Friday, August 28, 2009

Obama Must Meet Nick Clegg Demands LibDem Blogger

Oh you do have to laugh don't you. Click HERE for a good one.

President of Pakistan meets Nick Clegg. President of Pakistan is important person. Obama is important person too. Ergo, he should hold talks with Nick Clegg. Only right, innit?

ROFL and LMAO all in one.


  1. he is only a 'child' to be fair!

  2. Aww Iain - Irfan's only 18 and still idealistic ;)

  3. Why the hell are you reporting on what this moron says? He is one of the stupidest "bloggers" out there.

    His rantings are always bizzare and at times even offensive.

    He may be a card carrying Lib Dem, but that's where his link to the party ends. I honestly have no idea why he even is a Lib Dem. Seems to me he'd be far more at home with one of those more "eccentric" parties like Respect or whatever.

    As you can no doubt tell, I'm a Lib Dem and I am embarassed by this individual.

    Please make sure not to quote him like he is in any way representative of the rest of us Lib Dems :(

  4. Don't judge us by Irfan. Even calling him a Lib Dem is a bit of a stretch.

  5. The Lib Dem blogger in question is barking - he was soliciting for clients for his consultancy a few months ago, saying that he was best placed to advise propective Lib Dem candidates. Honestly, in all seriousness, he was. Oh, by the way,he's 17 years old, according to his website. :o)

    WV - 'nookie'. If Only..........

  6. That would be ROFLMAO then.

  7. Aww He is funny.

  8. ROFL and LMAO

    Pfft, Nick Clegg's a noob.

  9. Honestly, I think Iain Dale's blog looks the more ridiculous one here. It is not exactly mature for a middle aged former parliamentary candidate to get into a squabble with a 17 year old over comments on his blog and to then start mimicking those comments. Pathetic.

  10. If you're not a Liberal Democrat by the time you're 18, you haven't got a heart. If you're still a Liberal Democrat by the time you're 21, you haven't got a brain.

    Weren't you a card carrying member of the Lib Dems yourself Iain?!

    He is young. Irfan take your birthdate down - its an Identity theft risk...

  11. Well self delusion is a pre-requisite for being a Lib Dem.

  12. Why are you having a nasty day?

  13. He's a joke. Every message he leaves on a blog contains a link to his. He's an attention seeker. And a bit of a loon

  14. Which would be 'Roflmao' :)

  15. I thought the president of the USA only meet important people ?

  16. Careful, Iain. I'm fairly sure it's only a matter of time before this one "discovers" he's actually a Tory :-D

  17. Its not the strongest argument taken on its own, but there probably are good cases for figures like Obama to meet the leaders of the main political parties even if just at a dinner* with really expensive smores. Probably best not to invite the BNP to that one. I don't think they're keen on smores.

    *This is probably why it always happens.

  18. Cheap shot, Dale. Damn funny though. Carry on.

  19. My first reaction was to look for a mention of "R.Monkee", as this has to be a spoof

  20. Clegg always sounds like an irritable school prefect.

  21. Could Obama really trust Michelle when confronted by love-god Nick?

  22. I've noticed some of this chap's amusing posts before. I remember he once posted on PB in response to an entry by Mike Smithson's son on polling methodology and said something along the lines of "I have written a response on my blog Mr Smithson, please respond".

    Generally he seems to have a sense of extreme self-importance and very flimsy arguments.

  23. Hm. You know, on a closer reading this post does leave a slightly nasty taste in the mouth. Much though I agree he has a grasp of political discourse, and indeed, the English language, that makes most 17-year-olds look like John Stuart Mill, is there really any need to point and laugh like this? It's hardly like you're taking down a player, is it?

    I remember thinking much the same thing when some Labour PPC actually referenced Irfan, in much the same way you do, in a speech somewhere, and got a good few laughs out of him. Did she really have nothing better to talk about to make her and her audience feel better about being Labour?

    Oh, wait...

  24. It does leave a nasty taste in the mouth Alix. Clearly after Iain Dale's humiliating defeat at the 2005 GE he has decided to stick to fighting political battles with 17 year olds rather than starting anything with grown ups.

  25. "Clearly after Iain Dale's humiliating defeat at the 2005 GE he has decided to stick to fighting political battles with 17 year olds rather than starting anything with grown ups."

    Most 17 year olds would come up with more sensible arguments than Mr Ahmed.

  26. @Alix and those saying this leaves "a bad taste".

    Irfan Ahmed is a tool. This is someone who raises the Lib Dem banner without having a clue what it or the party represents.

    Pretty much everything he writes is nonsensical, the antithesis of what being a Lib Dem is all about, and about half the time outright offensive.

    Remember, this is a guy who tried to argue for MP's private addresses to be made public soley for the purpose of encouraging people to visit Tom Harris MP's garden to defecate in it.

    Nice guy eh?

    Ahh, but he's 17 I hear you cry. So what? If someone wants to partake of the political blogsphere they should be treated the same as every other blogger, no better, no worse.

    Giving people dispensation because of age is a ridiculous road to go down.

    What if someone in their late 80's took to blogging, and used it as a medium for racist and sexist statements that were "ok back in their day" - would you be so keen to make allowances then given their advancing age?

    If Irfan's old enough to spout offensive bile about such crap as a man's right to decide who his wife votes for, and encourage hateful campaigns against others, then he's old enough to be called on a tool when he is clearly acting like one.

  27. He's a loony Lembit Grope-it fan. Need I say more?!

  28. "Remember, this is a guy who tried to argue for MP's private addresses to be made public soley for the purpose of encouraging people to visit Tom Harris MP's garden to defecate in it."

    A sensible policy for a better Britain!

  29. Why would anybody go to the trouble of doing that to Tom Harris M.P's garden? The bloke hasn't got any power at all thank god. It is sad given his record of licking Tony Blair's boots that he never rose to any significant position, but life can be tough. He is a nobody.

  30. I don't give a flying monkey's toss if Irfan is 17 or 67; I've had more cohesive political arguments with my cat. The man and his half-baked opinions are an embarrassment to both himself and the party of which he's nominally a member; I would love to see him drummed out of the LibDems before he does any serious damage. Take careful note, Tony Greaves.

    Heaven only knows why he's sucking up to the likes of Guido and Tory Bear; those guys will eat him alive after having a good old mock, much more so than the Blackburn Labourites did.

  31. Dp read the coments to this particular blogpost. Some ofthem actually made me laugh out loud, especially the 'putting his spice rack in alphabetical order' one.

  32. In that case Nick Clegg should go to an Obama rally and stand in the front row. That could work.
