational dislike that could be reasoned away. It's pure hatred, even stronger than the hatred of Brown which is pretty strong indeed. It most certainly isn't a socialist plot, because that would suggest some sort of intelligence behind it.

  14. This does seem a desperate move for Erith and Thamesmead, my old home town! Disgraceful

  15. This does seem desperate for Erith and Thamesmead, my old home town! Disgraceful

  16. I know that Erith has had a bad reputation for many years, even my uncle reporting this when he needed to live there for a while, many years ago now.

    As for the Medway Towns: I think most of the posters are still intact, even the Union "axe" ones in Strood, which look set to backfire hugely...


    The sight of this will put guts into the faintest heart....

    England expects!

  18. Prime Minister Harman calls in the IMF after serious rioting in major English cities...... Alex Salmond calls for calm in Scotland after reassuring voters that the money from England will continue coming in.

  19. Assuming that you saw Labour members doing this (and I'm sure you would not have made the accusation otherwise) why did you not say something?

  20. Iain (Arthur) Dale(y): "I haven't published your comments because they are total rubbish and I am not having people smear my company on this blog."

    But Arfur, sorry, Iain, I was merely questioning your generosity - surely £1,000 for six or seven weeks of work is far too generous.

    We all know how cheap Central London is for travel and lunch and so forth, so you're spoiling these kids by overpaying them so much.

    Think of the children! Think of yourself - you need the money more than they do!

  21. This is a great national tragedy - it is clearly crucial that each and every Tory poster is clearly displayed. Indeed, in the new Cameroonian Britain, a large Tory poster will be compulsorily displayed in every home and place of work. Each poster will come with a handy Tory ladette or lad (in the usual Barbour, brogues and a silly public-school haircut) to explain it.

    Forward with the Cameronian/Haguist New Fox Hunting Agenda!

  22. You keep using the word "frit" Iain. I know Margaret often used that word. Let me tell you something. I knew Margaret Thatcher. Margaret Thatcher was a fiend of mine. You're no Margaret Thatcher.

  23. Typical undemocratic instinct of Socialist progressives. Take it a little further and you get Stalin. Take it further still and you get Hitler.

  24. Frit is a good Scottish word, and we know what a fan of Scotland Iain is, sorry, what a Little Englander Iain is.

  25. I thought of applying for it myself Rob, as I knew Iain would want me, but I simply could not bear to work for so much money. Tories are, as usual, far too generous for their own goods - it simply won't do!

    In my constituency (Derbyshire Dales), the Tories have paid canvassers out as per usual. Spoke to one last night - it appears they are being paid less than the national minimum wage. Their training consisted of watching a video from CCHQ (introduced by W Hague Esq) and a role-playing session. They are told to introduce themselves on the doorstep as long-serving Tory members.

  26. I see "Despairing Liberal" isn't making excuses for the poster vandalism in this particular case as he did with the Eastbourne incident where the LibDem activist was arrested for doing the same thing.

    "Desparing Liberal", you are nothing more than a propagandist for a party that dares to say it's different but in reality engaging in the old dirty gutter style of politics of smearing opponents, amending its naive policies to suit the political colour of its audiences,lies presented as "facts" (Clegg, Davey and Huhne are particularly guilty of this) and the creation of myths such as Vince Cable being prescient about the credit crunch. In fact the politician who did predict banks collapsing when Brown introduced the tripartite system of bank regulation was none other than Oliver Letwin, of all people. Records show that when Letwin was issuing his warnings St. Vince was bellyaching about why Britain hadn't adopted the Euro.

    Still, why bother with the truth when not politically expedient?

    You still have a lot of growing up to do - probably intellectually instead of physically.

  27. Despairing Liberal...

    Margaret Thatcher was a fiend of mine.

    And everyone else. Classic.

    Jimmy: "Assuming that you saw Labour members doing this (and I'm sure you would not have made the accusation otherwise) why did you not say something?"

    Get a grip man. Dale invents the stuff that central office don't actually spoon feed him.

  28. Angry, I believe that defacing posters is an absolute duty in this modern age, how else could we possibly cope with that much cynicism from the major parties? However, I do draw the line at stealing them altogether - for one thing, the comic effect they generate would then be absent. Where else could one get such rich humour in the street as on viewing a Conservative or Labour poster? Especially one with an amusing alteration?

    As for Eastbourne, I had already forgotten about it, but it doesn't seem easy to find out if there have been any charges. Does anyone know?
