Thursday, April 29, 2010

Snippets from Birmingham

* Courtesy of those nice people at the BBC, you will be able to watch the Prime Ministerial debate this evening on this blog, through a special embedded player. It will also work for readers who are outside the UK. Just tune in here at 8.25 and the player will automatically launch.

* I've just arrived at the Press Centre at the University after a dreadful five hour journey up the M1 and M6. The journalists here are all complaining about the crampe facilities. Apparently they're not nearly as good as Bristol or Manchester. But there's a very good free buffet. What more do they want! I'm sitting two rows behind Kevin Maguire. I shall ponder how best to use this rather advantageous position. Tory Bear is over to my right, Tim Montgomerie to my left and Sky News taking up the whole back row. I'll report back if I see Adam Boulton and Jon Craig holding hands...

* I see Twitter is abuzz with rumours of the imminent arrest of Kerry McCarthy, Labour candidate for Bristol East, after she revealed details of postal votes in her constituency. She's been reported to Avon & Somerset Police for what is the electoral world will be seen as a serious breach of electoral law. Bracknell Blog has the details.

* Following my earlier blog about the Ten People Who Have Had a Good Election, the first two people I encountered here in the press centre berated me. And one of them is on the list!!! The other complained about the fact that three BBC journalists are in the list... These things always upset people, don't they? Which is all part of the fun.

* For those who like to hear my dulcet tones on the radio, I will be doing the post match commentary on 5 Live with Tony Livesey, alongside Will Straw and Mark Thompson. I think it runs from 10pm through till midnight.

1 comment:

  1. Your Birmingham assailant can't count. By my reckoning half of your list - Andrew Neil, Stephen Nolan, Laura Kuennsberg, Jon Sopel and Sophie Long - all work for the BBC, or at least present or work on their programmes
