Monday, June 29, 2009

Mandy's Nose Just Got a Bit Longer

Remember Gordon Brown saying the government was going to be straight with the British people? Perhaps he should have a word with Peter Mandelson, who has just told an absolute porker. He says that the part privatisation of the Post Office may have to be put on hold because he can't get a slot in the legislative timetable. What a joke.

Everyone in politics knows that the Government hasn't got any legislation to speak of at the moment and that MPs regularly finish early. So to argue that space for Post Office legislation can't be found is at best specious ... and, well, you can guess the rest. The real reason for delay is that Labour backbenchers are in open revolt.

Why can't Mandelson just admit the truth for once? Two words. Leopards. Spots.

UPDATE 9.15: I can't believe I am even having to write this, but one or two sick individuals in the comments appear to believe the headline to this post is anti semitic. Just for the avoidance of doubt, it was a Pinnochio reference.


  1. The man is a complete liar and we all know it.

    I heard Evan Davis trying his damnedest to get Mandy to address the questions he was asking him rather than just say what the Conservatives would do.

    Mandy was allowed this rant but even then tried to continue it rather than answer the questions. They are allowed to repeat the lie about us proposing 10% cuts across the board.

    I don't think they do themselves any favours

  2. Totally agree

    What a bunch of porkies from Lord Mandolsen.

    Shame they have to consistently lie. This is the lightest legislative agenda I have known for many years

  3. You can tell when Mandelson and Brown are telling the truth - they have their mouths shut

  4. Mandy just got skewered by Evan Davies.... he admitted no spending review before next election, unthinkable given level of debt but more importantly he seemed completely lost by arguing it was better to wait and base spending on actual numbers rather than forecast, nice trick if you can pull it off... A lame argument hiding a thim veneer of credibility; the 'lets wait' argument of economic forecasting or was that the politically expedient Mandy... probably the later but far be it from me to 'speculate'... This was the real story Iain NOT the POST office:)

  5. Mandy just got skewered by Evan Davies.... he admitted no spending review before next election, unthinkable given level of debt but more importantly he seemed completely lost by arguing it was better to wait and base spending on actual numbers rather than forecast, nice trick if you can pull it off... A lame argument hiding a thim veneer of credibility; the 'lets wait' argument of economic forecasting or was that the politically expedient Mandy... probably the later but far be it from me to 'speculate'... That was the real story NOT the POST office Iain:)

  6. Robinson doing his bit for "the Party", more than Mandelson, in fact.

  7. Because we're unbelievably skint and it was them that did it.

  8. Its all lies.

    Dissembling and obfuscation from Brown, Blair and Mandelson have characterised New Labour from its inception.

    They tell lies and they are liars.

  9. He is Labour.He never will and never can tell the truth.

    It,s all spin and nothing else.

  10. All this shower can do is spin, lie, smear, trail....! They are also utterly incompetent in all matters economic.

    Would someone put Brown out of his agony and call an election.

  11. Antisemitic sterotypes now Dale? Really?

  12. But since the Telegraph's leading with, essentially, Brown announcing a scorched earth agenda, Mandy needs to deflect attention.

  13. "Mandy's Nose Just Got a Bit Longer".

    Straightforward and utterly undisguised anti-semitism.

    I have no brief for Mandleson but what exactly are you aiming for in whipping that up Iain? Do you hope to inspire your BNP element?

  14. Mandelson, as usual, is speaking in VERY clever riddles. Even his own name is a puzzle of sorts.

    Are you aware that:
    'Baron Mandelson of Foy'
    is actually a very clever anagram of:
    'A Model of Broon's Fanny'?

    Major Plonquer

  15. There is probably more to this than just the bankbenchers.

    It wouldn't surprise me to find out that the trades unions, who bankroll labour, have also applied some pressure.

    The Labour Party has very little cash at the moment and as a consequence the strength of the unions has increased.

    When Lord Cash Till was securing big ticket donations from all over the place Blair didn't really listen to the unions. A few 'gives' here and there but nothing more.

    Now the situation has completely changed and without union cash the Labour Party will be unable to fund a General Election campaign.

    Expect more policy commitments and manifesto pledges that, at their very heart, are geared to appeasing the unions.

    Another sure sign that this Government is finished.

  16. Listening to Mandelson bullying Evan Davies this morning just reminded me what an outrageous bastard the man is. And who the hell ever voted for him as Deputy PM (and the same goes for Brown)?

