Saturday, May 01, 2010

Brown Shows His Inner Weakness (Again)

To me, this video says more abou Gordon Brown than Bigotgate did. Here he is, speaking (as usual) to the faithful, requiring two Auocue screens. And he is heckled. Compare how David Cameron has handled hecklers in this campaign to how Brown does. Or fails to. He tries to just carry on and ignore the fact he is being heckled. And as usual at Labour Party events (remember Walter Wolfgang?), the heckler is manhandled out of the room.

A politician at the top of his game would be confident of dealing with hecklers like this. For God's sake, the man was wearing a checked jacket. If Brown had taken him on, he would probably have whipped him. The man with the microphone is always at an advantage over the man without.

So instead of making a virtue out of the incident, Brown made himself look weak. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am not really sure why the assembled Labour activists felt it necessary to applaud so much once the guy had been manhandled out of the room. It was not Browns speech that they were applauding, but the fact that another voter had been silenced.

  3. jimmy's been quiet recently.

  4. What the video does not show is when the man is finally outside, one Labour official says, "you do not have a pass to come in".

    Only devout Labour supporters allowed near the 'Dear Leader'.

  5. Looks like common assault to me. Careful or they will come in the night.......

  6. "I fight every minute of the day for my future" - it's all "me, me, me" with some people, isn't it?

  7. What is more revealing to me Iain is when he says "I fight every day for my future..." Says it all really.

    Thanks for that information miko. My readers will be interested.

  8. Gordon Brown merely reveals himself to be the Socialist he is. Socialists, along with their spawn New Labour, and Greens, BNP, LibDems, Unite, assume that anyone who doesn't agree with them is wicked and should be trampled. They have no concept of valid alternative views that command respect if not agreement. They can't say "we must agree to disagree", which is how most of us maintain cordial relationships, and which to his great credit Cameron has said once or twice on the campaign trail. They are authoritarian to a man/little Hattie clone.

    When I was at school, Animal Farm and 1984 were required reading. They were sort of scary, but nobody believed it could actually happen. A warning, not a template. How wrong we were!

  9. The heckler is

  10. If I were that guy I'd sue the ass off the Lavour Party and that scary looking mother of the Labour candidate. How DARE they manhandle him that way!

  11. At last.

    The Caeucescu moment..

  12. The heckler is probably banged up somewhere, under arrest under anti-terrorist laws. Looks like well all be sharing the same cell if we articulate what we're all thinking at the moment.

    Check this out for a good laugh at Mandelson

  13. If you remember the election started with Our Dear Leader attacking the press and he was applauded for that as well.

    I think Labours election campaign has been characterised not by Mrs Duffy, but by the moment when, after Brown announced the election flanked by his cabinet, they all turned round and trooped back inside as if they were at a funeral. Neither a smidgen of support or enthusiasm, nor a ripple of applause.

    How has it come to this? Hung parliament or not. How have the Labour Party, how have the PLP, how have the Cabinet allowed themselves to be bullied and boxed in like this?
    Surely after this election we can expect rule changes galore by Labour.
    Quite funny really that Labour have allowed themselves to be ruled by top down govt by diktat. Its led to their ruination. Perhaps they realise now that the same thing is not good for the country.

  14. Looks like they forgot they'd invited Will Young along. He only wanted to sing "things can only get better"....

  15. I sang in a choir together with Julian in Oxford for a while; he was a guy with opinions but hardly a radical. Good on him for testing Gordon's (in)ability to think on his feet - showing that he really isn't the man for the job in tough times.

  16. It occurs to me that, Brown treats the average person with contempt. In particular, his behaviour towards Gillian Duffy, makes me wonder how he talks about other Leaders behind their backs. Is it "that short-a*sed little Frog, Sarkozy" or "that bl**dy Nazi, Merkel"? Does he have the same contempt for them?

    If he does, who does he say it to? Other leaders?

  17. "Straight with you Nick? said...

    The heckler is probably banged up somewhere, under arrest under anti-terrorist laws."

    I heard that he was going to take a long walk in the woods........

  18. Do not exagerate. Brown did not expect a party salute as he entered the room. Nobody got shot. All that happened was that somewbody got roughed up a bit. He just expected to be treated with the sort of reverance a member of the politbureau requires when they deliver made up tractor statistics to the party faithful. Freedom of speech is so bourgeois.
