Friday, September 11, 2009

Top 100 Labour Blogs

Here are the first ten of the Top 100 Labour Blogs. For the full list click HERE.

1 Tom Harris MP
2 Hopi Sen
3 LabourList
4 Alastair Campbell
5 Luke Akehurst
6 Next Left
7 Sadie's Tavern
8 Blackburn Labour
9 Kerry McCarthy MP
10 Bickerstaffe Record

If your blog is one of the ones featured above please feel free to put the following button in your sidebar and link it through to this post:

This list is the result of more than 1,500 people who voted in the Total Politics Annual Blog Poll during the second half of July.

All these lists, together with articles from leading blog commentators, will be published in the TOTAL POLITICS GUIDE TO POLITICAL BLOGGING, which will be published in mid September at £12.99. You can preorder your copy HERE.


  1. Delighted with 13th! Thanks Iain, glad Scotland is holding it's own.

  2. There are two errors on the list, Iain. First, Splintered Sunrise is not a Labour blog. 2nd Though Coward Flinch comes in at 100 on this list and yet in the wider left list it comes in at 38, one place after HarpyMarx!

  3. Hmm. I shall enquire with my colleagues about the Though Cowards Flinch point. Seems a bit odd!

    I will get Splintered Sunrise recategorised.

  4. The only one i read is Yapping Yousuf and it is a good blog.

    Im not a big fan of Labour blogs because in general i think they are to god damn sleazy.

  5. Good ol' Dizzy does it again (via James Kirkup)

    Harridian airbrushes Mrs T out of history.

  6. It's like deja vu all over again...

    Haven't we seen this before ?

  7. I thought this had already been published

  8. No, you are thinking of the Top 100 Left Wing blogs, which included Greens, SNP, Plaid, SWP etc.

  9. 78 without even touting for votes. After a poor year for finding the time to write, I'm happy with that.

  10. Iain, would you really class the SNP as a party of the left? I've always seen them as populists who pick and choose from right and left as they see fit.

  11. Iain,

    Why is Cameron still supporting This grouping? They're without a doubt becoming the biggest Fascists on the face of the planet, and with the B.N.P. sitting on their hands, murmuring "I told you so", they're doing that far right parties campaigning for them.

  12. Yes, I would, and more to the point, so would they!

  13. 99 with no canvassing is fine by me but I am One End of Kent not One End of Paint please.