    This whole business of delaying the next spending review beyond the election is clearly a tactic to keep the truth from a basically ignorant electorate - actually I don't think we may be so easily persuaded this time by those hopeless liars on the left.

    But I do wish Cameron and his mates would have a word with Daniel Hannan on how to counter the 10% Conservative cuts v. Labour investment. It's beginning to make me fret and that won't do.

  17. I can't believe I am even having to write this, but one or two sick individuals in the comments appear to believe the headline to this post is anti semitic. Just for the avoidance of doubt, it was a Pinnochio reference.

  18. And now it appears that Gordon will cancel the CSR produce a "spend spend spend" manifesto promising ever larger 'public investment' in the thousand year Reich of prosperity that Labour continues to bring to Britain.

    Its more and more the mentality of the bunker running the country.

    I suspect that the only thing stopping a collapse of sterling is the wide realisation that this is all fantasy. A last desperate, hollow throw by an administration bereft of new ideas and heading for the political wilderness.

  19. Dont worry Iain...its probably just Derek or Damien trolling

  20. Mandyavelli strikes again !

    Alan Douglas

  21. @Iain Dale, 9.31am

    I can't believe that you have had to post that either. FFS.

  22. Shamon muthafukka!

    His nose may have got longer, but it aint as pretty as my latest nose!

    Heee Heeee.

  23. I thought I'd like to listen to the Evan Davies interview. What time was it on Radio4, to save me (and others?) trawling through all 3 hours on iPlayer?

  24. I bet this is what was offered the labour party MPs and cabinet members a few weeks ago in return for not toppling Brown.

  25. How can it be antisemitic, he's not even Jewish?!

  26. For the benefit of the two pillocks who screamed "anti Semitism", Peter Mandelson isn't Jewish.

    His father was Jewish, but his mother wasn't and he has never followed the Jewish faith.

  27. Dale

    I too must confess to being somewhat amazed that two posters here missed the Pinnochio connection. There are obviously some who activley seek to be "offended". The fact that one describes themselves a liberal of sort speaks volumes.

  28. Don't fret about it Iain.

    If the best the Labour attack dogs can do is play a spurious racism card then that tells us all we need to know.

  29. Iain

    Apologies, my earlier post should have read Iain rather than Dale. Edit accordingly if you wish.

  30. Those two crazies' wont know who Pinnochio is,they will think he is a Chilean Dictator

  31. Antisemitic? I laughed my socks off when I saw your obvious reference had been misread in this way. Welcome to the post-literate society... And it's spelt 'Pinocchio' by the way.

  32. Surely, you must have misheard him?
    He has just steered the necessary legislation successfully through the House of Lords.

    I am sure whaat he was talking about was the logjam in the Commons this side of the Summer Recess ....

    And as for the Spending Review - see

  33. Mandelson (and Bercow) ae both e-officio Church Commissioners.

  34. My God, I didn't know that Pinnochio was Jewish!

  35. For Mandy to suggest that a CSR cannot take place because we don't know what the economy will be like in a year's time was audacious!

    So, he believes that Treasury figures are wrong? That previous CSR's haven't taken place before the state of economy was known? Unbelievable

    I could hear Evan Davis choking on his bagel!

  36. Why doesn't Cameron call Mandelson's bluff... On Wednesday he should ask the PM to confirm whether the part privatisation of the Royal Mail has been delayed because of a lack of Parliamentary time.

    Brown will of course back Mandelson as this is clearly the GVN line.

    Cameron should then publicly offer Brown a number of options to overcome this difficulty i.e. Tory support for extended Parlimentary sitings, recall of Parliament in the summer, Tories to sacrifice Opposition day debates etc... all to create time to save this valuable piece of GVN legislation.

    Brown of course will not want to accept any of these offers - because Parlimentary time isn't the problem, it's his own back-benchers - but how could he decline Cameron's offer without losing face?

    Of course, he couldn't - which is why Cameron should make the offer. If Brown accepts, his legislation will be defeated by his own backbenchers (thus further undermining his authority). However, if Brown declines - the the Tories can accuse him of not being willing to work with the oppositio to save his own legislation.

  37. The comprehensive spending review should not be about how much we think we can afford: it should be about how much needs to be spent to deliver the public services we require. The problem has always been that Labour only measures the effectiveness of public spending by how much is spent.

