Sunday, April 19, 2009

Weekend Treat: My Top 100 Songs 1-25

There are some songs which, when you hear them for the first time, you get a tingle running down your spine. These are ones that have done just that to me! And most of them still do, even though I have probably listened to some of them a thousand times over.

I haven't put too many Youtube clips on here as they seem to be slowing down the site for some people. If you just click on one of the clips below, click on One Blood. It's from the film GREEN STREET. Definite echoes of Dire Straits, and the lyrics are superb.

I've had to take the previous three blogposts on the Top 100 off the frontpage. You can access them by clicking on these links...


1. Miss You Nights - Cliff Richard
2. The Winner Takes it All - Abba
3. Forever Young - Alphaville

4. No One Is to Blame - Howard Jones
5. One Blood - Terence Jay

6. Dancing Queen - Abba
7. Another Country - Mango Groove
8. Bat out of Hell - Meat Loaf
9. Hallelujah - Jeff Buckley
10. Paradise by the Dashboard Light
11. Listen to your Heart - Roxette
12. Tunnel of Love - Dire Straits
13. Search for a Hero - M People
14. Angels - Robbie Williams
15. Hero - Enrique Iglesias
16. It Must Have Been Love - Roxette
17. Romeo & Juliet - Dire Straits
18. So Far Away - Roxette

19. Be My Number Two - Joe Jackson

20. Theme from Band of Brothers

21. SOS - Abba
22. Big in Japan - Alphaville

23. All by Myself - Eric Carmen
24. I'd Do Anything for Love - Meat Loaf
25. Number One Song in Heaven - Sparks


  1. 12. Tunnel of Love - Dire Straits.

    Ooer Missus.

  2. wi' respect Iain, Oh dearie me!

    Sophia Pangloss

  3. All I can say it's a good job you are deeply cool in other ways Iain.

    oooh dear.

  4. There seems to be an omission here Iain . . .

  5. . . . and incidentally, if I recall correctly, the full title of the Meatloaf epic is "I'd do anything for love (But you're not touching me with that thing)" (WB popbitch)

  6. Do the initials MOR mean anything to you ?

  7. oh dear. :P

    no, seriously. oh dear.

    i mean, no Bohemian Rhapsody? no Imagine? no Stairway to Heaven?

    ah well, suppose someone has to listen to your choices! :p

  8. If I didn't know better I'd have gueesed you are a 60 year old woman from this list.

    You have a good blog but this sort of thing does you no good at all

  9. Iain. you have just proved beyond doubt that the Conservative Party is a very broad church. Shouldn't "Diamonds are Forever". (forever, forever) by Shirley Bassey be in there somewhere?
    If you ever make public office, this list will be your"Stairway to Heaven" moment.

  10. Nothing beats the dulcet tones of the Christian king that is cliff Richards.

  11. I'm with you on most of those Iain. But I must make an exception in the case of Cliff Richard... can't stand him.

  12. So let's get this right in your top 100 there is no:-

    Beatles (inc solo: Lennon, Harrison, McCartney), any incarnations of Clapton, Stones, Doors, Who, Queen, Dylan, Hendrix, Simon & Garfunkel, Zeppelin, Floyd, Jam, Police, Clash, Costello, U2, Bowie, Supremes, Beach Boys, Wonder, Gaye, Four Tops, Redding, Franklin, Weller, Blur, Oasis, Ocean Colour Scene, REM etc etc

    Clearly music is not your thing Iain.......

  13. I know what I like.

    The only ones of your list I quite like are Queen, Simon & Garfunkel, Beach Boys. All the rest I would be happy never to hear one of their songs again, ever!

  14. Theory A - Someone really likes these.

    Theory B- I am the subject of an alien experiment in altering aspects of perceived reality

    I am thinking B….A is just too scary

  15. Stairway to Heaven? Pretentious tripe! Admittedly Rolf Harris did improve on it when he had a go.
    As for Imagine, utter cobblers put together by millionaire hypocrite John Lennon.

  16. BTW anyone know what's happened to Guido's blog?

  17. MOR? Of course he knows that MOR means Middle of the Road, a seminal early 70s band who had classic hits such as Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep, Tweedle Dee Tweedle Dum and Soley Soley.

    Sadly Walter Fagen and Donald Becker never made the line-up.

