Saturday, August 29, 2009

Labour Councillor to Constituent: Wise Up S***head!

The excellent new Welsh Conservative blog Cardiff Blogger has the story of how a Labour councillor in Carmarthen tried to bully a teenage youth into reversing his decision to pull out of a concert in Libya marking the 40th anniversary of Gadaffi's rise to power.

Carmarthen Labour councillor Marc Scaife, who has put his name forward for selection as the party’s parliamentary candidate in Carmarthen East & Dinefwr, left on Wednesday for a controversial tour of Libya with Burry Port Town Band.

The band have been criticised for continuing with the tour – part of the 40th anniversary celebrations of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi coming to power – after the release last week of the man convicted of the Lockerbie bombing.

In the phone message, a man who identifies himself as Marc Scaife, uses highly offensive language to berate a 19-year-old member of the band who pulled out of the Libyan tour at a late stage, creating a perceived security problem.

The caller is heard saying: “Listen very f****** carefully. You are a f****** idiot…There’s a massive security risk because of you. Do you realise what’s actually going on? Is anything going on in your tiny little mind?

“We are supposed to be playing in front of some of the biggest world leaders out there. Security is 100% tight and it includes the British Royal Family.

“I expect you to sort this f****** thing out. You go up there, you sort it out or expect a call from MI5. All right?

“I’ve had some serious explaining to do because of your irresponsible actions. Call me back as soon as you get this f****** message or I’ll be driving over to your parents’ house tonight to speak to them.

“Wise up, s***head.”

Charming. Mr Scaife is in the process of wanting to be a Labour parliamentary candidate. I suspect his chances may have been slightly damaged by this. Just my guess, you understand!


  1. Hair drier practice ... Future labour leader there methinks.

  2. Nothing like a Welsh LEAK to OIL the wheels of business.


  3. This highlights the problem , they forget they are there to serve us not the other way around

  4. I did enjoy listening to the recording.
    Marc Scaife appears to have a pathetic Malcolm Tucker fixation.
    I hope this silly childlike bully does get selected as a candidate. In a campaign he'd be fully exposed as totally unsuitable for politics. Deliciously damaging for disgusting Labour :D

  5. "The excellent new Welsh Conservative blog Cardiff Blogger has the story..."

    No he hasn't. He's cut and pasted it directly from the front page of yesterday's Western Mail. That's not "excellent" blogging. Anyone can do that.

  6. "Charming. Mr Scaife is in the process of wanting to be a Labour parliamentary candidate. I suspect his chances may have been slightly damaged by this."

    On the other hand, how are his web skills? He could be the new Dolly Draper!

  7. I fail to follow your logic here Iain that this wannebe Labour Parliamentary Candidate has spoiled his chances because he has been outed as an out and out bully.

    A perfect soul-mate I would have thought for Gordon Brown, Ed (so what) Balls, Labour Whips, etc, etc...

  8. Try living next door to a Lib-Dem Councillor it was the most harrowing 5yrs of my life!!

    Not to mention the legal fees and "her" having the Old Bill on tap truly shocking.

    Welcome back Iain good holidays?

  9. Well, what does one expect? Decent behaviour?

  10. I suspect his chances may have been slightly damaged by this.

    You're absurdly optimistic. We're talking about the Labour Party, Dale. The Labour Party. Let's not pretend we don't all know how they work and how they do business.

  11. Wait, so it is OK for Cameron to say Twat, but not OK for some Welsh guy to say "shit"?

    Neither come across well to me.

  12. Give that man a Nokia.

    The performer should make a complaint and have it responded to by the Prime Minister

  13. Paul, what a ridiculous comment. The point is that this man was bullying someone. Cameron used the word twat in an interview, How you can compare the two is beyond me.

  14. "How you can compare the two is beyond me."

    It obviously helps enormously to be an idiot...

  15. I don't understand the post. This man is going to blend in seamlessly with the present group of Labour Ministers and troughing MPs that no one will notice behaviour like this.
    Must be a slow news day.

  16. You're either being deliberatly obtuse Paul or you're an idiot.

  17. No it will not blight his chances of being picked as a prospectiv candidate.
    Socialism disregards such, as the means justify the ends, always!

  18. What a ridiculous idiot Marc Scaife is for bullying a teenage boy.

    My favourite bit was when he said to expect a call from MI5.

  19. Iain- I would have put a caveat in this story, you do not want to get caught like the left wing bloggers. Just leaving a message in this chaps name could be someone trying to upset the apple-cart so to speak. So make sure you have checked your sauces.

