Sunday, May 03, 2009

Nigel Farage Profile Now Online

In the May edition of GQ, I wrote a lengthy profile of UKIP leader Nigel Farage. Now that the issue is no longer on sale I have posted the whole thing HERE.


  1. And what a totally nice bloke He is too!

  2. A blank page came up for his profile when i tried opening it!

    I thought it was a joke i.e. Nigel was a void until i fiddled with it and it popped up a second time in full technocolour glory!

    He is a sound enough bloke but he should be in step with the Tories in ousting Labour out of power here not messing around trying to get cheese eating surrender monkeys to see his point of view!

    Maybe if Jeremy Clarkson does not want to run in Sheffield Hallam Nigel can instead!Jeremy could turn up at the campaign and help defeat the hapless Clegg who is a Euro Fedralist after all!

  3. From the profile:

    "Farage ... bears an uncanny likeness to the Russian president Dmitry Medvedev."

    He bears an even more uncanny likeness to Archie Andrews.

  4. Good article (I read it free in WH Smiths before catching a flight) ;-)

    Met Farage in Brussels earlier this year and he's a sound, and genuine, guy.

    I hope he gets the 10 seats he mentioned as UKIP would be lesser without his enthusiasm.
