Monday, June 29, 2009

Will Speaker Bercow Act?

Over the weekend Ed Balls, Yvette Cooper and Andy Burnham all made policy announcements relating to the Building Britain's Future document which the government is launching tomorrow. One would have thought that such announcements ought to have been made first in the House of Commons. I imagine Speaker Bercow will have something to say on the matter this afternoon. And if he does, this blog will be the first to praise him.


  1. Maybe Bercow won't be such a bad Speaker after all. The way that some Conservatives attacked him before he even started his job was pretty shocking and they could be made to eat large portions of humble pie.

  2. Oh good God...Iain will the tories really not leak policy announcements to the press when they are in power. It is all a bit petty!

  3. are you really going to demand action after every minister makes any kind of policy announcment.

    your sounding like a broken record

  4. Bercow himself said these matters should be announced in the house first. The ministers have clearly disregarded him so he needs to act or it was all just a load of hot air. And if he stamps his authority now I'm sure that a future Tory government will also have to comply under the same rules. He handled PMQ's fairly (Could have suggested Brown answer a question correctly since that is a cause of a lot of the ruckus at PMQ's to begin with) so this is his next big test.

  5. Well of course little Grumpy wil, take action , he likes people who are winning does Grumpy.

  6. I don't want Balls, Balls and Burnham to build Britain's anything, thank you very much.

  7. Most likely answer is NO, but you must remember there is the thing of his vanity which might make him say something.

  8. Ed Balls explaining to Andrew Marr how he was moving money from (Michael Gove's) 2011 education budget into his (Ed Balls') 2009 budget was surprising even for Blinky. Time-machine politics !

  9. The ZaNu Labour movement is testing the Speaker. Testing just how far they can push him sround.

    Unless Bercow stands up to the bullies, the country is lost. My guess....nothing. Just hope I'm wrong.

  10. Iain you are too much of a gentleman. Take a leaf out of new liebour and just carry on lying.

  11. Yes, will be very interesting to see whether the new Speaker does actually make a reference to addressing P first. He made such a big deal about it last week, he will have to stick to his words or it is just empty rhetoric. One word for you know who, he speaks a load of B**S ....

  12. No he wont he is a Labour supporter. It will go against the deal for his election by Labour.

  13. More likely he'll crush a grape then stagger out drunk with power.

  14. I am hoping that the Tories will back the speaker to the hilt on this -- it could be very funny, and sweet revenge.

  15. Wasn't this building Britain's Future guff done back in April?


  16. Berty Brown-StainesJune 29, 2009 12:21 pm

    "Anonymous said...
    I am hoping that the Tories will back the speaker to the hilt on this -- it could be very funny, and sweet revenge."
    I'm sure they will - as long as the blade passes right through his heart.

  17. To Letters from a Tory: You are quite right that the attacks on Bercow have been shocking though not quite as shocking if you are sceptical that antisemitism has been eradicated from the tory party.

  18. Mr Sceptic: Not liking someone who is a Jew is not the same as not liking someone because he is a Jew. That is a crude New Labour lie that has no place in sensible debate.

  19. Polly Toynbee's HairdresserJune 29, 2009 1:17 pm

    Will Bercow's tenure as the NeoLabour Speaker be the shortest in modern history?

    Surely this ghastly little character will be ousted next autumn.

  20. What's all this bollocks about anti-semitism? Until Cameron congratulated him on being the first Jewish speaker after his election I'm sure the vast majority of people both Tory and non-Tory alike were unaware and to be frank, couldn't give a monkeys once they found out. People were accused of being anti-catholic when they criticised Michael Martin, but half my family is catholic and I thought he was shit. Now stop trolling.

  21. Bercow said if elected speaker he will make the executive accountable to parliament.

    It is not anti semitic to hold him to the claim he made, days ago.

  22. I certainly hope that Bercow does get them to make announcements to the House, as they should.

    Shame all the idiot Tories can't get over the whole thing. I mean, Nadine Dorries not liking someone is a GOOD thing

  23. Uncle Bob said...
    "He handled PMQ's fairly (Could have suggested Brown answer a question correctly since that is a cause of a lot of the ruckus at PMQ's to begin with).

    If he suggested that then Brown could just slap him down. A PM is free to answer questions in any way he/she chooses.

  24. What was Balls on?June 29, 2009 2:34 pm

    TV interview:

    "Bunker Balls bubbling like a brook" (and talking a load of bol**cks)

  25. Since when have the Tories belived that policy announcements could only be made to the House of Commons. This was obviously not the case in days of Thatcher/Major when they were regularly made to Tory Party Conference and elsewhere - in fact there was little else of substance. It may be right that they should be made to Parliment first - but Iain should lay off the rewriting of history.

  26. It is not antisemitic to hold him accountable or even to consider him a complete sh*t but when a politician of all people is accused of being 'argumentative' you wonder what's hiding behind the remarks. And when the Evening Standard links him with Robert Maxwell and then throws in for good measure that his family name used to be Berkowitz with some crude puns on his name you stop wondering and are pretty certain.

  27. No, Cameron has just reminder him in the commons that all of Brown's statement has been presented. Too late Bercow, you fluffed it again.

  28. And did the wee fella do anything?

  29. the problem for ian is he forgets about past tory behaviour on this topic.
    comes across rather hyprocritical. Never does stop him making these posts though *shakes head*

  30. No-one should take any notice of Bercow cos he's a bumptious little twerp.

  31. Could somebody compile a list of criticisms that can be made of Bercow as Speaker without being labelled an anti-Semite please? Or do we just revere him as a deity to avoid any offence?
