Wednesday, June 03, 2009

EXCLUSIVE: John Reid told Brown He Should Resign

Reports earlier today said that Gordon Brown offered John Reid the job of Home Secretary in a secret meeting last night in Downing Street. What the media haven't reported is that not only did John Reid turn the job down, he told the Prime Minister he should resign. I am told that this is how the conversation went.

Brown: Will you be my Home Secretary?
Reid: No
Brown: You have to support me.
Reid: No I don't. I have to support my country and my party, and that means you have to stand down.

I don't know what Brown's reaction was, but I think we can all guess.


  1. ...and thus the question: who leaked that? :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Actually I would be impressed if the so called Dr put country before party in his riposte to the one eyed Scotch mental.

    I presume the so called Dr held the conversation on the phone.
    If it was in person, he would have staggered out of the room wearing a photo-copier methinks.

  4. I would love to know how you know this - but if this is true then John Reid has shot up in my estimation. I know he has faults, but at least he has maintained his values and lets face it he was so much of a better Home Secretary than Jacqui Smith it just highlights Gordon Brown's lack of judgment.

  5. Flying phones went bouncing after John Reid left. Is Brown nuts - why appoint a Scots MP to a mostly English job. There must be a dearth of talent south of the border if he was asked.

  6. And then the conversation moved swiftly on...

    GB "So you are looking for a new manager at Celtic?"

    JR "Aye and there's more chance of you getting it than winning the next election..."

  7. Did Brown shove a Nokia up his rectum?

  8. I stand by my prediction, made on ConHome, that Brown will lose the vote to dissolve Parliament. And if I’m wrong, the vote will be close enough to force Brown out anyway.

    In normal politics it would be beyond belief but, I think, enough Labour MPs will see being in touch with the electorate as a better bet than being in touch with Gordon Brown.

  9. Combine this with UKIP being shown to be leading Labour in a Telegraph poll tomorrow and Lord Kalms backing UKIP, as well as of course voting, and tomorrow looks to be one hell of a day!

  10. Saw you on the Box with that nasty Child Catcher Lookee Likee , you were terrific .I always think this sort of situation brings out your best .I shall tune in to you and Hopi if I can , don’t be too nasty to him his last post was virtually sobbing by his standards of relentless urbanity .

    On top of all that the Lions have just sent South Africa a wake up call

    Life is sweet

  11. If John Reid starts randomly talking about laser printers in the next few days, we'll know for certain that this story is true.

  12. Tone Made Me Do It - I see him in my dreamsJune 04, 2009 12:42 am

    My waking dream:

    Brown stands down.
    Blair stands in Speaker Martin's old seat.

    Blair wins.

    Blair becomes Prime Minister again.

    oh Fuck (HIS expence claims were destroyed).

    OMG, OMG, OMG etc..etc....

  13. My warning to all those who climb the stairway to fame, fortune and high office: be very nice to people on the way up, because as sure as bears shit in the woods,you'll bloody well need them on the way down. I am afraid this brilliant story shows what that means.

    Remember the poor old plod, outside Number Ten, who got his hand shaken by Obama, but Brown cut him dead? I would like to bet that the copper is certain to be there on Monday. Brown - wouldn't put money on it.

  14. Hi

    Tried out Guido Fawkes's Blog for a few days but my messages have gradually and seriptiously been deleted. I would have much preferred that he banned me explicitly rather than doing it in such an underhand way. I do not agree with your politics either Iain so you may want to ban me as well but I think opposing views stimulate debate. Anyway, We shall see.


    Spedo Shorts
    (a play on Guido Fawkes - appparently not appreciated!).

  15. It would be easy to concur with Johnny Reid boy's comments but I feel I must be consistent. We are talking about one Scottish idiot talking to another here.

    Johnny thinks he should resign? Apparently 40 million other English voters think that also......

  16. I remember avidly watching Mr Reid whilst in opposition with my hopes brimming full of what he might do given a chance.

