Wednesday, June 03, 2009

The Daley (Half) Dozen: Wednesday

1. 10 Drowning Street reckons Labour men have no balls.
2. Adrian Short on the mendacity of LibDem election leaflets.
3. Tim Montgomerie & Stephan Shakespeare launch the Union of Voters.
4. Dizzy accuses the Telegraph of spinning for Brown.
5. Letters From a Tory on why Ed Balls is dangerous.
6. Douglas Carswell defends his lurrrrve seat.

Apologies this isn't a full dozen. Need to get some sleep. Big few days coming up.


  1. Anyone else think that a letter to MPs with an address of might in fact be a hoax? Just asking.

    It looks odd to me.

  2. Newsnight seems to be interviewing everybody but a Conservative.

  3. Northampton SaintJune 03, 2009 11:00 pm

    Iain, aren't some of the Union of Voters pladges just the same as The Libertarian party?

    There seems to be several new parties cropping up, all covering the same ground. If some of these unite, could we have a new political movement?

  4. A message from the heavens:

  5. Iain, it would appear that if some of the rumours are true regarding the reshuffle; we are moving from a Government Of All Talents (GOATS) to a Government Of Non-entities And Dilettantes or GONADS, if you will!

  6. Paul Halsall said "Anyone else think that a letter to MPs with an address of might in fact be a hoax? Just asking."

    The Prime Mentalist can (most probably) be contacted via email at

  7. God bless you Iain and all who sail in you.

  8. Shi-ite. Just realised I have to do another song on your show now. Ballix!

    WV: lambsins (you're kidding me)

  9. I have never been in a list of anything...

  10. "Union of Voters"? Oh no, not another millionaire-funded vanity project.

    They are saying "Political parties should look to voters for their funding" but do not make it clear what this means. I suspect they mean taxing us to fund political parties, but the wording is vague.

    The rest of it sounds like a call for rule by ochlocracy.
    Piffle from the Twaddle hopper.

  11. The Telegraph is so incompetent that it cannot even report its own Westminster poll correctly.

    Which is a pity as it probably shows the rtue extent of the hit the parties have taken over the expenses scandal.

    Its 37 21 19

    A month ago it was 41 34 16

  12. we had a post that MPs should be menas tested if they want anything on top of their salaries here:

  13. Here's a suggestion for today's dozen - how we are guaranteeing the EU's off balance sheet debt:
    ...Last October a previously unused regulation was discovered, allowing the creation of a €25 billion “balance of payments facility” and authorising the EU to borrow substantial sums under its own “legal personality” for the first time. This facility was doubled again to €50 billion in March. If Latvia's financial problems turn into a full-scale crisis, these guarantees and cross-subsidies between EU governments will increase to hundreds of billions in the months ahead and will certainly mutate into large-scale centralised EU borrowing, jointly guaranteed by all the taxpayers of the EU.
    This policy of “fiscal federalism”, long advocated by France and high-debt countries such as Italy, Spain and Greece, has been fiercely opposed by Germany and Britain. In terms of its potential costs, it makes the agricultural policy and budget rebates seem like a vicarage tombola...

    ...The new EU borrowing, for example, is legally an “off-budget” and “back-to-back” arrangement, which allows Germany to maintain the legal fiction that it is not guaranteeing the debts of Latvia et al. The EU's bond prospectus to investors, however, makes quite clear where the financial burden truly lies: “From an investor's point of view the bond is fully guaranteed by the EU budget and, ultimately, by the EU Member States.”..

  14. Simon The BluesmanJune 04, 2009 8:58 am

    Stephen Glover has written a very good article in today's Mail - well worth your perusal.
