Wednesday, May 05, 2010

The Comrades Rose Again

The extreme left of the Labour Party is already making plans for the post election armageddon which might fact the Labour Party. Jon Lansman, a sidekick of Tony Benn in the 1970s and 1980s is emailing the comrades to set up a new organisation called LEFT FUTURES. Some are seeing it as a platform for a renewed leadership bid by Michael Meacher. No, don't laugh. The email reads...
Shortly after the general election, having consulted a number of people, Michael Meacher and I are launching a new Left internet hub called Left Futures and we are seeking partners and collaborators in that project. More information about what we propose is set out below.

The New Labour project is dead. The bid for Labour-Liberal realignment is its dying gasp. Left Futures will be positioned on the Labour Left, committed to bring new hope to demoralised party members, union and community activists, peace and climate change campaigners and the many others who have no sustainable political vehicle for their aspirations. If you want more information about Left Futures, please email or ring me anytime soon.

Don't call us...


  1. I need some help with this. Is it 'Vote Lib Dem and you get a Tory Government'? Or is it 'Vote Lib Dem and you get a Labour Government'?

    It's all very confusing.

  2. positioned on the Labour Left, committed to bring new hope to [...] climate change campaigners

    Green is the new Red, Comrades!

  3. Very predicable and with the unions paying all the bills, very likely.
    If it happens they will become the third party.
    It will be interesting to see how the Lib Dems develop as the party of opposition.

  4. Ah, back to the future. It was just such a rainbow coalition of Trots, Union daddies, militant lesbians, unilateral disarmers and animal rights freaks that took over the Town Halls in the 1980s

    Their rebellion against Thatcher's government forced her to ditch the good counsel of Ralph Harris and the IEA for small government and put her on the path to creating the Leviathan central State that Blair inherited and expanded so detrimentally - her only grievous error.

    Let's make sure we don't allow history to repeat itself; the Left must be killed at local as well as national level.

  5. BNP having their problems also, just on The Times Online

    "The British National Party has been plunged into further internal turmoil after the head of its online operation resigned and took the website down with him.

    Simon Bennett, 41, directed BNP traffic to his personal website, which contained a lengthy diatribe against Nick Griffin, the leader of the far-right party, and other senior figures. "

  6. Are they serious? A Bennite?

    Will we have Meacherites and Darlingites to replace the Healey/Bennite war?

    It was a shame to not be alive for the early 80s, but apparently Labour have recorded it in their souls and want to replay it...

  7. They can't be any worse than this lot. They might even know which constituencies they represent; Ed Balls has just said to Kay Burley on Sky News he's moved over from Wakefield. Mary Creagh might be a really sh!t MP who could very easily lose her seat to the Tories...but she really isn't as bad as Balls.

  8. Great news we will never have to suffer another Labour government

  9. The emergence of Labour from this election will be very interesting. New Labour is dead, but what will succeed it?

  10. I think that it is an excellent idea and that The Comrades should be commended. A good lurch to the left is exactly what they need. Plenty of clear, red blood between them and the rest of us.

    Should keep them unelectable for decades...

  11. I wonder what Gordon Brown will be doing this time next week?

    Tendering to his moral compass, I reckon.

  12. Michael's not that bad a bloke - I am sceptical that he's all that Hard Left these days, judging from interviews I've seen with him over the last few years. Certainly nothing like the firebrand that featured in that famous Edge of Darkness clip.

    This is mildly amusing, but not as amusing as the fact you won't let any adverse commentary about Lord Ashcroft through - what exactly are you scared of?

    If you don't print this one, I will speed-dial your LBC show and Demand Audience on the subject! All hail the Lords of Misrule - Folly, Evasion and Duplicity!

  13. Hawkeye, I know you meant it maliciously, but I think you are right - it would be much better to have honest, clear party distinctions. For example, if the Tories were being truthful right now, their manifesto would say "We intend to create a zero-tax regime for the very rich. Lower wages for the poorest and those with already-demeaning jobs. Make sure the banks and hedge funds are even more entrenched. Reward our friends with large contracts and peerages. Sell off the BBC and other juicy pieces of long-developed public value at knock-down prices to people who are nice to us. Ensure that all remaining British assets are flogged off to anyone, irrespective of their nationality or ethics."

