Sunday, September 27, 2009

What's Good for the Goose...

Did you hear Radio 5 Live this morning? Phil Williams, the Breakfast show host, was talking about Gordon Brown and Michelle Obama.

"What did you make of Gordon Brown holding hands with Michelle Obama then? There's a lot of men in the world would've liked to be in THAT position!"

The feminists are out in full cry, accusing his of sexism and worse. Except they're not, because he never said it. But Gaby Logan, on her show later this morning, did say...

"What did you make of Obama holding hands with Sarah Brown then? There's a lot of women in the world would've liked to be in THAT position!"
The truth is that if Phil Williams HAD made the comment above he would have been traduced by the politically correct, dungaree wearing lobby. But when a female presenter says something like that no one bats an eyelid.

Just sayin', like.

Hattip: Biased BBC


  1. But imagine the furore if Gordon and Obama had been holding hands!

    (screams and runs away.....)

  2. You're complaining because Gabby Logan hasn't been criticised for saying something that Phil Williams didn't say but would have been criticised for it if he had, hypothetically, said it.

    Blimey Iain, get a life. It's easy to see why you thrive in politics.

  3. And Terence Kealey got in trouble for saying that a perk of academic life was ogling pretty female undergraduates. But I doubt whether his female counterpart would have raised an eyebrow had she mentioned all the hunky young males in her classes.

  4. I don't care what the feminists say any longer.

    They are a rotten symptom of Labour's rotten society - divisiveness, hate, intolerance, double standards, unfairness, controlling intimidation, promoting one group in society over another, failing to see the equal humanity in all, treating people in terms of approved and non-approved classifications.

    We want an end to Labour and the vile society they have created.

    Actually we want an end to Left influence over our society altogether. They have had 12 years to see what they could do and look what a horrible society we now have.

    How about reintroducing real kindness, integrity, honesty, real fairness and decency.

  5. Gaby Logan is just another leftie that infests the BBC, in particular Radio 5. You should remember when the poisoned dwarf Nicki Campbell called Guido a fascist.

    Gaby Logan attacks the Tories every week, she usually has toilets MaGuire on who of course heartily approves.

    When the Tories take over next year, flushing out left wing scum at the BBC needs to be job 1.

  6. Leave Gaby alone. She is Welsh and is from Cardiff. When you were at that Plaid Cymru Conference last year, you said you loved Cardiff and Wales and its welcoming people.

    We won't welcome you back again if you make fun of our Gaby. In fact, we'll end The Union with England if you are very unkind to our lovely Gaby. We'll have a War and take your English Princes hostage.

    Indeed, no more Welshcakes for you when we re-build your Offa's Dyke.

  7. I really like Phil Williams - he's funny, cynical and neutral.

    Hope he gets Mayo's slot.

    Mark Radcliffe is rumoured to be the shoo-in AAAAAAAAAAARGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH

  8. I assume your comment was tongue in cheek. I wasn't even criticising her. Nothing wrong with the comment at all. But when a man says something similar he gets castigated. That was my point.

  9. Castigated ? Isn't that rather over the top, Iain ?

    Alan Douglas

    WV : tinglyb

  10. Iain, really - I am doing my Welsh nutty nationalist impersonsation. Couldn't you tell? Honestly.

    By the way, I know you are in favour of devolution for England (quite right too), but are you in favour of independence for England?

    Off topic I know - I first saw you on the television back in 2002 or 2003. You were talking about this American election thing called blogging and this BBC guy was giving you a really hard time. He was basically laughing in your face whilst suggesting blogging wouldn't catch on over here - and that it all might be a passing fad. Let me see. I think has name was Andrew Neil. Remember him. Huh. Idiot. What happened to him? No doubt even he's blogging now.

  11. Calm down people. It's only Iain throwing pieces of red meat to the animals, and you stupid buggers scrabble about in the dirt for the scraps.

  12. Grow up Iain. The problem with you sexist right-wingers is that you take offence even where there was none intended.

  13. Slow news day, Iain??

    Perhaps hoping that your dungarees comment will rile someone up instead?

  14. You really don't get how this blogging lark works, do you? That really isn't how my brain works.

  15. This from the man who accused Michael White of sexism for using the phrase 'hissy fit'...

  16. Funny, I thought men wore dungarees too...

  17. Yep, welcome to England.

    Thank God I left your pathetic spineless shores

  18. I am not wearing my dungarees today, but even if I was I don't think I could get worked up about this, Iain.

    (On the other hand, Curmudgeon sounds very sweet and naive. Never heard a woman called a rude word for behaviour that is accepted in a man? Never grasped what is meant by an abuse of power?)

  19. She's got the sort of body which is definitely wasted on radio (or in dungarees for that matter) but you'd really have to avoid any attempts at intelligent conversation over breakfast.

  20. "When a man says something similar he gets castigated." I had to read that twice, did you? For you never know under Harriet Harm Men. Hee! Hee! Hee! Oh, please yourself then.

  21. Mr. C SanctimoniousSeptember 27, 2009 7:11 pm

    Profound, Iain.

    Your parents must be so proud of you.

  22. you bored or something ?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. I don't think there are as many women who fancy Sarah Brown as Gaby Logan seems to believe.

  25. Where did this Sarah Brown is sexy idea come from? She isn't, but even so she is way out of Gordon's league.

  26. I hadn't even considered that a woman could find Obama attractive but I guess his wife did. Funny old world.

  27. It's feminist correctness gone absolutely bonkers, isnit?

    Marcellus is right; these wimmin are yet another symptom of Nu Labour. It's not like feminists were running around burning their pants before Tony slithered into office.

    I'm with Martin - ban Gaby now!

  28. Ian your un PC comments make you guilty of ...somekindaphobia ; )

  29. "They are a rotten symptom of Labour's rotten society - divisiveness, hate, intolerance, double standards, unfairness, controlling intimidation, promoting one group in society over another, failing to see the equal humanity in all, treating people in terms of approved and non-approved classifications."

    That is the best description I have read of the male dominated society prior to the 1960's!

    You would have loved being a Victorian patriarch!

    But then intolerance is always acceptable if it benefits us!

  30. Never mind the sexism-here's Angela Merkel.

  31. everything we need to know about this post is explained by the Hattip.

    Yeah, Britain is really misandric culture. Read any Rod Liddle articles recently?
