Thursday, April 02, 2009

Cardiff & Plaid: Here I Come

This afternoon I am driving down to Cardiff to spend the next couple of days at the Plaid Cymru Party Conference. Yes, ladies and gentleman, I know how to have a good time. Tomorrow at 2pm I'm taking part in a Bloggers panel at the conference. I'm told translation facilities will be available [insert joke here].

Last year Total Politics attended the three main party conferences, but three weeks on the road is enough for anyone, so we promised we'd go to the Plaid and SNP Spring conferences. I drew the straw which said Plaid and two of my colleagues will be manning an exhibition stand at the SNP bash in Glasgow later this month.

I make no bones about. I love Cardiff, as I wrote HERE last July.


  1. Were the straws of different length?

    I guess SNP is shorter than Plaid Cymru.

  2. Hope you like it here! The weather's pretty good.

  3. It's a lovely spring day in Cardiff - Enjoy yourself Iain.
    No longer anonymous - simultaneous translation available for all

  4. Awe Iain, you would have thoroughly enjoyed the SNP conference, what a shame you can't cover both. Anyway your colleagues will be able to relate all the gossip to you, once they recover of course. Our hospitality is second to none as you know :)

  5. There is nothing about Cardiff in that link you posted?

  6. "I love Cardiff"

    Oh dear. There goes the neighbourhood.

  7. Have a great time, Iain, but take care you don't step into that rift!

  8. Every time I drive over that poxy bridge it pisses down until I manage to escape from Wales. I hope you have better weather than I usually do.

  9. Here's something that might surprise you, Iain. I live up in North Wales, and it's actually cheaper and quicker for me to get to London than it is to Cardiff. It works out the same way no matter what mode of transport I would use.

  10. Iain,
    Suggest you leave the M4 at J29 and head into Cardiff on the A48, to avoid the road-widening contraflow that starts just after J29 and will be nasty in the rush hour. (Staying on the A48 will take you to the UWIC campus for the conference.)

    I hope you've packed your sunglasses! The weather is unusually sunny...

  11. O Iain, rhaid ichi ddysgu'r Gymraeg.