  18. You homophobe: shouldn't it be Romeo and Julian instead?


  19. Iain,

    I've never understood why music celebs think we're remotely interested in their views on politics.

  20. I bet Iain was inconsolable when PrimeTime radio shut down.

  21. You don’t like anything by the Beatles ? I have discovered one or two I like ,” The day Before You Came” which is an Abba song I think, and Down Town is a good old numberThe Way it Is - is good as well .Amongst the further delights Iain has foresworn so as to fit in another James Blunt in are .

    The Who
    Van Morrison
    Otis Redding
    Burt Bacharach
    Bob Dylan
    James Brown
    Led Zep
    Carol King
    Bob Marley

    In fact ....
    Anything at all from the 20th century Song Book from Gershwin ,Rogers and Hammestein etc.
    Any Aria from any Opera whatsoever
    Any Blues
    Any Jazz
    Any Reggae
    Any Country Song
    Any really good disco stomper , unless I missed one
    Any Motown/ Atlantic / Soul
    Any Rock
    Any Punk

    When you come to think of it its quite an achievement to do that and get to 100. I think Iain was dropped on his head as a baby and the bit where music goes was squashed so he could fit more politics in. :)

  22. What a strange selection. It's almost as if you haven't been alive for the last half century.

    Just to investigate could you put up your ten favourite dishes to eat and your ten favourite films and novels?

    I really want to give you another chance because you have such a nice smile.

  23. Deeply disappointed - from your 100-75 selections, I was sure that Rene and Renato's 'Save your love' would be in your top 10. ;)

  24. Iain, but AFFIRMATION (Savage Garden) was my top "best lyrics" of all time, and 'Brothers in Arms' is also high up, so I agreed with you wholeheartedly on that count (c.f. earlier post)...Folks, whaddyallthink? I mean, we need a little poetry in life, do we not? after all this slander and spin and dissing-right-left-and-centre (or rather more left!)?

  25. Next time you get an urge to share this sort of thing, fight it. It's a worry to your friends. Recognise the signs, and get help before it's too late.

  26. Iain,

    Here is another Roxette one. Rather appropriate given the video...

  27. I'm shocked. Radio 2 has a better and more varied playlist.

  28. "Miss you nights"

    The nights I can miss are those pernod promotion nights from the early 80's pernod and black in particular but other strange combinations when I fully expected to die.

  29. Bar Direct. Oh me too! The first time I ever got drunk was on 11 Pernod & Blacks at a nightclub in Norwich. Happy days!

    it is still the only alcoholic drink I actually like.

  30. Big In Japan by Alphaville is one of my favourite songs of all time (and also Forever Young). Dancing Queen and S.O.S. by Abba are also fantastic.

    But I just don't know how anyone can seriously like Angels by Robbie Williams.

  31. Blimey Iain, it's like a play list from one of Pete Murray's Radio 2 shows from about 30 years ago - they're so middle of the road they've all got a white dotted line down them..

    If I were you, I would ask your readers to suggest their top 100, then compare whose is the best list...

  32. Good Grief Iain that is quite possibly the worst list of songs I have ever seen.

  33. Sparks and Meatloaf excepted, yikes....

  34. As a music business pro since '74 all I can say is please don't invite me round.
    A booklist quickly to restore some credibility :)

  35. I was glad to see some-one else likes Alphaville, until I realised this must be connected to our both having studied German in the 80s and nothing to do with taste!

  36. Sorry, I didn't read the previous comments. I like Alphaville's Big In Japan and I didn't study German in the '80s. Nor any other decade.

  37. Not sure about your Number 1... just not sure...

  38. Oh dear Iain, very disappointed

    Despite your impeccable taste when it comes to football, this really is music for people who don't really like music

    I'm beating a hasty retreat to WHTID

  39. Ignore the music snobs, Ian - I say WAY TO GO. But I do draw the line at Sparks.

  40. Good grief...I thought it was only my husband that adored Meatloaf AND Roxette. You must be the same age???

  41. I was gonna post some Robbie-scorn, but desisted. Because...

    Music-snobbery's so nulabor. Brings out the authoritarian, tribal and evangelical instincts. A mental stepping-stone leading from the Student Union to the IPPR.

  42. This is perhaps one of the worst selections of music ever seen.

    Well done on that front.

  43. Why would someone want to broadcast to the world (well, a few hundred people) that they have excruciatingly bad taste in music ?

    I feel sorry for you.
