Friday, March 20, 2009

Will Brown be Knackered at the G20?

So, less than a week before the G20 summit commences, Gordon Brown is off on his travels. he has an exhausting itinerary starting in New York, followed by a tour of South America. His exact schedule is a secret but he will definitely be going to Brazil and finishing up in Chile. He already looks tired out, so I am amazed that in advance of what could be a make or break summit he is spending the best part of a week pressing the flesh six thousand miles away. You'd have thought he would be putting all his energies into ensuring the success of the G20.

About the only consolation for him is that he will miss PMQs next week.

Even more astonishing is the fact that his tour of South America closes with him attending a lefty-fest in Chile, otherwise known as the Progressive Government Summit. I think this was the thing cooked up by Brown, Blair and Clinton some years ago. Why is it that taxpayers' money is being used to fund Brown's attendance at this progressive lefty junket?


  1. What on Earth is he thinking of?

    Meltdown at home, lots of no-thanks to more fiscal foreplay and who gives a damn about him swanning around South America??

    Perhaps he's not delusional at all and fancied a mini-break.

    Is Sarah going with him a la Mrs Martin?

  2. It would be even better if he was only going one way....

  3. I bet Harriet is dreading standing in at PMQ's after her malling from William Hague last time.

  4. Bernanke just done a $trillion - move along! Yeah, Fritzl a twat - next!

  5. Rather typical behaviour from someone who is teetering on the edge of sanity. His self-assumed role as global saviour will benefit and it's great to have all that foreign coverage before the G20 - in his mind he becomes a global statesman.

    No doubt the BBC will be sending the normal quota of 45 to cover it all for us in their lovely balanced way.

    As for leaving the ship on the rocks, damaged and shipping water...someone really should be dinging this bell on a daily basis whilst the Captain's away.

    One can only hope he comes back and does a Callaghan...suntanned, gorgeous and "Crisis, what crisis?"

  6. Did anyone else feel abused by the unacceptable level of personal conscience accepted by Herr Fritzl - seriously, bottle of whiskey and revolver and bollox to the whiskey - i've been abused.

    Anywho - in other news, nous sommes skint. First time that's said gets my vote.

  7. Don't you think the whole point is to be missing PMQs?

    As Stepney says - it will be a nice jolly for all the BBC journos and such like.

    I guess such convivial gatherings gives Brown a poor tortured captive audience to suffer at his self promotional self delusional ravings as well.

    I would be a perverse for of fun to follow his speeches to catalogue all the usual soundbites.

  8. Clearly things are getting on top of him and he can't stand another Wednesday in the bear pit of the commons.
    I predicted here that he'd be off on his travels again soon.

  9. Can anyone do some research and see when the last time a PM missed so many PMQs??? This is ridiculous. The executive must be held to account, and it cannot be done effectively with the PM constantly swanning off here and there, especially given the current predicament we are in economically.

  10. Maybe there will be a coup whilst he is in Chile, and he'll end up in a football stadium?

    One can only hope...

  11. Simonemmet

    That's "mauling", not "malling", which I don't think exists - but could well be used for those who spend all day in malls?

  12. I think it suits him to stay away, he doesn't have to face what's going on in the UK or answer any questions!

  13. If only his absence could be used by about 50 Labour MPs to form their own party, or join the Lib Dems... political geography in the UK redrawn in a flash!

  14. Any chance of a photo-op of Brown and Chavez at this Brazilian jolly? The headline of 'Brazil Nuts' writes itself.

  15. Well, as he has. through mismanagement of our economy, brought our Country to the level of a South American dictatorship, perhaps we could look forward to a military takeover or something, in his absence?

    Perhaps he will ask for political asylum in Brazil?

    Perhaps he is going to learn the Tango, so he can better Mandleson on the dancefloor at a future Labour Party Reunion Dinner and Dance held at a Edinburgh Burger Bar.

    May I wish him Bon Voyage and a fond wish he does not come back.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. "I bet Harriet is dreading standing in at PMQ's after her malling from William Hague last time."
    and even more so after her lamentable performance at Business Questions vs Alan Duncan yesterday. She's trying to outdo her sister in the naff stakes.

  18. Not sure about Brown at the G20, but Cameron will be knackered by the 45% tax band.

  19. Elby a "mall" is a large mallet used for driving heavy stakes into the ground.

    Malling - if only...

  20. Blair used to do this occasionally. Whenever he was in trouble at home, he'd start gallivanting around the world - usually the Tories didn't bother protesting about it either.

    But there's one difference. Brown already looks like a man who's on the brink of a mental breakdown, not to mention sounding like it. What else would explain his endless use of simplistic, robotic sentences such as "it began in America", "I'm getting on with the job", "real help now" and the usual? This will be the straw that broke the camel's back.

  21. Is he really missing PMQs again? The man is a coward as well as a phoney.

  22. In the absence of any way forward plan for the G20 summit, please find our letter to President Barack Obama, our plans are agreed and copied to the Government.

    President Barack Obama

    Office of the President

    C/o the American Embassy

    24 Grosvenor SQ

    London W1A 1AE

    12 February 2009

    Urgent and Confidential

    Mr President,

    Please accept our Ras Tafari greetings and best wishes, in the name of His Imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie I. King of Kings. Lord of Lords. Conquering Lion of Judah . Defender of the Faith. Father of African Unity. Ras Tafari.

