Thursday, April 02, 2009

Ten New Blogs

Think Defence
Truthful Politician
Some Roses Are Red - Scottish Labour blog
Right Not Racist
Forward - New & Politics from Scotland
Stuart Maclennan - Left wing Scottish student blog
Picking Losers
This Observer - Right wing, libertarian
Rob Halfon - Conservative candidate for Harlow
Southampton University Conservatives

These blogs aren't necessarily newly created, but I haven't known about them before and they had not, until now, appeared in the TP Blog Directory.

Visit the Total Politics Blog Directory which contains more than 1,900 blogs. If you know of one which isn't there, please fill in the Submit a New Blog form on the left hand side of THIS page


  1. Can you please include me? I've just written something really, really provocative at

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  10. Alexander Boris de Pfaffel Johnson has walked out of a Commons Select Committe meeting in a huff, when MPs had the cheek to ask him what he did to help prepare London for the unusual snow conditions.

    As far as I know, this is the first time anyone has had the outrageous discourtesy to both voters and the elected chamber to simply walk out in the middle of questioning.

    Apart from the quite extraordinary arrogance and naivety this exposes, the question now is - could he be arraigned for not attending?
