Friday, July 24, 2009

Phlog: Norwich North Update

This is my debut "phlog". It's essentially a two minute phone call which can then be embedded within seconds on the blog. Is this something you would like to see more of? I did a few "vLogs" which got quite a good reaction, but they're quite time consuming to produce and upload. This isn't and is fairly instantaneous.

I guess the secret of these Phlog software is only to use it when there's a point to it and not use it as a replacement blog post. Anyway, I'd welcome your advice on how, when and if to use it in the future.


  1. No good if you are following in the office with no speakers! Reading is easier!

  2. The phlog is (just) OK - for cetain things... However, without some text to reflect on commenters will respond to your 'tone' - which could be quite interesting - especially when you sound smug or sneery


  3. I agree with the first comment, if I am in say Ethiopia at the office we have restricted bandwidth as well so text is best for me.

  4. I also have no speakers in the office, so please stick to text!

  5. Phlogged to death : New technology.

    Alan Douglas

  6. As above, Iain. If you're going to use rich media you still need to make sure those of us in offices are not left behind. Transcribing it would be too much hassle, but at least give us a one-line brief on what you're saying.

    Then again, perhaps one of your commenters would be so kind as to listen and post a comment telling the rest of us what was said.

  7. I prefer reading, too - it's much easier (and faster) to scan something and see whether it's interesting / relevant / etc than to listen to words at the speed of a normal broadcast. Also, when I listen to anything online, my son tends to assume it's some cute news item featuring baby animals and wants to watch / listen, too ... and great though your Norwich North update undoubtedly is, you're no baby panda! ;-)

  8. I liked it. Felt like a mini podcast. Probably good to do one every so often to mix things up a bit.

  9. Taking your Phlogger out with you on the campaign trail. Use it to record anecdotes/interviews/arguments to give readers/listeners some highlights of your day. Then, it might be worth writing about them on the blog at an easier moment.

  10. Get headphones!

    Makes it much easier than reading a blog when working!

  11. I'm listening at home with decent external speakers and rather liked the personal touch and the sense of immediacy.

  12. I like it. It must be a heckuva lot easier than typing a post on a blackberry or other mobile keyboard.

    Ditto William.

  13. No, it don't not work for me, not neither nor. I work to music - iTunes on shuffle, phasers on stun - and MUCH prefer to read than listen.

    Furthermore, the sound quality off your telling-bone is utterly gash. In the fight between you struggling with the static and pitch-perfect Baaba Maal (1) in sublime stereo, I'm sorry to report that you are simply not in the game.

    (1) Now it's Vampire Weekend!

  14. Please don't ever do this again. If I'm reading text, I can only infer that you're a smug twat - the phlog confirms it beyond doubt.

  15. The Blog is great for pithy comment.

    Whereas the Phlog seems a good way of providing more in-depth context

    i.e. I'd never bother to read a transcript of everything you send on the Phlog, however, it was quick, easy and interesting to hear your spoken comments.

  16. I think its a good idea for the occasional Phlog Iain.

  17. It's nice to hear your voice.

  18. Yes, phlog is fine in addition to, but not instead of, please!

    Some might not even be able to risk headphones in the office... :-(

  19. I agree with the first comment Its not about speakers its about not wanting to be overhead when I'm meant to be working

  20. BTW, Iain, on the subject of music:

    Since you appear to enjoy poppy-style music und du spricht Boxhead, may I recommend 2Raumwohnung -

  21. Oh, and 17 Hippies also - Adieu, off the latest album, is sublime; there's a sound-clip on the website. They are a loose Berlin-based collective, led by someone with the parodically German name of Christopher Blenkinsop.


  22. UKIP win in Cambridgeshire:

  23. useful addition for when you haven't time or opportunity to write text.

    Any possibility of using voice recognition software to convert to text? (i use it all time and once it learns your voice it's quite accurate enough for a blog).

    Good to hear the voice though - gives a bit of colour, and of course can give a different perception of same statement (remember Nixon audio / visual broadcasts from years ago?)

  24. Have you thought about Audioboo?

  25. Don't bother phlogging just do more blogging

  26. For once Iain I am going to congratulate you on a new innovation to your blog.
    I personally would like to see more of these as it gives a new dimension to political posts.


  27. I'm really not interested in audio (or video) blogs. Stick with text.
