Friday, July 24, 2009

Norwich North Count Underway

The Norwich North Count has started. If you want to follow it minute by minute you might want to follow Norfolk Blogger's Twitter Feed HERE.

9.52: Sky News is reporting that Labour has conceded defeat and are expecting to come third.

10.17: UKIP reported to be getting lots of votes in the city wards in Norwich North. LibDems not doing as well in the Broadland wards as expected.

10.29: Turnout is 45.88%. Result is expected between 11.30 and 12.30.


  1. Election counts must be the only time in your life when you hope that your piles swell faster than anyone else's in the room.

  2. Turnout reported as 45% around 35,000 votes not many more than the CC .

  3. GDP shrunk by 0.8%. Worse than expected.

    The BBC graphic was misleading in that it showed last quarters 2.4% as a block on a barchart and this quarters 0.8% as another as if it was a rise - but this is 0.8 on top of 2.4!

    Beware graphs. The decline oin GDP this year is 3.2%

  4. Not by any means would I class myself as sartorially elegant but, seriously, Chloe's how old? 29 ish? She was dressed like a 1970's living room - first thing's first if she wins - get thee to a modern shop. Err...I think i've said too much.

  5. Hello Iain,

    Off topic but I would like to make a suggestion.All those homes built on flood plains that have been flooded twice or more should immediately have their insurance withdrawn.This would solve housing negative equity at a stroke.Why should sane people be required to subsidise Numpties?

  6. Smell that Labour fear.

  7. I'd be happy with Labour coming fourth of fifth.

    Perhaps we could have a by-election in Ashfield. The representative there is a far dodgier character than Dr.Ian Gibson could ever possibly be! One rule for some, another rule for others.

    Fair game?

  8. You don't concede defeat, for Gawd's sake! You concede a victory. You admit defeat.

    If I die of apoplexy, it'll be all your fault, you rascal.

  9. getting rid of Ian Gibson must be the Liebour `own goal` of the Arden says, I too would be happy to see them come fourth or fifth...

    Not suprised UKIP picking up votes, many former Tories very unhappy with Dismal Dave...They are going to target Bercow in the Farrage is the candidate & he might just win...

  10. Someone at sky must be reading this blog, the headline now changed to "Labour admits defeat.."

    Fan bloody tastic !!
