Monday, September 28, 2009

Naughtie Tests the Mood

Jim Naughtie's five minute report on the Today programme was a brilliant summing up on the mood of Labour MPs and activists. Listen to it HERE.


  1. Talk is cheap. Labour need to say something radical at this Conference. Doubt they've got the bottle.

  2. Labour have never been honest with us and now they are not honest with themselves.
    They have made an economic mess again. They always do and always will. They are unable to defened the indefenceable.
    That is why they will loos so heavily. There is no honesty from them.

  3. Ive heard the word 'Conservatives' more times in one hour watching the McLabour conference than the entire Conservative conference next week!.

    Broon and the Scottish McLabour Raj truly are TERRIFIED!.

    McLabour OUT!.

  4. Also it is telling in the calibre of 'guest speakers' McLabour have at their conference.

    Broons fellow EUSSR employee/5th columnist, the PM of Spain, and the PM of Norway whos job it is to con the Norwegians into the EUSSR.

  5. blimey, if brown's principal cheerleader in his own broadcasting company thinks its over - it must be

  6. J R Hartley - Fly FishingSeptember 28, 2009 3:55 pm

    On the subject of Naughtie - can anyone point me to that Kinnock interview that the Beeb hid for so long.

    It's the embarrasing one where Naughtie allowed Kinnock to restart the interview having spouted a lot of hot air and used "we" a lot when referring to the Labour party. (I know I know it doesn't narrow it down).

    Anyone know an active link for it, the BiasedBBC site doesn't have an active link anymore.

  7. It will all depend on the leader's speech.
    I am very keen to hear what Sarah has to say this year.

  8. the bbc have until the 5th of may to spout all their left drivel,so give them a brake.

    after that they are toast.

    it is possible for a state broadcaster to be normal look at channel 4.

  9. Labour are now going for the worst kind of gesture politics. All this bankers bonuses nonsense is unbelievable. How about taking some action against your own crooks, frauds and troughers first?

  10. @JR...

    I know the incident you mean, where jm asked ed balls "When we win the election will gordon brown still be Chancellor?" (see below)

    After the next election, will he be saying "OK, we were heavily defeated."

  11. You have to be a very little bit sorry for them, Naughty and his gang must have some kind of conscience that they as part of the Mandelbum Cambell instant rebutal/lie squad put this shower in power, witness the long face of Jeremy "the sneer" Paxman in the audience yesterday

  12. Talk about taking the wee wee Zanu Lielabour's Lord Slime.....stating "if i can come back etc".....errrr
    perhaps he missed one small point he has not been elected ....but then again small matters like democracy don't seem to cut much ice with Our Great Leader who saved the Universe & beyond....

    Still have an uneasy feeling that Our Great leader will try to find a method NOT to have a GE....
    but whats that to do with democracy !!!Zanu LieLabour for ever......& no GEs

    Perhaps we should look at how some European countries have dealt with there former leaders....

  13. Brilliant? Meaning that you agree with? He didn't talk with me. Where did he get his info from? He's not the messiah he's a very Naughtie boy.

  14. I agree with Milliband (in this clip). The Tories are going to go for a "Safety First" strategy. Milliband says it's a mistake and I agree.

    For goodness sake why can't the Conservative leadership grow a set of bollocks and lead?

    Why do they have to go on, day after day,pretending Europe is not a problem, or Government control, or taxation and public spending?

    If Cameron thinks he can just sit there and watch Labour in meltdown, he may be right, but that is not a mandate for the next ten years that would attract me.

  15. All tosh.
    This mob are terminally corrupt.
    Their apologists (like Naughtie) have no sense of shame at all.
    There are NO "redeeming features".
    It's sick.

    Millipede D. seems to have finally perfected his mimic of Blairspeak - what a waste of time !

  16. My fear is that regardless of what Labour says this week (and lets be honest here they don't have much to say) many of the marginal Labour heartland will revert to tribe and vote Labour. Not enough to give Labour a working majority, but enough for them to consider getting in bed with that other lot.

    The idea that that Nick chap strutting his small, thin hairy ones around Westminster being a Kingmaker of some sort is just too awful to contemplate. I may have to emigrate to Italy if that happens.

    The Tories simply have to get the vote out on the day - if it takes carts and horses, well then so be it.

  17. Cameron is a smart operator.
    He will probably do a barn storming uplifting speech at the Tory conference, whilst not even mentioning Labour, and get another big poll bounce.

  18. Ed Millipede for Labour leader! That would upset a lot of people. Most of all his creepy brother.

  19. J R Hartley - Fly Fishing said...

    On the subject of Naughtie - can anyone point me to that Kinnock interview that the Beeb hid for so long.

    Neil Kinnock Loses It.

  20. Scoop for Iain Dale Blog!!!!

    The Queen cancels engangements!

  21. "The Queen cancels engangements!"

    Funny you should say that, I received an e-mail from a friend last week saying that Gordon Brown will call the General Election for Thursday October 22nd 2009 - as a surprise during his Labour Party Conference speech tomorrow. I thought it a joke. But then again.

    Will he or won't he?

  22. Twig,
    Thanks for the link.
    In his early days, I rated Kinnock, but soon realised that his spiel was 'a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing'.
    Best part of the interview is Naughtie slipping the F-word in at the end.

  23. I see the BBC have identified the "problem" family, most responsible for the suicide death of a mother and her daughter in Leicestershire.
    I do hope this won't result in someone firebombing the family's house.
