Friday, April 24, 2009

McBride to be Summoned Before Committee?

David Singleton of PR Week is reporting that Damian McBride may be hauled before the Public Administration Select Committee before very long. Now that's a hearing I might turn up for. I may even suggest a few questions some MPs on the Committee might like to get answers to. Just trying to be helpful.

And in other related news, BBC reporter Brian Wheeler tells this little take on his online diary today...

"That kind of personality-based dirty work is very difficult to pull off properly. It is in danger of backfiring and not just because it might leak as a document."

Wise words. But who is the media-savvy model of rectitude behind them? Well, since you ask, it's Derek Draper, speaking to Marketing Week magazine more than nine years ago. Mr Draper is currently lying low after apologising for his role in the Downing Street e-mail smear plot.

But in February 2000 he had only recently been defrocked as a spin doctor and was eager to impress in his new, and in the event short-lived, career in advertising. He was asked to give his view on an alleged plot by ad agency M&C Saatchi to smear the then health minister Tessa Jowell on behalf of the agency's client, tobacco giant Gallaher. The agency's alleged plan to "undermine" Ms Jowell by branding her "undemocratic and rash" over her stance on smoking never made it beyond the brainstorming stage.

But Mr Draper told Marketing Week he was surprised a big agency like M&C would even go near such an "old-style dirty tricks campaign" in the first place. And he added, reassuringly: "In my experience it doesn't happen very often - if at all. It is probably a symptom of how desperate the tobacco companies are." Quite.
Ten days ago, Derek saiud he would be making a decision on his future as LabourList editor "within a week". [taps fingers].


  1. Je découvre des blogs étrangers et bien que je ne connaisse pas la langue, je regarde et j’essaye de comprendre le tout…en admirant le travail fait…bravo !!!!

  2. I guess we'll find out when Derek does.

  3. Iain, how about some online anger about the disgraceful way the govt are treating the Gurkhas. I have just seem Phil Woolas on Sky News whining like a baby about being called a traitor. Britain is a nation where you can turn up in a plane from Afghanistan that you have hijack and not be forced to leave. But if you have served and fought for Britain in the Gurkhas (prior to 1997) you can bugger off. Just shows how bereft of ideas and morality this govt is.

  4. Can someone translate the first comment please. I don't understand Spanish.

  5. Downing Street pressure to prevent an inquiry will be intense and unlikely to be played by the Queensberry rules.

    Email evidence might create a storm in which some PM cronies could perish.

    How tough is Tony Wright?

  6. David NettletonApril 24, 2009 7:00 pm

    Like Stew M I am incensed by the Gurkhas decision and Phil Woolas MP just made it worse in his interview. How pathetic!

  7. Perhaps they can ask what the financial benefit of being allowed to resign rather than being sacked for gross misconduct might have been?

  8. eleonora said...

    Je découvre des blogs étrangers et bien que je ne connaisse pas la langue, je regarde et j’essaye de comprendre le tout…en admirant le travail fait…bravo !!!!
    Literal translation:

    I discover foreign blogs and although I do not know the language, I look at and I try to include/understand the whole… while admiring work made… cheer!!!!

  9. If Draper doesn't go, Labour List will have lost all credibility though Iain, surely? Oh wait....I think this is called "nothing to lose".

    I expect him to stay in place, unless he gets rocked again with any other forthcoming revelations (please?).

  10. i thought senior officers in the british army were taught to look after the horses then the men and above all to stay out of politics but having just heard the head of army personnel (a general no less) being interviewed about the gurkha decsion by eddie mair on the pm programme i realise things have changed. now its b----r the men (don't know about the horses) and parrot what ever crap woolas and co want you to.

  11. No doubt McBride will simply refuse to appear before the Select Committee.

    Presumably, now that he is no longer a civil servant, they cannot compel him to appear.

  12. re: Je découvre des blogs étrangers et bien que je ne connaisse pas la langue, je regarde et j’essaye de comprendre le tout…en admirant le travail fait…bravo !!!!A very useful (free!) translation website can be found at BABELFISH.

  13. Eleonora: si vous utilisez Google français pour trouver 'Iain Dale's Diary' et cliquez sur 'Traduire cette page', vous trouverez une traduction un peu grotesque mais compréhensible.


    This terrible death needs big publicity, Iain. McBride has probably already squashed it. He is still at Number 10, of course.

  15. Nasse toussie piepeule freumozaire nèchuenes rattingue ieure.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. The most interesting bit of that PRWeek story is this: ‘Number Ten is still in damage limitation mode, trying to prevent Ed Balls and co from being dragged down with McBride.' I thought it had gone too quiet on the Ed Balls front. What's happening to that story? Legal frighteners or the usual complicity from Fleet Street with the No 10 machine?

  18. Okay, since everyone else seems to be speaking in different tongues...

    可以说他大概不会出现在一个精选的委员会面前。 我可以只假设它今天是一安静的新闻天。

    No, there are no swear words in there Iain, don't worry.

  19. What the english think of the Scots


  21. Never mind McBride, Tom (I'll sue the pants off you if you mentinon smeargate and me in the same sentendce) Watson is still demuring from publishing comments on his crap website.

    Call him before the committee. Call Brown. Hang the effing lot of them out to dry.

  22. Grim Reaper: 'I don't think he will have to appear before the Select Committee. I reckon this is a day for only good news.' Two can play at BabelFish.

  23. Vladimir Vladimirovich PutinApril 24, 2009 9:16 pm

    Я очень люблю ‹‹Caves of Altamira›› из The Royal Scam (1976 г)

  24. Tachybaptus [quoting moi] said: "I don't think he will have to appear before the Select Committee. I reckon this is a day for only good news."

    I don't know how on earth it came out with that. The first sentence is correct, but the second was actually "I can only assume this is a quiet news day". Oh well.

  25. Grim Reaper: that was my guess at the pudding I got from the translator. I have used the Traditional Chinese -- English translator often to help a man from Hong Kong in the flat below, and I know this rule for BabelFish: always translate the translation back. If what you got is in any serious way unclear, modify the original until the translation is absolutely unambiguous when translated back.

    In fact the Chinese -- English translators are the best part of BabelFish, because they translate between a nearly uninflected language (ours) and a totally uninflected one, both languages preferring subject-verb-object order.

  26. I left the following comment on Tom Watsons blog recently -

    #1 Silent Hunter on 04.17.09 at 8:26 am

    I’m reminded of a quote, Tom.

    “If you swim with sharks, your going to get bitten”.

    And let’s face it; you have been swimming around at No10 with some very ‘fishy’ people.

    Perhaps you should really be ‘considering your position’?

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    So my comment is STILL 'awaiting moderation' LOL
    Perhaps he's busy with other things at the moment - like how to hang on to his job in the reshuffle which will change nothing.

  27. " 'Vicious' dog, vicious owner?" That is the headline of an article in the print edition of last week's New Scientist.

    The article states "A new study suggests that the owners of so-called "vicious" dogs commit more crimes than those who do not own such a dog."


    "It's not just a dog's breed but also the character of its owner that may make the dog aggressive"

    So was McBride's behaviour nature or nurture?

    See the article here
