Monday, September 28, 2009

Harriet Goes Victorian

Do you remember in Victorian times they used to cover piano legs in case gentlemen got too aroused. Well, Harriet Harman today went out of her way to protect female modesty. Next to the Labour Party stand there's a poster advertising a concert by Rhianna. Harriet walked past and was not amused at the amount of female flesh on display. So she ordered it to be covered up. And it duly was.

I might go and Twitpic it for you tomorrow. I promise not to get too excited in the process...


  1. Go on, get as excited as you want: give voice to your inner Victorian!

  2. Go on - get as excited as you want: give voice to your inner Victorian!

  3. I can see Harriet Harman in victorian clothes . . . More fun than irrelevant PR flesh imho.

    I wonder, Iain, wether a post on your previous thread, which objected to its own graphic sexual detail, added anything apart from a vicarious thrill for your more pervy customers, who already get off on the merest mention of Cooper and Balls.?

    What would Sir Cliff say?

  4. I think it is generally accepted that the idea that the Victorians covered up piano legs for reasons of preventing impure thoughts is a myth.

  5. try and do before and after pics :D

  6. You couldn't make this stuff up. Planet zog.

  7. Perhaps a male political leader would not like a Chippendales poster?

    I bet quite a few heterosexual would find this take on Shakira to be too much - ?

  8. Did she canvas the court of public opinion first? Or was it just an exercise of unbridled authoritarianism?

  9. The piano legs story is a myth - furniture might well have been covered to prevent damage, since affluent Victorians liked to crowd their rooms with furniture and knick-knacks.

    But it is true that Mrs Dromey is a right pain in the top-of-the-legs department.

  10. Who is Rhianna ??

    Of course, if you mean Rihanna, maybe Harpie didn't want 'domestic violence tolerance' to be given high profile at the Labour Conference..

  11. Rumour has it her husband has to cover up her face before he has sex.

  12. The only thing I`d like to see this harriden in is a straight jacket

  13. She'll be in a burqa next...

  14. "in Victorian times they used to cover piano legs in case gentlemen got too aroused"

    You really ought to watch QI. This is a myth! Funnily enough I always thought Harman must be a myth, but there is increasing evidence that against all probability she not only exists but the Labour Party was stupid enough to allow her to be a candidate, and Labour voters dumb enough to elect her.

    Ah, well, stranger things happen at sea ...

    No. That's a lie. Nothing that strange has ever happened at sea.

  15. i was under the opinion that "fighting for womans rights" meant that a woman had the right to show "flesh" if she wanted ????

    what mad hattie isdoing is taking the "role" of the small minded male by saying that its offensive to show flesh.

  16. I bet it's a laugh a minute in Brighton!

  17. Will the advertiser, who presumably has paid good money for this site, be compensated from Harriet’s own pocket, or will it go on expenses?

  18. Those who say Herriet is a herriden may be of less accent then prets . . .

  19. I suppose flesh sells, these type of posters are rather like the tawdry pics littering a car mechanics garage.

    Bit of a giggle really though to visualise Ms Harmans shock and horror at the sight of the poster.

    How was it covered up/burkah?

  20. Yeah. Cos The Victorians are famous for standing up for women's rights.

  21. She should try Islam, it would really suit her character.

  22. Sniggered watching News at 10 on ITV tonight when the chap reporting from Brighton was standing in front of a huge police/traffic/elf and safety? sign stating "Exit...Labour"


  23. Truth was that piano leg protectors (if they were there) were there to protect the legs of pianos form damage, not the gaze of pianophiles!

    Harriet is a simpleton though, isn't she?

  24. Someone PLEASE get Rhianna's reaction.

  25. Victorian FetishistSeptember 29, 2009 8:17 am

    If only she would go Victorian. All those long dresses with crotchless drawers underneath - they didn't wear knickers then. And Victorian society was in many ways more sexualy liberated than now; it's just that they were more concerned with public appearances.

  26. Oh come on Iain you are joking...... arn't you? Please tell me that woman or whatever she is isn't for real.
    Her behaviour is pathetic, nanny harperson, god how I loath you and your puerile ideas.
    I believe that women are every bit as eqaul as men but this excuse for a woman does more to harm the cause of real equality than any one else in the country.
    Equally I bet if you told her a joke she would look blank and not understand what you meant. Bit like that idiot running the country I guess.

  27. I wonder how this sort of anti Rihanna policy would go down amongst her Peckham constituents?

  28. She must come from a parallel universe. She sounds like her film heroine would be Ms Trunchpole from 'Matilda'.

    I wonder if she's seen Beyonce's 'Single Ladies'?

    She might have apoplexy.

    Hope her kids have sussed how to use the internet 'parental controls' to keep her out.
