Friday, September 11, 2009

Lammy Deserts Tottenham - Wouldn't You?

I always admire people with aspiration. People who want to better themselves and do the best by their families. So congratulations to Labour Minister David Lammy. According to his LibDem opponent David Schmidz on he is moving up the housing ladder into a smart new house in Lynne Featherstone's Hornsey & Wood Green constituency.

What's that I hear you say? He's moving out of his Tottenham constituency? Well, wouldn't you?*

* This remark should be read in the context of my absolute detestation for any word which invariably has the word Hotspurs written after it. I'm sure Tottenham is a wonderful place. Just a pity its MP doesn't think so...


  1. Come on you Spurs!

  2. Now, why would he want to move out of Tottenham? Hmm, why?

    Come on, think, folks. It's not 'Mastermind', is it...? ;)

  3. Nothing to do with the locals or schools or crime - THEN!


  4. Come on you Spurs!

  5. Tottenham was my first home in London, after my training. Right opposite the Royal Dance Hall with The Dave Clarke Five!

    I then moved to Highgate!

    I met Mr Lammy and found him to be a charming man.

  6. I remember a mate in the Boleyn after a game, going on about how terrible stuff had been in the 'Nam.

    "Didn't know you were were in Vietnam, Rob, nor American" we said.

    "Nah, mate", he came back with, "not Vietnam, Tott'nam!!". Cue beer through nostrils.

  7. Iain, Iain, Iain. Even a woeful Hammer like yourself knows that it is Tottenham Hotspur (singular) not Hotspurs.... tsk, tsk..

  8. Does he have children?
    If he has, he'll want them to be in a "middle class" school, where the you don't have half the class on Ritalin.
    I have no time for Lammy. He was chosen as a black replacement for Bernie "We gave the police a bloody nose" Grant.
    Lammy showed on Mastermind that he was as thick as p** s**t.
    He will probably follow that other PC appointment Boeteng as Ambassador to South Africa.

  9. I suppose some one has to stand up for Tottenham. I have lived here 15 years now and I think it is a great place. If you don't believe me come and visit - S Mary's on Lansdowne Road at 10am on Sunday. Join a happy community which has a bad reputation because of the crimes of a few - and no worse than many other "nice" bits of London or the countryside for that matter.

  10. Well his majority was only about 13000 last time around and his association with the the Great Leader and his policies is bound to put that at risk so perhaps best to move now.

    PS Can he still claim this move on allowances?

  11. Does any of this really matter?

    This kind of thing is what turns those of us who live outside the M25 off politics.

  12. What matters is woeful misrepresentation.

    Only by the kind of selective quotation worthy of West End theatre managers could Bird @ 6:10 PM edit Bernie Grant's factual statement:
    "The youths around here believe the police were to blame for what happened on Sunday and what they got was a bloody good hiding."

    One nauseating memory of a truly "broken society":

    On general election day, a Tory loudspeaker van touring the constituency, alternatively denouncing Bernie Grant and playing "Bye, bye, blackbird".

  13. Tottenham is a ****hole. And it's Hotspur not Hotspurs.

  14. Tottenham, West Ham, sounds like one of your little intertribal conflicts that keeps the rest of the world amused.

  15. Hmmmm, nothing to do with the Spurs win over the 'mighty' Hammers this season?!

    Come on you Spurs!

  16. "I'm sure Tottenham is a wonderful place."

    No it isn't. It used to be - in the 1950s.

  17. I totally agree with Fr. Miller (who just happens to be my parish priest!)

    Iain, this is an offer that you're unlikely to respond to, let alone take up. Perhaps I could give you a guided tour of the area to change your perception?

    I know that you were talking 'tongue in cheek' but everyone claims they are when knocking Tottenham - an area I was born and raised in, and which I'm very proud of. Please don't do it again.

    Lammy never looks at ease it Tottenham, and people notice. I predict that he’ll have one of the biggest anti-Labour swings in the country to, of course, the Conservatives.


    PS. It’s

  18. I recently met someone who was in the process of moving from "nam".
    He was not a football fan, but he said the place was always nicer whenever there was a match at White Hart Lane...
    I'll say no more.

  19. I live here and yes there are good parts and bad parts. I really think the Lammy should stay he was elected because he claimed he was born and raised here and would do his bit for the people. Now he bails. The only things Lammy does are things that make him look good. Self promotion etc. He does not care about the people. Does nothing for anyone. Get shot of him. Lets get someone that cares
