Thursday, June 25, 2009

LibDems Replace Chris Rennard

The LibDems have announced the appointment of Chris Fox as their new Chief Executive. He replaces Chris Rennard, who is quitting the post in September. Fox is a communications expert who was hired to improve Nick Clegg's image and pull together the LibDems' communications strategy. All in all he has done a very good job in a very short time. I suspect he will find the rather disperate nature of the Liberal Democrat organisation very frustrating, and although he isn't steeped in the party in the same way as Rennard, I think his appointment is a formidable one. He is not to be underestimated.


  1. Chris has been a Party member for over 30 years and seen all 'sides' of the Party. If he hasn't grown frustrated with it by now he never will!

  2. Is there some kind of vulpine obsession here? What does the French "renard" mean but Fox...

  3. "he isn't steeped in the party in the same way as Rennard"

    So he's not under investigation for fiddling his expenses or upsetting women then? That's a relief.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. That's pretty much the most important job in the LibDems (after Leader) if they are ever to make the breakthrough to opposition. He better be formidable or they have no chance.

  6. Is that the Chris Fox who kept getting beaten by David Howell in Guildford when I was a lad?

  7. You are confusing 'disparate' with 'desperate' - is it meant to tell us something?

  8. Having seen the Conservative party machine at local level we should be a bit worried too!!

  9. Fox replaced by Rennard? Rennard? Fox? Is this some kind of joke?

  10. "disparate" or "desperate" - come on, you're a professional wordsmith!

  11. Reynard = Fox.
    Has nobody noticed the irony?

  12. @mtrcricket

    Yes, several people have spotted the irony. You can tell this by the comments they've posted saying so.

  13. Very fair Iain. Are you feeling okay ?

  14. Nich,

    Fair, but not accurate. Chris has been appointed as the interim Chief Executive...

  15. Nice to be remembered after all these years but we are different people Robert.Fought Guildford only twice in the 1974 general elections and first Liberal to finish second in modern times.
    Former leader Guildford Council and Liberal Treasurer now retired.