  38. 'Pinocchio' actually. Wikipedia has a fine portrait of 'Lord M' at:

  39. Anti-semitism ? But Mandy is a Catholic !

    Where do these twats come from ?

  40. Cancelling the spending review is for basically the same reason my son doesn't want me to go with him to open an ISA with the money he recently inherited from his grandfather ...... he's spent a lot of it; he can't account for it; he doesn't know how he's going to replace it; he wants to continue spending and most important of all ........... he doesn't want to have to admit it to his mother.

  41. Anti-semetic? Will these trolls please piss off! It just illustrates how these idiots think.

  42. Pinocchio was an Italian, wasn't he?

  43. So, DespairingLiberal, are you going to apologise to Iain for slurring him?

  44. @ Dispairing Liberal

    "I have no brief for Mandleson"

    Pull the other one. By that I mean I don't believe you, and I'm not making light of men with two dicks

  45. Clearly Iain is showing prejudice agaist people made of wood. He should not assume all of them are like the Prime Minister.

  46. Despairing Liberal? Quite right too. I'd be despairing if I had your viewpoint on life. It's anti-puppetic, you twit.


    Bit behind the times,eh, PN?

    Brown's a figurehead now, a front man. You can skewer him all you like.

    The power is Mandelson. He takes away his support from Brown the whole pack of cards falls.

    Get Mandelson, get an election. 'Cos there won't be one any other way.

  48. I must protest - this is clearly anti-Hartlepoolistic and absolutely disparaging of Foy [wherever that may be].

    Shame on you Iain - have a regard to other's sensibilities and try to remember that little men have long toes.

  49. Despairing Liberal, your cultural ignorance is impressive.

    As far as I'm aware, the only connection between Pinocchio and antisemitism is the depiction of Stromboli in the eponymous Disney cartoon.

    Which would be a thin basis even for your hyperbole.

  50. It seems ages since Today used John Humhprys to interview a Cabinet Minister.

    Have they been demanding Evan Davis for any special reason?

  51. My God Iain you've go some uneducated f*ckwits reading this blog.

    How can anyone associate the phrase "nose getting longer" with anti-semitism?

    Where have these people been all their lives? Running away from conversation and culture?

    Words fail me.

  52. DespairingLiberal said...
    '"Mandy's Nose Just Got a Bit Longer".

    Straightforward and utterly undisguised anti-semitism.'

    Education, education, education

    Clearly not a Disney fan then!

  53. can't believe you had to explain the Pinocchio reference Iain.

    Do these twats really believe what they write or are they just WUMs??

  54. I see Cameron has offered up one of the Conservative's opposition day debates to Mandy to have the bill read.

    Genius! I'm just surprised he could keep a straight face as he said it.

    I was going to comment on the Pinocchio reference, but I see other people have pointed out the stupidity of the anti-semitic jibe.

  55. How the hell is a nose reference - in anyway associated with anti-semitism. Some people in this country will go to any lengths to make something out of nothing. No wonder we are becoming a country where people will sue anyone for slipping over a banana skin...

  56. Despairing Liberal is a Labour Party hoonista and I claim my £5.

    Liberal my foot!

  57. Iain (9:31) "it was a pinnochio reference" - PULL THE OTHER ONE. First we get your incessent campaigning against Bercow. Now your gross anti-semitic slurs.

    I have written to the Israeli Embassy suggesting they do not permit you to re-enter that country until you apologise.

    I have also let Michael White know as I believe he is currently writing a special feature on your blog, featuring various racist individuals whom you encourage.

  58. Of course I recognised the Pinnochio reference! That is simply cover by Dale for an anti-semitic remark. He does have a history of this actually. He frequently makes remarks in his blog headlines with racist connotations that can conveniently be read two ways to act as a "cover".

    And for those who pose as cultural sophists here (can any Tory truly be classed as one??), you should know there is actually a literature connecting Pinnochio with Anti-Semitism in Italy.

  59. Disparing liberal.

    I have long suspected your the kind of swivel eyed fool who looks for things to take offence at. I suspect you know what Iain really meant but enjoyed a bit of mischief making to feed your sad little ego.

    Not only are you a moron but you also stifle free speech and undermine democracy it's self.

    Get a grip.

  60. DespairingLiberal: You are either being deliberately poisonous or you are a cultural ignoramus. Of course it was a Pinnochio reference. Just acknowledge that you have been caught out in an obviously idiotic comment or you will have no credibility on any subjest hereafter.

