Monday, April 26, 2010

Sun Attacks LibDem Policy of 'Porn at 16'

I've just started trawling through the Monday papers and made the mistake of starting with The Sun, which is continuing on its mission to destroy Nick Clegg's reputation. Today he's a "Clegglomaniac". They've also got stuck into the LibDem policy of allowing 16 year olds to watch and star in porn films. I'm not sure that is The Sun's best plan of attack. I suspect many Sun readers would heartily approve.


  1. One positive about the Lib Dems becoming 'power-brokers' is the finger that effectively gives to the Murdoch press. Surely worth it?!!

  2. Are they not being a tad hypocritical?

    Wonkypedia on Page Three:

    The Sun and other British tabloids have also provoked controversy by featuring girls as young as 16 as topless models. [...] Controversy over these young models ended when the Sexual Offences Act 2003 raised the minimum age for topless modelling to 18.


    Boris Johnson says that the whole Cleggie thing was a plot by Lord Mandelson. But is it backfiring?

  4. Never understood why a 16 year old can have sex - but not watch it

  5. It's doublethink - their readers will approve the hard line action against 16 year olds working in the porn industry but will be more than happy for 16 year old (nubile young girls) to appear there.

  6. No. The lefter-than-left lib-dumbs are an even greater menace to sensible government than Labour. If you don't like Murdoch, don't patronise his products.

  7. Well Brown is pushing for 16 year old children to be given the vote and Clegg wants to legalise all drugs so how can we legislate against them seeing porn if they are to be considered adult in every way at that age?

  8. To me it just shows how much a mess the Lib Dems would make of things.

    POlicy needs to be sensibly considered and this one was put together by a retired school teacher who supports The Child Poverty Action Group.... Hmmmm

    Also, understand that there is a HUGE GULF between watching a porno and starring in it...

    The other side of this is the reduction of the legal drinking age, that they want to shift to 16 as well... Come see teh drink problems on our estate and say thats a good idea...

  9. Iain I really do worry about you going soft on the Lib Dems sometimes!

    There policy, duplicity and socialist tendenacies must be exposed. You may disagree with these tendencies the Lib Dems show but you are too much of a Gent sometimes.

    Politics is not pretty and no political party must ever be given an easy ride. Just look at the stuff the Tories had dredged up over the years which in the scheme of Labour/LD policy, inappropriatness, failure, sleaze or honesty - The Tories had a rough ride and you wonder whether it is a good idea for a paper whose readership mainly switches between Labour and Tory, whether it should be published!

  10. I get the impression that the Murdoch press absolutely hate the fact that they no longer control the news agenda. They normally tell the electorate who to vote for - running lots of positive stories about their man, whilst smearing the opponents endlessly.

    This time round however, the electorate isn't listening to The Sun and they are hating it. They're even suppressing their own poll findings because they don't fit in with their editorial lines. Quite petulant and rather pathetic.

    As for this "porn at 16" idea, I wouldn't really oppose it. It's legal to have sex at the age of 16, so I see no reason why it shouldn't be legal for someone to appear in pornographic content at the same age. Although why any 16-year old would want to is another issue.

  11. I dont see a problem with the Liberals view.

    You can have sex at 16 get married and have children.

    You can join the army and soon you will be able to vote at 16


  12. Must be a leftover from the Labour PPC for South East Cambridgeshire! Mr John Cowan!

  13. I have always wonderd whhy a sixteen year old can have sex but not watch it , ttechnically theyd have to do it in the dark as it would be seen as pornographic and i say let them watch porn cause they can do or have done things they see , but not 16 yearolds in porn because the mental facture is anissue and whether theyre ready to be seen and act in a sexyal way in a media way for the pirn industry .....
