Sunday, April 11, 2010

EXCLUSIVE: Is This the Most Effective Poster Yet?

This, I can reveal, is the poster UKIP will be unveiling early this week to capitalise on the mood of the electorate. Generally, political posters don't sway votes. they are used to reinforce a point or galvanise activists. But I wonder of this now poster from UKIP, which they will unveil on is different. Why? Because it is in tune with what many voters think.

It is certainly effective, but I wonder whether some of UKIP's fustier members will like the use of the word 'sod'.

Let the spoofing commence!


  1. Broadly sympathetic, but voters should be able to say 'Sod the lot' without having to side with a bunch of nutters. In Waveney and Sherwood, they can.

  2. Well, I like it but then I would as a UKIP supporter, I suppose.
    BTW, Iain - have you seen this? What can be done? It made me so angry when I read it.

  3. I think that poster's more likely to cause people not to vote at all.

  4. OED says that, as a verb, 'Sod = 1. trans. = DAMN v. 5.
    . . 1904 Eng. Dial. Dict. V. 605/2 Phr. sod him, may mischief befall him. w. Yks. Sod him, he can go to ---- . . '

    which seems harmless enough but scrolling down you get:

    sod, v.3 Senses 1, 2 in Dict. become 2, 3. Add: 1. trans. (and absol.) = SODOMIZE v.
    1879 Pearl I. 156 My arse he can't sod Because I am troubled with Fistula.
    1976 A. POWELL Infants of Spring 79 It's a cold day for sodding.'

    So it appears that the compilers of the 1st Edition deliberately omitted the primary meaning for reasons of good taste.

  5. Iain,

    Sod the 'fustier' members!

    It may just bring home to the voters the undemocratic 'cabal' that is the Lib/Lab/Con.

    To 'ignore', or try to, the other parties (and not just UKIP) is the biggest mistake the three main parties can make - witness the NOW story today regarding the audience at the BIG Three tv debates. To stifle 'debate' as Tim Montgomerie did earlier on a thread is a big, big mistake.

  6. This is better...


  8. Accusing UKIP of being " a bunch of nutters" seems to me to be the only defence the Tories have against what is a grass roots and growing party. I think you will get a huge shock at exactly how much support UKIP now has from intellectuals and common sense people who are not so stupid or nutty to be fooled yet again by the old three party alliance. Why is Cameron not trying to win over voters who want real change and not just a new face dishing out the same old rubbish?

  9. Perfect - Says it all. I feel sorry for the idiots who think voting for UKIP lets other people in because, I might need to do this in single syllable words for those born in England. The more people that vote UKIP, the more likely it is they will get it. To explain it basicly, the most votes count.
    Hmmm, is that simple enough?

  10. Hi,

    perhaps Pat Nurse should address her question regarding:
    to UKIP whose EFD Political Partners advocate hunting homosexuals and driving them out of entire towns - doesn't seem all that disimilar to UKIP leadership's treatment of Nikki Sinclaire when she decided she was not prepared as a UKIP MEP to sit alongside such people especially as UKIP saw them as the most suitable and similar group to join with their Racist, xenophobic and anti Jewish associates of the EFD.

    I wonder what UKIP's response will be now they have been clearly OUTED as corrupt by The Sunday Times and mired in sleaze?

    Greg L-W.

  11. In most other circumstances I would vote UKIP, but the number one priority at the forthcoming jamboree is to consign Gormless and his cohorts to oblivion

  12. It's good - reinforces the difference between the identical liblabcon and UKIP.

  13. Louis - agree completely. Sadly, my analysis says that the British electorate get the politicians they deserve.

  14. This faux election is largely irrelevant in the context of the second election which will be required and the elephant in the room controlling things, the EU.

    Sod them all is right. Politics now is about sovereignty, sovereign debt and the EU. For example, the Fish Mandate as a cover for intellectual property rights moves on the population of this land [ACTA].

    No one sees it happening [or the Digital Economy Act rammed through in the wash-up] - no one sees it because all eyes are on a faux election charade.

    All eyes should be on getting the hell out from under this yoke within one year of the new parliament, such as it is.

  15. A disgusting poster devoid of wit or reason. UKIP should be ashamed- but so should you,Iain, for giving it prominence here. You have revealed your support for UKIP policies recently - if not their squalid little Party. Odd call from a supposed Tory loyalist. Posting this vulgar poster further confirms where your real policy preferences are. Sad.

  16. Voting UKIP will merely keep Brown in power. This surely defeats the objective.
    UKIP - a rag tag and bobtail outfit I would not trust with my pocket money - can achieve nothing and have no credibility when it comes to anything.

    So to follow their advice would only ensnare us ever deeper into the EU.
    The reality is its no good fighting for the soul of an opposition party. The only way to achieve anything is to influence the party of government.

    And to be a party of government you have to get elected.

  17. Is sod short for sodomite? In any event, it's good. For me, the most effective poster is "Brown and Cameron are both crap, vote Lib Dem".

  18. What utter nonsense Paddy. Iain has an exclusive so put it up. Some people get angry over anything.


    Iain, here is my idea for a poster attacking Labour.

  20. I don't think calling UKIP "a bunch of nutters" is something which resonates with people thinking about voting either Tory or UKIP. Calling them that is more in tune with the views of people who would only ever vote Labour, LibDem or Green.

    Remember that UKIP polled 17% to the Tories' 28% in the Euro elections. The point is not that they'll win 17% again - they won't - but that they wouldn't have polled 17% last year if those voters regarded them as nutters.

  21. Predictable. An amatuerish crayon-drawing devoid of any graphical knowledge; looks like it was run up as a GCSE Media Studies project.

    In which case it would barely scrape a C grade.

    Fitting for the frothing nutters from whence it came.

    Wasted votes for a waste of time.

  22. The spoofs are flying!

    Have a look at this one -

  23. Dont think this will galvanise anyone.

    Not sure what the point of voting UKIP is as no one is suggesting that we join the EURO anymore.

  24. Brilliant, truly brilliant. Tories, or rather the blu-labour lot who’ve currently hijacked the Tories, ignore and dismiss Ukip at your peril.

  25. I support the right of any members of the electorate to be nutters and to vote for their ilk. As I said, I'm broadly sympathetic with the message, but the difference is that I'd put UKIP, the BNP, the Greens, the Loonies and all the others on that poster as well. There needs to be a protest vote for people who are pissed off with the whole party system and the cosy carve-up it relies upon. The other parties merely want to be part of the cosy carve-up, so I say sod the lot of them.

  26. It needs some humour to really work,

    and some value to aspire to, not merely to reject.

    Typical of Lord Pearson, who thinks attacking and anger persuade.

  27. Yes, sod them all- by voting for people even worse.

    Why doesn't anyone ask UKIP about Scotland where they are next to nowhere? Scotland will leave the UK before it leaves the EU, as would Northern Ireland.

    We would have a broken UK before we had an independent UK.

    The one thing UKIP is guaranteed not to give us (even with an absolute majority) is UK independence.

  28. I love it! So I've adopted it. Thanks Iain. :)

  29. It's a great poster. dave looks like dracula, broon like he's been caught in the headlights doing something he shouldn't and cleggie, like he's still doing something he shouldn't.

  30. So why was Pearson and Farage eager to do a deal with Cameron?

    And why was Pearson asking certain UKIP PPCs to stand down in favour of so-called Tory and Labour euro-sceptics?