  61. @DespairingLiberal,

    I have written to the Israeli Embassy


    Excellent. Why should readers of this blog be the only ones to appreciate you for what you are.

  62. Cath 11.04

    'Do these twats really believe what they write or are they just WUMs??'

    No they just try to stop any argument by shouting racist

    or bigot

    or homophobe

    They have no argument.

    And it tells you more about the poster than about the post.

  63. Re the accusations of anti-semitism.

    I have a number of problems with Iain Dale, object to a number of his stances and generally feel that he is neither a particularly gifted commentator nor a particularly good prospect as an MP. I'd go so far as to say that he represents the kind of blind self-serving careerism that has brought the political life of this country to its current sorry state of affairs.

    However, to those accusing him of anti-semitism I can only say this: grow the fuck up, you pathetic whining embarrassments to the human race.

    Criticise Dale for what he says and what he does, you utter utter shits, but don't make up these ridiculous lies about him.

  64. On the 9:15 update; Iain - one of New Labour's unwritten Manifesto statements is that they have the absolute right to be offended on behalf of other people who are not in fact offended.

    Harman, is in fact Minister For Being Offended On Behalf Of Those Who Should Be Offended But Aren't.


    Blears was Minister For Telling The People What The People Want.

  65. I don't believe Dispairing Liberal & others making similar points are quite as much drooling morons as they pretend to be.

    I think they all owe apologies to the menatally challenged for the impersonation.

  66. Anon 8:34 - have you noticed that when Brown closes his mouth it gets all puckered up like an arsehole? Appropriate, given that nothing but shit comes out of it.

  67. Despairingly Liberal.

    Time for you to grow up. This last post was so ridiculously juvenile it beggars belief. Bunker boys and girls, paid for by me and other taxpayers will soon be out of a job.

    Then you will really be Despairing!and I hope for a long long long time.

  68. Berty Brown-StainesJune 29, 2009 12:32 pm

    Typical ZaNu Laybuh. Despairing Liberal makes a complete tit of himself and then tries to spin it as sardonic humour.

    I think your name should be "DesperateLabourite", it's far more accurate. Oh, I forgot, honesty is forbidden in the halls of ZaNu Laybuh, isn't it?

  69. "I have also let Michael White know as I believe he is currently writing a special feature on your blog, featuring various racist individuals whom you encourage."

    Is that why you're trying to fabricate some racism ?

  70. I do not think refering to Pinnochio is enough, if the thick sicko's missed the point of the blog they probably now think your being racist towards Italians.

  71. Berty Brown-StainesJune 29, 2009 12:46 pm

    "Anonymous said...
    I do not think refering to Pinnochio is enough, if the thick sicko's missed the point of the blog they probably now think your being racist towards Italians."

    Wouldn't that have to be Jewish Italians?

  72. "it was a Pinnochio reference" I gathered that from the text and recall Chris Paul's photoshop of you as Pinnochio somewhile back.

    It maybe that Pinnochio is Jewish?

  73. Quite obviously, Iain was being woodist, puppetistic and viciously anti-animation, and I will take every opportunity to be offended on behalf of those three communities shortly.

    But as a Jew myself, sorry, DesLib, I don't see the anti-semitism - should I hand myself in for re-education?

  74. JustnorthofnwlondonJune 29, 2009 1:17 pm

    Being of the the persuasion that you are criticised of slighting, I object to Despairing Liberal associating Mandy with my belief system (we invented commandment no 9) - that is truly repugnant.

  75. Uwinsom UlosumJune 29, 2009 1:26 pm

    What is all this anti-semitism bullcrap?

    Have you people never heard of Pinnochio, which leads to the proverb of lying = growth in nose??

    Is Mandy even Jewish?? I just found out today (from pink list) he is gay! Either way, and for none of the reasons mentioned here, he is still a lying c#@t!

    Will someone explain the nose length / Jew hate thing, in case I need to call a Rabbi a liar in extremely PC terms?

  76. Interesting, in a way, how the cry of 'racist!' has replaced 'witch!' or 'enemy of the people'.

    The deranged, the spiteful, the palin nasty think now that they merely have to throw that slur at someone not only to win any argument but to have their opponent branded as outcast, hateful to us all.

