Thursday, June 25, 2009

Kevin Maguire is Away

Readers of the New Statesman will be horrified delighted to learn that next week I am replacing Kevin Maguire on the Commons Confidential column. They can rest assured that I shall not be mentioning a single trade union leader or lefty persona that no one has ever heard of. Seeing as Mr Maguire's blog hasn't been updated since 6 May, perhaps I should make a takeover bid for that too.


  1. Iain! What am I going to use for bog paper now?

  2. Congrats, might actually read the thing now.

  3. Yes, what is Kevin Maguire up to these days? I wrote a stunningly rude comment in response to an article in wrote in The Mirror a couple of months ago (which, amazingly, the web administrator posted).

    I suggested that it was high time that a man who publicly speculated on a recently bereaved person's medical condition should find himself an alternative source of employment. Maybe he has!

  4. Stronghold BarricadesJune 25, 2009 2:26 pm

    I always knew he was away with the winged vertically challenged...but replacement with Iain confirms it


  5. Iain

    The expenses "middleman" on Newsnight the other evening said that one newspaper had wanted to buy the commons expenses data in order to destroy the MPs of one party only.

    I'm convinced that only the Mirror fits the bill here and that Maguire must have been party to the negotiation.

    If you get the chance, can you put this to Kevin and ask him to confirm or deny.


  6. Rexel. Highly speculative. What was to stop a media outlet buying it on the pretence that they would expose MPs from all parties and then just use the evidence against one party only! It isn't like they would have had a written contract with the whistle-blower, is it!

  7. Big chance to double your money by selling a copy of the disk to a paper that would out the other crew.

    As you say no contract!!

    Poor planning by the whistle blower.

  8. I agree with "Anonymous" at 3:11pm. Newsnight's report seems a bit odd to me. Why would any newspaper reveal their intentions before making the information public?

    You don't go to a kitchen store and announce to the shop assistant you're intending to stab someone with one of their knives, do you?

    My blog

  9. Give Labour hell, Iain. If you intend to do that, that is.

  10. RIP Daley Dozen!

  11. Yes, what is Kevin Maguire up to these days?

    Well, you know how when the alpha male of the pack has been utterly defeated, all the weak little omegas that have been following him crawl into the jungle alone and try really hard not to be seen?

  12. Maguire got such an absolute pasting from bloggers every time he posted ( his slurs on Cameron were a spectacular own goal ) he is probably now afraid of saying much else.

    Being a sensitive soul who can dish it out, but not take it, I suspect KM didn't like the succinct analysis of his character.

    Like GB he loves what the people think until they actually say it.

  13. With regards to "Anonymous" at 4:42pm and "resurgemus" at 4:53pm, seriously, what does Kevin Maguire do these days? I'd be genuinely interested to find out.

    Iain Dale must know. Iain, what does he do?

  14. Would that be "away" as in "at Her Majesty's pleasure"?

  15. labour for the fewJune 25, 2009 6:02 pm

    good call into the lions den.

  16. Isn't Maguire just one of those people who is SO easy to loathe?
    Like Piers Morgan.

    Question - why do the BBC still employ him? He is a discredited hack.

  17. Kevin has been on HIGNFY as well, Iain.

  18. "Kevin has been on HIGNFY as well, Iain."

    He's certainly been on something.

  19. Labour might be onto something here with new Hazel Blears news...

  20. Gordons Unused Moral Compass is up on Ebay


  21. Yay!

    Indeed where is Mr Maguire?

    Mind you, Dolly's twitter hasn't been updated since April 6th...

    D'ya reckon Kevin, Dolly and Damien are all holed up in the bunker with Gordon?!

    Time for another "Downfall" video methinks!

  22. How broad-minded of the Statesman. Then again, if Martin Bright can write for the Speccie, why not?
    Sharpen your pencil, Iain ;-)

  23. The spokesman for Corus - announcing another 2000 job losses - said that it was now clear that a full recovery was several years away.

    So maybe your topic should be Gordon Browns delusional state of mind.

    (appropriately the WV is 'dismenta')

  24. Michael Jackson is dead.

    How long before Broon tries to capitalise on it perhaps by making a phonecall offering his condolences to Jacko's progeny?

  25. I'm devastated by the news about Michael Jackson. The greatest singer ever.

  26. i have never been more angry when listening to that very unintelligent amoeba. but here is the paradox, what are you replacing Iain, pray tell or is it just a piece of stale bread substituted by fresh loaf; denominator merely flour.. . . and more importantly Jacko RIP. .

  27. There are already online comments from worshippers who believe that The Beloved Michael is not really dead and that He will rise again on the third day.

  28. I LOVE Kevin Maquire- he is obviously in rehersal for his appearance in channel 4's 'Shameless' as the Maguire's 'poncey' English relative. he's wasted on the Daily Mirror. i can picture him being a regular customer at Bo'Selectas.

  29. As you're addicted to lists, Iain, maybe you could perhaps include in your piece, a list of Maguire's top ten Maddy McCann jokes...

  30. Is that "Kevin McGuire is away" as in "with the fairies"?
