Saturday, May 01, 2010

An Excellent Profile of David Cameron

Today's Telegraph Magazine carries a very long profile of David Cameron. It's written by Mick Brown who spent a day with Cameron in the South West while he was campaigning. It's a really good portrayal of Cameron the politician and the man and digs deep inside his character. In my opinion it is the best profile yet of the man who this time next week will hopefully be forming his government!

Read the article HERE.


  1. According to Mick Brown "Cameron has met Obama twice and thinks highly of him".

    That makes Cameron's judge of character suspect and if he liked his political views as well he is in the wrong party.

  2. Thank you very much for the link to that article, I found it very interesting and it got rid of my remaining doubts - not that there were very many to get rid of! However I found the comments section at the end of the article extremely depressing, though they do provide a snapshot of why DC is not further ahead in the polls. When di we, as a nation, become so cynical? The death of hope is a very sad thing to witness.
    Luckily for me I am an optimist....

  3. Read this article and it confirms my opinion of Cameron. He's an educated,patriotic Englishman and I will vote for Conservatives. Luckily I have William Hague as my MP. .

  4. “this time next week will hopefully be forming his government!”

    It’s certainly nice to see the toning down of all that highly offensive hubris hereabouts (and I don’t mean you) and the boasted entitlement and presumption (ditto) of the last two years - that seems possible but just not terribly probable now really. Eh?

  5. "It’s certainly nice to see the toning down of all that highly offensive hubris hereabouts"

    Even the Labour Party are not hubristic this time, have you not noticed? You are projecting as usual.

  6. The latest BBC Newsnight interview painted a somewhat less flattering portrait of the man.