    Please refer to our previous correspondence, concerning the G20 meeting this April in London, and to update your office of the planning objectives, unless changing circumstances cause you to abort the planned meeting in April, it is of the utmost urgency that you do not leave London empty handed and unable to agree a correct policy to impact upon the global economic events, and to plug the dangers of a whirlpool effect should one or more of the G20 economies become victim like the banks in London and America of the failed enforcement system leading to the ongoing convulsions started in London and America affecting the global economic community and the reason for this G20 meeting.

    Measures must also be agreed to protect the smaller economies who are more vulnerable to failed economic systems exposing again the unacceptable face of capital only based systems who quickly become victims of predators from within.

    T combat this present crisis before your meeting in April, we recommend you cause to be audited the resources of the World Bank, I.M.F., and E.C.B, and to establish the strength of the economies untainted by deliberate action. Through agreed procedures we wish to establish early warning of any major economy in need of supportive action, we do not support the “Bail out” policy current for the London and American Banks, as a way forward for national economies, you are able to measure the public distaste even among elected representatives of your own Country for that policy.

    In the absence of any agreement from the policy coordinators and G20 secretariat, we submit direct and sustained Government supervision of the financial sector, within and without the G20 area be considered as an agreed way forward, this policy can be applied to others sectors in isolation or as required, that a strengthened global enforcement regime under the authority of the Secretary General of the United Nations be authorised to conduct an effective audit of all the U.N. economies and to apply new standards and enforcement procedures to the same.

    The complicity of the host, who would normally Chair such a meeting gives us cause for concern, as national self interest is not in order, a joint or independent chairman is recommended.

    That you do not leave London completely empty handed, our spiritual and cultural policy objective is that you will be presented with digital copies of six of the Ecclesiastical manuscripts from the Royal Library as an act of faith, Her Majesty the Queen will receive you at Buckingham Palace, that your leadership be fortified by faith, hope and confidence during these changing and testing times.

    A copy of this correspondence will be forwarded to all G20 members, World Bank, I.M.F., E.C.B. and European Union attending the meeting.

    And so, Mr President, assuring you, your officers and your peoples of America of our highest consideration we recommend you to the protection of the Almighty.

    I am Ras Seymour Mclean

  23. Further to our plans for the G20 meeting, final circular's are with the Office of the Speaker of the House of Commons, and the Lord Speaker of the House of Lords, all Ministers in Treasury and Foreign Office have copies of our plans. Please find letters to Bankers attending the meeting, any comments before the meeting?

    Mr Dominique Strauss-Kahn

    The International Monetary Fund

    700 19th Street NW

    Washington Dc 20431


    13 March 2009.

    Dear Mr Strauss-Kahn,

    Please convey our Ras Tafari greetings and best wishes to your staff and members of the International Monetary Fund.

    Concerning the G20 meeting in London on 2nd April, to combat the forces of evil who have invested the financial institutions of London and America, please refer to our previous correspondence relating to the (6) six Ethiopian Ecclesiastical manuscripts to be presented by Her Majesty the Queen, to inculcate faith, hope and confidence within the global community and to avoid a protracted interregnum.

    Please find a copy of our circular to the G20 leaders attending the meeting, you will find detailed intelligence concerning the manuscripts and their usage, can your office provide an economic valuation of the six manuscripts, for the members attending the meeting?

    Assuring you Mr Strauss-Kahn of our highest consideration please find an autographed note from Emperor Haile Selassie I.

    I am Ras Seymour Mclean

    President Jean-Claude Trichet

    The European Central Bank

    Kaiserstrasse 29

    D-60311 Frankfrut am Main


    13 March 2009.

    Mr President,

    Please convey our Ras Tafari greetings and best wishes to your staff and members of the European Central Bank.

    Concerning the G20 meeting in London on 2nd April, to combat the forces of evil who have invested the financial institutions of London and America, please refer to our previous correspondence relating to the (6) six Ethiopian Ecclesiastical manuscripts to be presented by Her Majesty the Queen, to inculcate faith, hope and confidence within the global community and to avoid a protracted interregnum.

    Please find a copy of our circular to the G20 leaders attending the meeting, you will find detailed intelligence concerning the manuscripts and their usage, can your office provide an economic valuation of the six manuscripts, for the members attending the meeting?

    Assuring you Mr President of our highest consideration please find an autographed note from Emperor Haile Selassie I.

    I am Ras Seymour Mclean

    President Robert B Zoellick

    The World Bank

    1818 H Street NW

    Washington DC 20433


    13 March 2009.

    Mr President,

    Please convey our Ras Tafari greetings and best wishes to your staff and members of the World Bank Group.

    Concerning the G20 meeting in London on 2nd April, to combat the forces of evil who have invested the financial institutions of London and America, please refer to our previous correspondence relating to the (6) six Ethiopian Ecclesiastical manuscripts to be presented by Her Majesty the Queen, to inculcate faith, hope and confidence within the global community and to avoid a protracted interregnum.

    Please find a copy of our circular to the G20 leaders attending the meeting, you will find detailed intelligence concerning the manuscripts and their usage, can your office provide an economic valuation of the six manuscripts, for the members attending the meeting?

    Assuring you Mr President of our highest consideration please find an autographed note from Emperor Haile Selassie I.

    I am Ras Seymour Mclean
