Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Lengths Iceland Will Go To...

Isn't it amazing what the Icelanders will do to ruin our economy and then intervene in our political system. You really couldn't make it up. I originally thought I would be in Manchester today to do post match commentary for Newsnight or ITV, but both of them decided to drop me (how very dare they!) in the end - that's the way TV works. I'm now rather relieved they did.

So many people have given their views about what might happen tonight that there's little I can add to it. All three camps have been trying to reduce expectations for their own man - almost comically so. It's panning out in spin terms just like an American presidential debate, and no doubt the post match spin will be the same. I'll make a guarantee to you now. I'm not going to be partisan in this and say that David Cameron has won, if I don't think he has. You'll get my honest opinion.

I think one of the main dangers in these debates is over-preparing. David Cameron is at his best when he is himself. I guess that applies to Clegg and Brown too. Too much coaching can lead to a below par performance. Believe me, I know. Pre prepared one liners and jokes can also backfire as you're constantly looking for an opportunity to get your clever line in. I hope Cameron's brain hasn't been stuffed with them. But oneliners can also backfire if they are interpreted as slightly inappropriate.

My election campaign starts in earnest today. After a brief appearance on the Daily Politics at 11.45 I'm off to Dagenham & Rainham to help my friend Simon Jones oust Jon Cruddas for a few hours and then later I'm driving up to Norfolk where I'll be spending two days campaigning in Broadland and Norwich, and I may well take a little mosey up to the North Norfolk coast to see how my successor, Trevor Ivory, is doing. Don't worry Trevor, I'll wear a hoodie...


  1. Iain, just to save you some time tonight, here are the score you'll give:

    Cameron - 8
    Brown - 5
    Clegg - 7

  2. If Cameron tries to be too cute, Brown's dry style may end up coming across as quite appealing in comparison. Should be interesting.

  3. We don't want to oust Jon Cruddas for a few hours, we want to oust him permanently!

  4. And this has what to do with Iceland?

  5. The "Making Your Mind Up" video was good fun. Any chance of posting it here?

  6. The iceland comment is a reference to the volcanic ash stopping flights. After the "all 4 engines have failed" BA jumbo over Java that flew through a volcanic cloud (invisible to weather radar), lost all 4 engines was effectively sand blasted and had them nearly filled with glass from melting the ash, they don't fly near volcanic ash any more

  7. I'm planing a drinking game to get me through the debates tonight.

    To start us off, 1 shot everytime Brown blames the "Global Economic Crisis" on America. Any other suggestions?

  8. That'll teach Gordy to misuse terrorist legislation against Iceland

  9. Heard on radio ulster that the impact of the debates tonight will not be great.

  10. Never mind Iceland, what about Bejam?

  11. Here's what I think about Iceland and their attempts to destroy the world ;-)

  12. Confused, you really are there is more than political news on the tv you know; flights canceled caused by volcano activity in Iceland.

  13. lol @ John

    lets see how close you are !!

    iain and his blog has been more or less quoting the party line on most issues.

    his posting has been lacking in recent days i don't expect anything different till after the election.

  14. All flights have been suspended in the UK due to the huge volume of dust in the atmosphere.

    Police are interviewing the cleaners at the Emirates who cleaned the Arsenal trophy cabinet this morning

  15. No wonder you hate them after what they did to West Ham !

    Alan Douglas

  16. Sure it isn't a Nordic God's comment upon tonight's debate?

    (ie a load of hot wind and smoke)
