Sunday, September 27, 2009

The 100 Most Influential Lefties 100-51

For the third year running the Telegraph are publishing the Top 100 Most Influential People on the Left list. The first of two parts is published today HERE.

It was compiled by a panel of people on the left, including one MP, two bloggers, three journalists and two former advisers. Brian Brivati and I then put it all together. Tomorrow, in the printed paper, there will be an article explaining our thinking and the rankings of the Top 50. Well, it's a hard job, and someone's got to do it...


  1. A list of socialist morons in reverse order. Does anyone care?

  2. Christ, what a collection of thieves, thugs, dullards, hypocrites, cretins and makeweights.

    No wonder the left is shitting themselves for the next election.

  3. Does anybody have a DIY guillotine kit?

  4. The above posts illustrate perfectly why so many of us are dreading the thought of the right regaining power. They may have changed their image, but underneath not much else has shifted. And, for the record, are New Labour people leftists? methinks not.

  5. Iain


    wv: nitfuzzl

  6. George Monbiot is a member of Plaid Cymru. He has explained this extensively. This doesn't seem to get through to the London media.

  7. Pelgius, and your point is? Plaid Cymru are on the left.

  8. Really, you only have to read this list to realise how far the lines have shifted away from the Left and more toward some kind of indistinguishable pulp politics.

    Hilary Benn is on there, for God's sake - a minister who voted for foundation hospitals, strong on anti-terror and 42 day detention, strong on replacing Trident. That's so clearly a socialist agenda.

    Half of these people seem to be on here because they happen to be involved in human rights or civil liberties. Really, is this now the way you define these things? If you appreciate the rights and values of all humans, you're suddenly part of the left?

    What a bunch of crap. Another stupid list, this time trying to appeal to the partisan snobbery of the Telegraph readership rather than provide anything concrete...
