Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bookies Predict Rantzen Won't Make It To Luton Poll

Ha! Ladbrokes are quoting me 4/6 odds on that Esther Rantzen will pull out before nominations close for Luton South. That means they think this is more likely than a Rantzen win. Wise people, these bookies.

One thing which occurred to me. I wonder if she realises that in the unlikely event that she wins, all her outside earnings will have to be declared, along with the hours she spends on them.

I am also sure that she will demonstrate her commitment to the good burghers of Luton by moving there as soon as practicable. It's a bit of a commute from Hampstead, after all. Although to be fair, Margaret Moran managed it from Southampton :).


  1. Keeps her in the paper Iain. I'd even question if she seriously wants the job.

    How many breakfast TV shows is she going to be on tomorrow morning?

    Perhaps one desperate party (ahem Labour) will intervene and end up offering her the chance to stand for them?

  2. This is, from her, dreadful opportunism.

    She claimed she would only stand if Moran didn't stand down, then Moran goes and Rantzen, seemingly addicted to the attention, finds her ego is seemingly bigger than we realised.

  3. Hey folks, guess who else is back in town ?


    He should provide some entertainment for Luton !

  4. I think her campaign slogan should be 'mutton dressed as lamb'...

  5. Do we know if her Hampstead pile has a moat?

    Rantzen's creation of Childline, as she has finally had the grace to acknowledge publicly, has been instrumental in destroying children's confidence in adults and creating the current hysterical politically correct over-reaction against "risk of child abuse".

    I have no time for this woman. Her publicity-seeking has done a great deal of social damage.

  6. I wonder what the odds are that Sheila 'Did I mention that John Thaw was my late husband?' Hancock might stand for Parliament as well ?

  7. This is politics going from the cor blimey to the bloody ridiculous. What sort of society are we if our response to the recent scandals and crisis in our democracy is to elect Esther flipping Rantzen??! Will she have any purpose as an M.P other than promoting herself? Electing C or D - list celebrities is likely to drag respect for Parliament even lower.

  8. She wont make it. She is just a glory hunter.

    Just read a scary article on trueblueblood today on obesity.

  9. Its surely more to do with statistical concerns about how many people place a bet a particular way than any amount of insight

  10. Very "watch this space"!

  11. more chance than you ..eh Iain

    bloggin' with a tinge of green?

    and as for media whoring ,,,well ...she could always do the paper reviews.

    she done good with childline

    I doubt she will loose her deposit , there will be a large protest vote looking for an avenue

  12. Sorry - OT I know, but I wanted to comment on yesterday's 'Successful end of Stage 1 of Panther's Claw' media line from Gordon.

    Sorry, but this line smacks to me of classic Mandy-inspired communication spin to diffuse the rapidly growing criticism of mounting British deaths & lack of helicopters in Afghanistan.

    What better way to try & draw a line under the recent criticism than by promoting "Stage 1 and all its July deaths and political incompetencies are behind us. NOW -we have brand new Stage 2 which will signal a great new beginning."

    Remind you of something Gordon & Mandy have tried before ?.... like "ignore Old Labour and our failings because we've now developed brand spanking new 'New Labour' !

    Or am I being too cynical ?

  13. Actually Iain, (assuming those odds are correct) at 6/4 the bookies are predicting that the most likely outcome is that she will make it to the poll. If you think it's more likely that she won't than will, there's value in that bet.

  14. Oh ignore me. I should learn to read.

  15. If she has any sense, she will.

    She's a bit of an airhead and would be humiliated in the polls if she pressed on with it.

    As you say, Moran's gone ... so what's the point? Does she believe she can beat a Tory or UKIP candidate?

    Perhaps she thinks she can catch votes that might've gone to Labour. Hmmm ... that would be a good result - humiliate 'em further!

  16. Another D-lister on a vainglorious ego trip. I suspect this is the natural step after they recover from the adrenalin boost provided by "I'm A Celebrity" and "Big Brother". Rather sad really. Perhaps a fitting twist to Powell's old chestnut... "all celebrity careers end in failure."

  17. If she does stand as an independent in Luton South, all she will do is split the anti-Labour vote in what should be a marginal, and end up saving the seat for the Labour candidate. Maybe that's what her old friend Shaun Woodward has advised her to do.
    If she does move to the area, I reckon she's more likely to buy somewhere down the road in nice, middle-class, frighteningly expensive Harpenden instead. It might be better for her chances if she stays in Hampstead.

  18. Rantzen's first loyalty is to the state of Israel. Since the Knesset makes Westminster look like a vicar's tea party, why doesn't she get her sorry ass over there and stand as "the clean-up candidate" for Likud ?

  19. Nicholas BennettJuly 29, 2009 1:27 am

    The history of celebrity candidates isn't very good even when they stand as a candidate for a mainstream party. Jimmy Edwards and Ted Dexter both stood for the Tories and lost.

  20. Given she has worked for the BBc for many years - how would her expenses (and perks) look if splashed over the Daily Telegraph?

  21. Oh dear, if this tired out TV 'personality' stands, would it not be opportune to remind people of the disgraceful way she treated the ever dignified Cyril Fletcher.

    Perhaps a screening of one of the later episodes of That's Life! complete with some cringe making animal trivia would also help younger voters to understand the nature of this vaguely hideous woman.
