Friday, April 24, 2009

The 1994 Unaired Pilot for '24'

Even if you don't watch '24' you might enjoy this, as a reminder of how the internet has changed over the last 15 years. Just as an aside, in the quickfires in my interview with Paddy Ashdown I asked him to choose between James Bond or Jack Bauer. Bearing in mind he is ex Special Forces I could hardly believe it when he admitted he had never heard of Jack Bauer. So when we held an event on Monday with him I presented him with the Season 1 box set. If he doesn't enjoy it he's not the man I think he is!


  1. I can believe that Paddy would not have heard of the fictional character. Let's face it , if you have a busy life actually doing what the prog is portraying then why sit and watch it.
    For the record I've not seen West Wing, 24, Wire and many more. But on the plus side I am belatedly getting to grips with Aldous Huxley....

  2. Brilliant!

    As was Paddy during that AM interview on Sunday.

    I think that UK politics was left the poorer when he resigned.

  3. Season 4 is the best tho' the current one (7) is pretty good so far.

    wv: nonsens LOL

  4. it pains me that i feel compelled to write this...

    but say the attachment wouldn't fit on a floppy disc, but they reference a file attachment of 930kb which would easily fit on one 1.44mb floppy disc, and certainly would not need three..

  5. Ah but some PCs' were still using 720K (single sided disks), I had a Pc that STILL had 5 1/4 floppies and I even used a computer that had 8 inch floppy disks

  6. Yes, Martin. I remember doing a bit of work with a newspaper in the early 1990s and they used a couple of old IBM 8.5" floppy drive units held together with a lot of tape!

  7. I DID enjoy that, Iain! Thanks!

  8. Windows 3.1, those were the days!
    "Hacking" into Geocities page!!

    Im getting flashbacks of my old IBM PC.
