Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Gordon Forsakes Guardian for Telegraph

There was much clenching of teeth at the Guardian party at the Labour conference last night. Why? Because Gordon Brown failed to show up, and decided instead to break bread with the Telegraph at their bash instead. And frankly, who could blame him.

However, there was some consolation for the assembled Grauniad hacks. Martin McGuinness turned up, which, bearing in mind the event was held at The Grand, was surely some sort of sick joke. Or ... [fill in the blanks yourself].


  1. A sick joke Iain? Not really this is LIEBOUR remember, the terrorists friend. Remember how they allowed every barking mad Muslim terrorist to come and live here on benefits in 1997?

  2. Sorry, why is Brown so blase about pissing off one of probably the only two national rags that will back him?

  3. The Guardian is a newspaper? Not a Labour ring, sorry, mouthpiece?

    It's true, Iain, you do learn something new every day.

  4. The jibes of the Torygraph being called the Labourgraph are a lot less hollow!


  5. The Telegraph needs to watch the company is keeps.

    And why does Mary Riddell keep getting headline articles ?

    What's their agenda ?

    On McGuinness I have to agree with Martin. Labour have always been soft or in sympathy with terrorists 0- hence releasing the convicted mass mutrder to Libya, and giving up on justice for WPC Yvonne Fletcher.( And they can forget all that trying to hide behind the SNP's coat tails on this one - no ones buying it. )

    Maybe Labour are begging for Sinn Féin support in the event of a hung parliament ? Anything for a few more days in power for these failures.

  6. Absolutely a sick joke. The brass neck of the man.

  7. I am sure his presence made Labour feel much safer

  8. McGuinness: "Aye, it was a blast, so it was!"

  9. "Sorry, why is Brown so blase about pissing off one of probably the only two national rags that will back him?"

    At a guess, Gordon hasn't forgiven/forgotten the Guardians leader from a few months back... the one supposedly written by Rusbridger which asked Brown to resign for the good of the Labour Party

  10. Actually, that one little story sums up the New Labour era.

    I now think they might actually be destroyed in the next election.

  11. and we just drove home...

    [he's in the garden of the castle]

    (and I imagine Jenny Agutter enunciating: )

    Jane: ALAN! There's ... there's been a bomb!
    Alan: BOMB!

    the Diaries - 12 Oct 1984

  12. So he passed on a photo-op with McGuinness?

    What did the grauniad expect? There's crazy and there's crazy

  13. Hopefully the Guardian will be bust within a couple of years. No useless public sector job ads filling their coffers.

  14. Does Roy Greenslade fraternise with Martin McGuinness too, or just other senior IRA figures?