    But I was to be disappointed later to learn just hpw much he and the others of his ilk secretly admired Mrs Thatcher and would eventually build a statue in her honour and invite her to tea at Downing Street.

    So my dear Conservatives your disappointment is shared widely. I recall Conservatives felt a sense of pride with their government -- I feel no such sense of pride or see cause to celebrate..I contine to support them purely on a calculation, not with a passion (as I believe it ought to be).

    all hope remains in Spedo Shorts

  17. Someone set the last batch of rubber Nokias into Downing Street pre-dialled to PoliticsHome did they?

    So now we have the scene set up for the equivalent of Ken Clarke and Maggie when Gordon Brown the movie comes out (which will of course be a cartoon in his case!).

    This is getting fun.

  18. Brown's mental state is quite worrying.....the mood of the country is against him, so if he doesn't step down its a clear case of an unelected leader being in power through an undemocratic process who believes it is his destiny to be in power through some messianic delusion that has become his normal state.

    Every time there is a change in PM there should be a referendum at least.....or a general election. Can he be sectioned under the mental health act?

  19. After this Parliament, there will be never be a Scottish person in high office. Thank the lord. Roll on independence - they can take the SAS and dwindling North Sea Oil with them! It will take a year you say? Where's Guy Fawkes when you need him?

    By the way, Iain, you should read if you want informed comment. This blog blows goats.

  20. Someone should work out a way to harness all the energy when Gordon's incredibly dense head explodes.

    Britain could be carbon neutral for a generation.

  21. There's a mobile-phone sized hole in the nearest facing wall?

  22. Brown is desperate to stop the Blairites from attacking him after voting - and it shows they will. I guess if Reid has come out then we may get Clarke stepping forward today to call on him to resign.

    Once they come out it will be open warefare for a year - which is effectively going to destroy the PLP.

    So lets make it clear Brown's choice until today was

    (A) You run as PM and go to a big defeat
    (B) Harriet goes for PM and a very big defeat
    (C) Johnson runs as PM and Labour go for a smaller defeat

    BUT FROM TODAY his options are

    (A) You or Harriet run as PM and the PLP will completely destroy itself in open warefare - and for laughs Clegg will take your Union donations.
    (B) Johnson runs as PM and you go for a smaller defeat

    You know it makes sense Gordon - go spend more time with your family.

  23. I simply don't believe you . You make no claim as to how you know this and once again you sign off with a 'I don't know what the reaction was' line - yet surely if you or your 'source' knew that much you'd also know the reaction. You'll have to do a lot better than this to be believable.

  24. Great scene for the docu -drama series that will be made sometime in the future - "The Project - the Rise and Fall of New Labour"

  25. Good for John Reid! Though Brown might not like it, Reid was being a true friend to him. Unlike his "you can win, PM!" booster squad.

    Thursday, 4th June. D-Day for Brown?

  26. The nice thing about this type of "leak" is that it can never rebound on you - if John Reid or Downing St say it isn't true, you can just say "they would say that, wouldn't they" and also of course you need never tell us where it came from.

    It sounds a little bit fabricated to me, is your source the Daily Mail? CCHQ? GCHQ?

  27. I don't care if it's true or not. The possibility alone is sufficient to have made my day.

  28. Another leak?

    It's like Yes, Minister. "This isn't a department, it's colander"

  29. Blimey, John The Skull Reid doing something right for once!

    The Penguin

  30. As on old cynic I still believe Gordon will find a way not to go.
    Remember Glenrothes postal voting scandal? In the context of previous opinion polls the result was simply perverse, just like Hutton's report. The man is mad, certifiably insane, very seriously mentally ill. He is capable of anything and he is the Prime Minister, God help us all. willnrfiablyhe will do anything to stay where he is.

  31. Can't wait for the final, final, final "Downfall" video.

  32. Tony Blair warned the party about Gordon but they had no one with sufficient backbone to challenge him, which tells you all you need to know about Labour.

    Blair went with his dignity intact, Brown will have to be dragged out kicking and screaming.

