Friday, September 11, 2009

Makes You Proud to be British: Part 94

Feel free to upchuck.

Hattip: Liberal Burblings


  1. Yes, I agree. Afterall Iain, if anyone deserves that sort of attention, it should be you shouldn't it? ;-)

  2. He always planned to be a rock star. He living the dream!

  3. I don't know how he does it. Bush walks away hated yet good ole Tone is still walking on water. The man is a creep. Lets face it he would never get that reaction over here.

  4. In training for the European Presidency.....

  5. I really must start joining such crowds. I just know my moment will come : "You c***" spoken very intently at just the right moment. And I would have created my very own W.I. moment.

    I thought the pics were hilarious - a vacuous grin supported either side by deep deep security frowns.

    Alan Douglas

  6. He looks not quite right, I would say - a bit sick of it all, and not quite happy in the new 'i used to be powerful' role.

    To me he's the man who did the most to sell Britain out and destroy our democracy. I'm ashamed of his falseness of character, and his smarminess. I wish he would just disappear.

    Unfortunately he looks to be around on our screens a lot longer as the one world government programme he has sold out to wants more service from him.

    It's like joining the mafia. Once you are a part of it you can never retire.

  7. This is NOT a joke !!September 11, 2009 7:10 am

    All he needs to do now is apply for US Citizenship and he could run for US President AND probably win !!!!

  8. I like the two muppets standing in the background. You can almost hear them think, "Who the hell is he?"

  9. Got to give the security guy credit for his look of sustained disbelief.

  10. Some things never change - he even pocketed the pen!

  11. And if you can last till 1.46 when Saint Tony is departing, the loudest paparazzi calls out "Cheers, asshole!" :)

  12. Unpleasant, but just imagine Gordon's face when he sees the adulation being meted out! What wouldn't he give...

  13. well I still prefer him to Gordon. At least he has a bit of charisma.

  14. Jesus...poor americans. I do like them but some of them are such simple people.

  15. I think you have to remember that Blair is idolised in the US by many people because he is seen as a true friend who stood by them after 9/11 when the cheese-eating surrender monkeys were quibbling and prevaricating.

    Today of all days, that sentiment is probably felt very strongly in the US.

    (But I did feel a bit queasy)

  16. Anonymous said...
    "Some things never change - he even pocketed the pen!"

    It was his own pen! You can see him take it out of his inside pocket at 0.36.

  17. I am afraid I could no more bring myself to watch this than watch Brown picking his nose. My stomach is too delicate.

    But the 'Tony Blair Superstar' idea is surely correct.

    What kind of empty shell must the Labour Party have been to elect him and follow it up by crowning Gordon Brown?

  18. Pass the sick bag Alice!

  19. "Jesus...poor americans. I do like them but some of them are such simple people."

    As "simple" as those millions of British who voted him in office three times in a row? And by the way many americans feel the same about the adulation Obama gets over here....

  20. CHEERIO !!

    Work it baby...

  21. Talking of proud to be British - did anyone hear 'The Reunion' on R4 this morning, featuring people from the Iranian Embassy Siege, including a member of the SAS ordered in by Mrs Thatcher who told them to 'deal with the terrorists' because they wouldn't cut a deal with the terrorists, if you catch my drift..

  22. He's a Mr 90-day non-dom tax exile now.

    How's that for hypocrisy. Breathtaking.

  23. He was just signing the cheques for the people who had been offered money to cheer for him.

  24. I wonder from whom he and the lovely Cruella scrounged a holiday to produce a tan like that?

    The one thing which amuses me about this video, which itself is pretty galling, is the thought of what it will be doing to the Old Stalinist of Downing Street this afternoon :-)...

  25. "He's a Mr 90-day non-dom tax exile now."

    Where's he domiciled?

    Do you even know what that means?

  26. Literally vomit enducing.
