Thursday, April 29, 2010

What Really Happened in Brown's Car

Courtesy of Alison Jackson


  1. LOL - if only! If this was real he'd been gone quicker, but next Thursday will be his last day in employment, lets see how Gordon likes being on the dole!

  2. Just done a new post about Brown and the final debate, please check it out and comment!


  3. The real upside of this is that Brown was not wearing a green donkey jacket when he insulted Mrs Duffy.

  4. No-one wants Brown defeated more than me. What he has done to this country borders on the treasonous.
    And yet do you know I actually felt sorry for him watching this video.
    It was human tragedy and I almost felt my heart stop beating.
    During over thirty eight years in business I have worked with people I don't particularly like or rate (we all have) and more than once have made a derogatory comment after a meeting. And I am sure people have expressed similar remarks about me over the years.
    I tell you I shuddered watching that video.

  5. Very good, but there would be more swearing and blaming it on someone, anyone, else. Sue Nye...

  6. So he called a spade a spade. if that's not the wrong expression. He was just saying what any nonbigoted person would think, and say if there was someone there. What was he supposed to do? Agree with the views of a bigot? That would have cost him a lot of Labour votes, though sadly probably not many Tory ones.

  7. Oh who made that brilliant video?? So very funny.

  8. I look forward to the memoirs of Gordon Brown's protection officers in a few years. It will make 'The Thick of It' look tame.

  9. @Madbreak

    She's not a bigot, she just wanted to discuss immigration.

    Brown's reaction was just the kind of kneejerk reaction we get from lefties whenever we dare to question any of their sacred cows.

    WV: irriact

  10. @twig
    you could be right - without knowing the lady personally it's wrong to think badly of her. It certainly wasn't her desire to have her views thrust into the national debate. For that alone she deserves an apology from Brown et al.