  33. Roger Thornhill says at 4.50am:

    Someone should work out a way to harness all the energy when Gordon's incredibly dense head explodes.

    Britain could be carbon neutral for a generation.

    Surely a cue for Norfolk Blogger to emerge and give us one of his hilariously ill-informed, unscientific rants about climate change.

    Still remember with trepidation his confident prediction that 1/3 of the world's population will be dead in 15 years unless we all start living in wattle and daub houses and wearing seagrass sandles.


  34. Got to hand it to Blair - he was a grinning venal shit, but he had more political nous in his little finger than Brown has in his whole body.

    Having seen the approaching shitstorm on the radar, Blair held on until the last moment and walked with a degree of dignity (and his pockets full of our money), and has spent his time arsing about our expense.

    Meanwhile the Great Helmsman inherited the consequences of his own economic incompetence.

    I bet Blair is laughing his cock off at both the electorate and Brown

  35. The clue to what Reid really said has leaked into the strangely Caledonian wv as I read this thread: widinny.

    'Wi dinny - like yoo, Gordon, ya bam'.

  36. This would be fun to watch, then suddenly I remember our country is going down the tubes and fast.

  37. If I had the mind of Brown I would now be thinking: "If I'm going you bastards are coming with me, it's time for a General Election".

    Go on Gordon, it's your only chance, make my day.

  38. Given Reids gruff Glaswegian accent I think Brown thought he said he should' reign'.

  39. England expects independence!

  40. Rexel 56 said
    "Surely a cue for Norfolk Blogger to emerge and give us one of his hilariously ill-informed, unscientific rants about climate change."

    I think you've slurred the wrong person, it was North Norfolk Blogger, i.e. me, not Norfolk Blogger.

    Fame at last!!

    As for GB's head exploding, could be the best thing for the country, carbon neutral or not!!

  41. Just off for a job interview - been unemployed for 4 months - have not claimed benefit and my ilk must be circa .5 million people not bothering to register unemployed as we expect to be in a job soon.

    Unlike Brown who is obviously going to be claiming everything he possibly can when he leaves No.10/gets dragged out by the men in white coats...

    Wish me luck and good luck for the Radio show,Iain.

  42. I forsee whole squadrons of flying Nokias over the next few days...

  43. The Economic Voice 3:02

    Why doesn't Cameron / Paxo / Mrs Brown simply ask Brown

    "What gives you a mandate?"

    What is he going to say? "My election was entirely within the rules" ?

  44. No matter what the Blogocrats are currently ranting about, there isn't a rats chance in H that GB will resign. He is grimly pressing on to May 10 regardless of anything, even if he has to run a cabinet of 1! Which is probably what he wants!

    Mind you, his government does trouble me in many levels. I would advise all Tory and LibDem election officials to make sure they follow the votes to the counting centres and keep a close eye on the shenanigans there as well.

    I think Brown may want revenge for that Major statement back in 92 - "we know the Conservatives are going to win" - all very sinister. There was something about the way Major said that - made me think "MI5".

  45. The (alledged by the Telegraph) Letter for MPs to sign, calling for Brown to resign... It has an Email address for replies of 'signonnow@etcetc' It this indicating the next thing the MP does after signing this, is to sign on?
    Also, should we sign a copy and send to the same address?

  46. This Spedo weirdo and his/her self-generated sock-puppet support looks and sounds like that twat Atlas Farted/Shrugged. Could they be related?

  47. 'I think Brown may want revenge for that Major statement back in 92 - "we know the Conservatives are going to win" - all very sinister. There was something about the way Major said that - made me think...

    Neil Kinnock.'

  48. lavrentiy beriaJune 04, 2009 12:24 pm

    If this is true I imagine the good doctor is still picking bits of Nokia from his teeth. Mind you, he'll have twatted McClunk with his bottle of Buckie. Never try to break up a scrap between two Jocks.

  49. Cameron and Clegg need to out this dictatorship. Expose Gordo for what he is - a Fascist.
