Monday, April 26, 2010

The Menace That is Camilla Long

Could someone explain to me why the Sunday Times employs Camilla Long as an interviewer? Can anyone explain to me why she won interviewer of the year at the British Press Awards?

A month ago she interviewed Nigel Farage and started the interview by poking fun at the fact that having had cancer he has only one testicle. Yeah, really funny that Camilla. Wonder if you'd poke fun at a woman who had lost a breast. Thought not. It was a truly terrible interview, mainly because she had broken the interviewers' code by going into the interview with her mind made up. She was determined to write a hatchet job on Farage and succeeded. The fact that she lied about a conversation with Farage's press officer afterwards sealed her reputation as far as I'm concerned.

Then last week she devoted a whole column to how she failed in her quest to interview Gloria de Piero. Gloria had the good sense to avoid her. This week Long did another hatchet job on Tory candidate Joanne Cash.

The moral of this story is this. If any politician gets a call from Camilla Long in the next couple of weeks, asking for an interview, they should tell her to sling her hook. The woman is a menace. Her interviewing style is appalling, she knows bugger all about politics and is determined to be negative.

Come back Lynn Barber. Now there's a woman who knows how to interview.


  1. She is like a little girls who keeps showing us her knickers unaware that the reaction of the reader is more faintly embarrassed boredom than outrage . ...well apart form you Iain . I blinked and turned the page , it is peculiar though ,m is she someone’s daughter ?

  2. Camilla Long?

    Is she still getting work as a journalist?

    I thought she'd been consigned to doing op-eds for Supermarket magazines years ago...


  3. So, remind me, who owns the Sunday Times?

  4. You are right in your indignation that her joke about Farage only having one testicle. But how does that square with the headline you placed on your post just below about 85% of people wanting to castrate Ed Balls?

  5. Murdoch paper. Big shock! NOT. It's why all the Murdoch papers show a bigger Tory lead than the others. Not the general feeling in the country.
    DC will regret Murdochs support. Just like Labour did.

  6. Is she as tasty in real life as she looks in her photo by-line?

  7. I cancelled my Times subscription citing as the reason Ms Long's childish comments about Nigel Farage. The Times has not had the courtesy to reply. Proof that Murdoch has too much money or admittance that the gaffe is unpardonable. Do she have a relation working at the FCO?

  8. I thought she was rather popular with the editor?

    Private Eye had some very amusing things to say about her.

  9. How awful that someone working for a Murdoch paper should attack a Tory

  10. Camilla Long A journalist? Don't make me laugh!

    She is yet another one in a stable of lazy journalists who NEVER research their subject fully, and who seem to delight in twisting the truth.

    Yeah, Camilla, when you claimed to be slurping champagne in a recent interview, on your expense account, how many glasses went down YOUR scrawny neck?