    There was a time in Soveit Russia when an elderly woman of no toehr distinction was held up as a 'hero' to the country for identifying 'enemies'. She had an 'unerring eye' for 'enemies of the people' who also tended to be people who had annoyed her in however slight a way; by being popular, for example. She suited Stalin's regime of course, just perfectly. There are clearly those who wish those times upon us now, who wish to empower witchfinders among us. They have got their way to some degree already.

    Can I say 'already' or is that a covert mockery of yiddish and so a sly, anti-semitic slur?

  77. DespairingLiberal, why are you picking on Iain's blog. Are you homophobic, does it bother you that gay people can speak out on political issues?. I'm writing to Peter Tatchell about you. Be wary, if gay people are good at anything it's organising a protest parade!

  78. This is so obviously a reference to Pinocchio and so obviously not anti-semitic (The Prince of Darkness isn't even Jewish), I can't believe that Despairingly Liberal was being serious.

    That billboard advertisement a while ago with Michael Howard looking like Fagin was considerably more "dodgy".

  79. Quite interesting the violence of the reaction here to the allegation that anti-semitism influences comments on Peter Mandelson. I personally suspect that at least some of the venom of the attacks against him derive from this source. The fact that he is "only" "half-Jewish" (itself a racist remark?) seems irrelevant, since Jews frequently get targeted for being even slightly Jewish.

    I know Peter M is fair game because he is a famous politician, often is seen as shifty, etc, but one cannot help but feel a little uneasy when public references to his nose length are made. Is it really enough to mask it in a joke about Pinnochio? Not sure if it is direct anti-semitism as Despairing Liberal has claimed, but I think it's closer to it than some on here are saying and the ferocity of the reaction to it suggests maybe DL is on to something, at least to me.

  80. SouthEastVoterJune 29, 2009 2:28 pm

    I just need to be clear on this cut v investment debate, am I right in my thinking as detailed below?

    Labour say
    • The Tories are going to cut 10% spending
    • Labour are going to invest more than the Tories

    Labour base the Tory spending cut on what the Tories have said about Labour Spending plans detailed in the Budget April 2009.

    Labour has forgotten what they said in the budget and do not know how much they are going to spend because they will not review their spending plans until the other side of the election.

    Labour do know they will spend more than the Tories anyway even though the Tories do not know how much they will spend as they will not review this until they are in government.

    However based on what Labour have said in the budget The Tories would need to cut spending by 10% in all departments to enable an increase in growth in Health and overseas development(?) in real terms

    Labour has had a policy re-launch again. Lots of waffle and have added the word “local” a few times and basically done a find “target” and replace with “entitlement” in all their word documents. All of which is pointless as they do not know how much they will spend, but do know they will cut spending in the Home Office and Transport to help fund it and then advertise via Google ads the Tories will cut police numbers.

    It would be nice to have some honesty.

  81. Despairing Liberal,

    you seem to be malicious as well as stupid.

    Can you explain how you reconcile these two statements ?

    "Straightforward and utterly undisguised anti-semitism.

    "Of course I recognised the Pinnochio reference! That is simply cover by Dale for an anti-semitic remark..."

  82. @james.bottomley

    If the anger directed at Mandelson is, as you claim, motivated by anti-semitism, what is the motivation for the anger directed at Brown? Anti-Presybterianism? Anti-Monocularism? Or how about just plain old anti-lying-bastard-ism?

    One day you'll have to stop lying to yourself and the rest of us and face up to the cold hard light of day: Mandelson is a liar; he is corrupt and has repeatedly had to leave office because of his financial dishonesty and his unabashed attempts to use his position of influence to enrich himself and his friends.

    I find it rather interesting that you obviously equate a criticism of financial corruption with a criticism of Jews. One could certainly draw the conclusion that you yourself have some pretty unenlightened - not to say outright racist - views about Jewish people.

  83. Anon 3.28 - not sure what you think I said, but I didn't say one cannot critique Peter Mandelson, only that I do think he often gets attacked because he is Jewish.

    My experience with this is that people never say it is about the Jews - it's always something else that's wrong with them.

    As for Brown, are we really saying he does not get at least some of the stuff chucked at him because he is a Scot? Just as presumably David Cameron attracts opprobrium for his Eton background and rich wife? I suspect there is always an element of stereotyping in these things, however indirect or unstated.

  84. Tonypandy AndyJune 29, 2009 3:45 pm

    "Everyone in politics knows that the Government hasn't got any legislation to speak of at the moment and that MPs regularly finish early"

    So a second job would be a good thing to fill out the spare time then.....?

