Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Finders Sheepers ... Or Not

Yesterday, I wrote about 15 sheep which had suddenly turned up at our home on Sunday afternoon. My partner didn't want me to mention it here. I said that maybe putting it on the blog might help identify their rightful owners. "Yeah, right," he said. "I doubt whether many of your readers live in Pembury."

This morning one of my blogreaders (thank you Ewan) emailed me to say they might belong to his uncle. We've finally tracked him down, and sure enough they do. He had been looking for them since Friday. Blogpower works, you see!

The Tunbridge Wells Courier have also been on and want to come round for "the story". I have half expected to get BBC South East News on the phone. It's just the kind of story they lead their news bulletins with nowadays. Well, it is the silly season...


  1. Don't you mean 'thank you 'Ewe'an..?

  2. Iain 'I have a paddock, doncha know' Dale...

    This is how reputations get made...

    See, if you started going to church, this is the sort of thing which your friendly neighbourhood vicar could be using in his sermon this Sunday..

  3. Have you received an apology yet......

  4. Fess up, Dale. The sheep didn't just wander onto your property, did they? You were sheep-rustling again.

  5. when can we expect the book ?

  6. No pun intended with the name of the nephew...?

  7. It's all gone Harris Tweed and Hunters on here. Are you pitching for a cameo in Emmerdale?

  8. Iain continues his quest to dominate the media!

  9. I can picture the scene. "I read your blog and there were my sheep! I recognised little Wooly Shoes, my favourite. But you said there were 15. I lost 16 sheep! Can I look in your freezer?"

  10. I bet you phoned the local rag, not the other way round...

  11. You'll probably find that some local has discovered that they have ancient grazing rights on your land... i would take a quick peek at your deeds if I were you

  12. I wish you'd stop bleeting on about this.

    Ewan, surely shome mistake?!

  13. I love this story.

    Mind you, it's a good thing you had a field that didn't come with a moat Iain.

    My goodness, the carnage...

  14. I would contact Aardman Films - there is a Wallace and Grommit story in there somewhere.

  15. @trevorsden - never mind Wallace & Gromit


    (Couldn't resist posting it up again)

    BTW - Iain's "do" in Manchester. Does anyone know where I can get 15 cardboard cut-out sheep to put in a little paddock outside the room he's hiring?

  16. Its not impossible hawkeye -




  17. What a lovely feel good story! The positive side of blogging.

    Incidentally, is anyone in your family good at writing stories? I feel this would make a excellent children's story:

    "Farmer Dale and the 15 sheep."

    It would make a great counting story. Farmer Dale is counting his sheep, and he finds he has 15 more than he should have! How did that happen?

    It would retell the story of how Farmer Dale and his family tracked down the rightful owner of the 15 sheep.

    (And yes, I seriously do think it would make a great story)

  18. @TrevorsDen

    Thanks for the links, but at £25 per cardboard cut-out (= 15x25 = £375) combined with the fact that Iain wants to be a politician (i.e. memory like a goldfish for non-political stuff) I think that it would be wasted on him.

    He'd never remember the sheep incident

    At least, I hope not......
