Thursday, April 15, 2010

Meeting Toby Ziegler

Like most of you I suspect, I am a massive fan of the West Wing, so to be on the same programme as Richard Schiff today was a huge honour. We were both on the Daily Politics. Sometimes when you meet actors it is a real letdown. Without a script they appear monosyllabic. Not Richard Schiff. After the programme we had a good 15 minute chinwag about the state of the election campaign and how Barack Obama was doing in America. He was particularly interested in what might happen in the event of a hung parliament and wasn't very impressed with the LibDems website which he had been looking at earlier this morning. He was amused they used the word 'different' six times in the main article and thought their policy proposals seemed very dumbed down. Who am I to disagree.

Anyway, my day is now complete. And I'm off to campaign in Dagenham & Rainham.



  1. Very jealous Iain. His character really makes the West Wing what it is. Very jealous indeed! :)

  2. Must have been a little embarrassing, meeting someone like that while wearing that tie...

  3. Good old Toby - once a speech writer always a speech writer.

    Now if Sam Seaborn had come over for lunch *swoons*

  4. Why should we be surprised that an American does not understand the three party system or that you have found reason to criticise the Lib Dems Iain.

    Any excuse, any day of the week.

    Did you mention that you lost to that party by 10606 votes ?

  5. Campaigning in Dagenham and Rainham? My, oh my, who did you upset..? ;)

  6. iain! How much weight have you put on?!! I thought it was Eric Pickles for a moment. Seriously!!!


  7. Did you manage to have the conversation while walking at speed down the corridor?

    It just wouldn't be right otherwise.

  8. It's the 1 in a 100 formula: a leftie with brains and charisma.

  9. Well NorfolkBlogger, it's just so easy to find fault with the Lib Dems isn't it? Though in truth, only slightly easier than with Labour or the Tories.

    Iain, from what I gathered from his recent (and very personable) appearance on This Week, Mr Schiff is quite an Obamaphile and as such I imagine he thinks Obama is doing very well indeed eh?
