Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Leaked Document Gives Away Election Date

May 6th. That's when we will finally be rid of this shoddy government. Well, according to Bloomberg, who have seen a leaked copy of Labour's election war book. Details HERE. And as if it couldn't get much worse for Gordon Brown on the day he makes his latest make or break speech, Labour have been overtaken in the polls by the LibDems. Oh well, the good news is, last time it was UKIP!


  1. Plenty of time for new Conservative candidates to get through Parliamentary Assessment Board... I hope...

  2. 35 weeks togo to VE day... mark2
    Then we get our referendum or the troy's will go the same way as labour

  3. Wow Iain, that's a scoop! You couldn't sniff out the date of the Glasgow by-election could you? :-)

  4. That's why it is rumoured that Gordon Brown is to agree to debate with David Cameron pre any election. Desperate times mean desperate measures; after all what has Gordon got left to lose?

  5. Interesting isn't it to view the crowd attending the Labour conference on the box as downtrodden and scruffy, led by a very surly heavy handed lefty Prime Minister . There does not appear to be any joy in their hearts - A gathering of glum inarticulate untidy extremists!

    I thought Mandelson came across as a vain little person, and indeed he MAY have been the only one in the room with any throughbred political credentials ( Nepotism might be the right word)

    The idiots have not realised that Labour succeeded the Conservatives by nicking the middle ground, they certainly veered off course when Blair scarpered .

    All the extreme lefty talk will kill any chance of a revival.

    Why are their lady delegates so drab and helmet haired, surely this is an opportunity to get the glad rags out of the wardrobe , be noticed and improve their squeaky voices?

    I hope they all have nightmares knowing how much they have ruined and pushed Britain off balance.

    They have shattered a very precious ornament, haven't they.

    Has anyone kept a tally of their stealth taxes to date?

  6. True Belle - good question re taxes.

    I still remember the "26 Tory tax rises and 5 new taxes - you can trust us on Tax" type of thing from 1997.

    Looking back on it now, it should have read "you can trust us TO tax"

  7. Hmm I'm not convinced by a May election.

    Surely to hold an election not long after people have just been paid and have spotted the new tax rises would harm Labour's chances even more (if that's possible)

  8. I hardly think this is a 'leak'

    Rather this just uses the most obvious time for an election and works on that basis. Even those left on the sinking Labour ship would know this document was going to end up in the public domain.

  9. "I think any one of us would make a great MP for the area."

    Iain, this kind of generousity of sentiment, akin to what we often see on your blog, is what marks you out as an excellent candidate. I have no doubt that you mean it, and wish you well.

    I contrast your attitude with the auto-mouthed bletherings of a bleary Chipmunk, or Balls x 2, who are so partisan it makes me sick that we trust people like that with life-altering decisions as ministers.

    Alan Douglas

  10. Unfortunately Ed Balls has already given away the May 6th date to an eager public - well, the tiny fraction of it which reads the New Statesman, anyway:

    In the ‘New Statesman’ last week, Ed Balls correctly described Thursday May 6th 2010 as ‘the most important general election for a generation’.

  11. I'm still convinced Labour are already in campaign mode. They are out to wreck The Tory Conference next week with an explosive announcement!

  12. That's the day of the local elections in England.

  13. But in which year? I seem to recall that although Parliament has a maximum term of three years and is therefore automatically dissolved (not the right term but I hope the sense is there), another one does not have to be summoned for a maximum period of three years. Hence would I be right in thinking that technically there need not be a general election until Spring 2013? I wonder just how much the machinery of government would not be able to cope, given all the powers granted to ministers over the years. One to frighten the pundits with!

  14. Good on Bloomberg - they got the Cherie Blair comment during Gordon's first speech as Dear Leader also.

  15. So this would appear to contradict your assertion from your Fabian post of 27/9, that...

    'The economy - It won't get better in time for people to believe it is better in advance of the election. Unemployment will still be rising, and tax rises will come in in April. For that reason the election is unlikely to be at the beginning of May.'

    Personally I didn't agree with this point at the time. This government are in a full-time self-preservation mode, the country and it's needs (yet more tax rises) come a firm second.

    If that meant an election in May, and announcing tax rises in say April, but deferring them say two, three months until after an election, Labour are so shameless that they would do it, without so much as a blush.

  16. Not that much of a leak. It's on the Labour party stand at Labour conference. I picked up a copy at the weekend.

  17. If true then Darling will have to unveil another budget before election day - which must be something of an avantage for th etories, given how the last one went down

  18. If the last election was on Thursday, 5 May 2005, surely 6 May 2010 is (one day) too late?