    I'm sure we could all vote for that!

  14. No doubt with the Kinnocks as the figureheads, and no Gordon Brown, who wants to start a journey with a known Jonah

  15. @ The Grim Reaper said...

    "I wonder what Gordon Brown will be doing this time next week?"

    I suspect that like any good socialist he will sit there with his head up his arse* wondering who he can blame other than himself whilst he pens another five year plan that is even more detached from reality than those that preceded it.

    *posture illustrated here

  16. As I observed in my post yesterday Comrade Noor fired to first shots in the internal battle to oust Brown and shift the Labour Party back to its old Socialist/crypto Marxist roots.Thereby creating clear water between them and a rightist Government led by ???

  17. Re THE GRIM REAPER G.Brown will be arguing with his next door neighbor in North Queensferry about the shed he wants to erect against the neighbours fence to house his Met copper bodyguard, who will have to learn to understand the Fife dialect.

  18. @ Despairing Liberal
    Do you actually want people to take you seriously?
    Putting up a list of things the Tory's will do which are, every one of them, LIES is not intelligent comment. I'm not particularly political but even I can see that your post is just more anti-Tory scaremongering. Pathetic!

  19. @DespairingLiberal

    "Hawkeye, I know you meant it maliciously, but I think you are right - it would be much better to have honest, clear party distinctions. For example, if the Tories were being truthful right now, their manifesto would say "We intend to create a zero-tax regime for the very rich. Lower wages for the poorest and those with already-demeaning jobs. Make sure the banks and hedge funds are even more entrenched. Reward our friends with large contracts and peerages. Sell off the BBC and other juicy pieces of long-developed public value at knock-down prices to people who are nice to us. Ensure that all remaining British assets are flogged off to anyone, irrespective of their nationality or ethics."

    I'm sure we could all vote for that!"

    Sorry but I could have sworn that is what the Labour government have been doing for the last 13 years ( except the bit about selling the BBC which obviously as the propaganda wing of NuLab was safe from that)

  20. Despairing Liberal, from your general posting style and content I get the impression that this is the first time that you will be old enough to vote in a general election. I also see that you appear to find great comfort in viewing Conservatives and others purely as stereotypes. Does it make the world easier to cope with when you do that?

  21. Shit Iain, you had me going there, I thought you were going to say a new leadership bid by Michael Foot

  22. Despairing Liberal is at it again with his left wing propagandising! Where the hell have you been for the past thirteen years?

    Your "predictions" of what the Tories would do have already happened with New Labour. Nice government contracts and favours for their rich friends - never heard of Goldman Sachs, Capita, Drayson's old pharmaceutical company, Lakshmi Mittal, Bernie Ecclestone, The Hinduja brothers - the list is almost endless. Why haven't the documents relating to Brown's disastrous gold selloff been released? Could it be the embarrassment of a connection with Goldman Sachs itself in this particular case? Who knows but we are not allowed to find out.

    What about laundering taxpayers' money for Labour Party benefit via the Union Modernisation Fund which is then passed back via union "donations"?

    Lowering wages for the lower paid? Which party was in power when they deliberately flooded this country with cheap labour from Eastern Europe, undercutting even those in receipt of the minimum wage?

    I could go on but you will be unmoved. You are obviously a dyed in the wool Marxist for whom the end justifies the means when you selectively present "facts". You would be a joke if your stance waqsn't so sad.

  23. "Left Futures"

    Apart from it being an oxymoron, if there was in fact a "left future", what would the strike price be?

  24. Vote LibDem and you won't get a LibDem government; that's all we can e sure of.

    BTW that photo of Servolan still turns me on.

  25. Watch out for the slippery Peter Hain after he is ejected from Wales.

  26. For a party of the underclass, abolishing the 10% icome tax band was a classic shot in the foot...

    Labour ain't working... for anyone but themsleves!