  20. Well the leader of Barnet Council calls bloggers who oppose him wankers, and he is still the PPC for Finchley, so I doubt whether Mr Scaife’s chances of being selected as a PPC will be adversely affected either.

  21. My brief experience of standing for parliament - UKIP in 2001 in Shrewsbury & Atcham - showed me things I hadn't previously come across.

    When out canvassing, if a Labour canvasser was encountered, I invariably heard - you're a wanker about fifty times in a row - or equivalent.

    Later in the campaign I found a young fellow setting posters fixed to my car alight, in effect, trying to torch my car.

    I was very surprised to find the same fellow going round at the Count with Paul Marsden the Labour candidate. I think violence and abuse are a part of Labour's way of doing politics.

    Strangely Paul Marsden as MP for Shrewsbury came to the same conclusion and resigned from Labour to go Lib Dem, alleging heavy tactics were being used on him to force him to stop his rebellion over Afghanistan.

    He probably had no idea his own supporters were engaging in heavy tactics on the street.

    Harry Enfield had it right overall. L is for LABOUR. L is for LICE.

  22. More from The Times

    And the actual message is held by Wales Online (click on the Watch button, top left)

  23. The murky layers of politicsAugust 29, 2009 2:14 pm

    So behind the veneer of respectability lies a bully - not the first time in politics. I wonder who had leant on the ppc?
    Who wants the gas deal?

  24. It's alright, I'm sure if the disgusting slimebag Mandelson does his job right, there will be plenty of festivities in North Korea and Burma to play instead.

  25. Nokia throwing is now in Labour DNA

  26. Paul Halsall
    It is the likes of your blinkered and undying support for Labour that has led to the smearing and villification of anyone who directly or indirectly criticises this Labour administration.
    The list of innocents who thought they were in a democracy and allowed to speak the truth without fear or retaliation includes; Pam Warren, Dr David Kelly, Sir Richard Dannatt, etc, etc, etc....

    It is the likes of your blindness to these attacks on people who should be heard in a decent society that has made this Welsh Councillor such an attractive addition to the Labour ranks; Of course you can call someone a sh**head after all your job is to sh** on everyone once elected to Parliament.
    That is the rule of law that presides in New Labour and your comment earlier merely endorses many of the the rank and files acceptance of it.

  27. Why did the lad blob though? Free trip to Libya seems alright to me (assume it was a Labour freebie). Anyway, quite amusing.

  28. So make sure you have checked your sauces.

    HP or tomato?

  29. Wait, so it is OK for Cameron to say Twat, but not OK for some Welsh guy to say "shit"?

    No, it's okay for Cameron to say "Twat". It's not okay for an elected official to call up a random teenager and call him a "fucking idiot" and "a shithead" and to issue what amounts to a threat.

    Halsall, just once accept that it's possible for a member of the Labour Party to do wrong. Just once accept the merest possibility that a member of the Labour Party is not perfect in every conceivable way and that making abusive phonecalls is not acceptable.

    Or you could just go on with your blind devotion to and fetishistic adoration of anyone and anything with a red rosette.

  30. Snappy he did NOT cut and paste it. He linked to the story. Do TRY to keep up old chap.

  31. Dick, it looks as if his employer would not or could not give him time off work.

    Trip to Libya or being able to pay your way in life?

  32. To the nul/labour Councillor you cant go around telling people what to do
    The boy did not want to play for Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and that is His Choice not your's you nazi

    boohoo he won't do as i tell him
    boohoo im telling MI5 of you
    boohoooooo sniff we goner lose wales and scotland at the next general election

  33. Todays story in The Times is interesting in that they have a letter in which Straw specifically links the possible release to negotiatons on BPs oil deal. They quote Straw as actually saying:-

    “I had previously accepted the importance of the al-Megrahi issue to Scotland and said I would try to get an exclusion for him on the face of the agreement. I have not been able to secure an explicit exclusion.

    “The wider negotiations with the Libyans are reaching a critical stage and, in view of the overwhelming interests for the United Kingdom, I have agreed that in this instance the [prisoner transfer agreement] should be in the standard form and not mention any individual.”

    So the Agreement was modified to allow the possibility of al-Megrahi's release under it.

    This was all in 2007. Roll forward to 2009 and McAskill then refuses to release him under the Prisoner Transfer Agreement but does so using that great tradition of the Scottish Justice system 'compassionate grounds for convicted mass murderers'.

    Oh yes.

  34. The teenager in question has responded!