  85. DespairingLiberal

    How's Kate? Has she had the baby yet?

  86. Let me see... Baseless attacks pretending Iain is a racist?

    Now... where have I heard this before? It rings a bell.

    Oh! I know! Derek? Daminan? Is that you?

  87. "I know Peter M is fair game because he is a famous politician, often is seen as shifty, etc, but one cannot help but feel a little uneasy when public references to his nose length are made."

    Personally i've never noticed his nose-length before. Im didn't even know he was half Jewish until I read this thread. I simply interpreted the headline as a Pinocchio reference, as I suspect the vast majority of people would.

  88. @james.bottomley

    What you said - and we can all read it by scrolling up - is that part of Dale's criticism of Mandelson was motivated by anti-semitism.

    Mandelson does not get sniped at for being a Jew (and, fyi, he isn' a Jew and never has been). He gets criticised for his dishonesty, his corruption, his vanity and his contempt for the public.

    Let's be honest: you have no goal here but to defend your Labour fellow travellers. If Dale were straight, you'd be shrieking about him being homophobic. Since he's gay, you fall back on the anti-semitism canard. If Dale were a gay Jew, I shudder to think what lies you'd make up about his motivations.

  89. FFS - anyone who didn't immediately recognise that Iain was comparing Mandelson to Pinnochio is clearly sick in the head. (and the sort of numpty that has rubbed their hands with delight over past few years as they have found malice in such things as celebrating Christmas and flying the English flag)

  90. Next the prats like Disparaging liberal will say Iain's homophobic.......

  91. Alex Hilton already used that one in a 18 Doughty Street programme a couple of years ago.

  92. What on earth has a wooden puppet with a long nose got to do with being Jewish?

  93. Re; Moses comments and your reply :

    smears are the worst type of politics ,which is why we all want the current regime out of power ....

  94. 94 comments, mostly replying to a Troll ? Unbelievable !
    The webwise correct treatment of Trolls is to just ignore their posts.
    Come on people, wise up !!

  95. Oh for goodness sake.
    DespairingLiberal (and the other anonymous prat who followed the same train), don't show how stupid you are - the long nose is a reference to Carlo Collododi's Pinocchio, a wooden puppet whose nose grew longer every time he lied. See the Disney film 'Pinocchio' for a child's view...

  96. Peter Mandleson has a Jewish father and is therefore Jewish by birth, although he does not follow the religion.

    I think most people associate him with Jewishness from the surname and to claim he isn't a Jew so it's OK to use typically anti-Jewish slurs against him is the worst sort of lying scumbaggery, but it does seem to be in line with the sort of racist types that hang around Master Dale's blog in such large numbers.

    Why is that? Can it be that they are encouraged by your "non-racist" racist hints Iain?

  97. Anonymous at 9:16 am, not trying to stir it up again but technically doesn't your mother have to be Jewish for you to be technically considered a Jew. There was an article on the BBC a few days ago about a child who had been barred from a Jewish faith school as his mother had converted and wasn't from a Jewish family. And besides, how many people know that Peter was jewish? And in this day and age who cares? Did it change my opinion of Gordon Brown when I found out he was English? No, I was just grateful that the dozy pillock wasn't Welsh!

    It's funny how the politically correct are becoming the most narrow-minded of all. And before someone accuses me of anti-semitism (This term itself is a misnomer as it technically includes Arabs and parts of North Africa too) I used to have a Jewish girlfriend.

  98. I don't think it's about which particular branch of Orthodox Jewry "accept" who is and is not a Jew.

    It's about how people get attacked as Jews - and at least part of the ordure heaped on Mandelson arises from that. I suspect it's a significant part.

    I agree that "anti-semitism" is not fully accurate but it is the commonly accepted usage. Anti-Jewish is more precise.

    Nobody is perfect and above criticism, but it is worth reflecting on the way Jewish politicians in particular often seem to get singled out for vicious attacks.

  99. Nobody is more critical than me of the obvious anti-Semitism of politicians who attack Jewish politicians over things like Gaza while themselves being supporters of illegal wars, genocide, rape & dissections of living people, far more obscene than anything Israel is accused of. Nonetheless is it not obvious that the "ist" dislike of Mandelson (or Mandy in the popular press) uses his homosexuality & that some Jewish blood is irrelevent.

    Come to that there is an anecdotal connection with big noses there, which I assume absolutely nobody else has noticed.
