Friday, September 11, 2009

Tony Blair Does a Steve McLaren

And if the last clip didn't satisfy your need for more Tony Blair, maybe this one will - as he tries to out McLaren Steve McLaren...

Hattip: Liberal Burblings


  1. I'm no Blair fan but I actually thought that was quite funny.

    The thing about Blair is - although people loath him for his hypocrisy and doubletalk - he still looks good and comes over as much more accomplished than most others. Shame really - great example of the waste of a major talent. His problem was that came to believe in his own spin, that even his modesty became fake.

    Perhaps there should be some sort of rule that barristers cannot be MPs, let alone PMs, because they simply cannot distinguish between reality/truth and making an argument.

    The House is full of lawyers on all sides and we are not the better for it.

  2. Interesting how he 'audomatically' starts talking in a mid-Atlantic accent, and even starts going up in pitch at the end of sentences. He still feels the need to be liked and to fit in.

    Sad really.


  3. In answer to Despairing Liberal I would say it was very much an exaggeration of a minor talent.

  4. Much more dangerous than Brown. At least you can tell immediately when Gordon is fibbing and not find out in a few months time!

  5. don't you mean a 'shhteeeffe Mclaren'?

  6. Despairing Liberal is right.
    At least Blair looked and talked like the Prime Minister and wasn't an international embarrassment.

    You wouldn't trust Brown to go to the right door of an aeroplane.
    Photos of him going round the luggage carousel at JFK are a distinct possibility.
    As MikeyP says he is far more dangerous, but at least you had a few days to think on what he had said before you went ..."Hang on a minute.. That doesn't sound right."

    With brown the instant thought when he speaks is "That's a load of bollocks."

  7. Those silly Americans, fancy having a three times election winner on your show, when you could have had a famous paper reviewer of little watched late night news shows and presenter of a now defunct Mickey Mouse internet radio station?

  8. Dear God, he's just as rambling, incoherent and unconvincing now as he was in office.

    The man is a national embarrassment and probably the only figure in recent history who can actually make Brown sound statesmanlike.

  9. It is good to see Tony is doing the "tough" interviews still(remember him appearing on the Frank Skinner show before his 1997 election victory). I just hope he doesn't go on about invading other countries any more.

  10. WTF are you trying to do to use Iain. Mind you he sounds better than Brown what a nightmare
