Friday, March 20, 2009

Another Apology from Harriet

See what happened when Harriet Harman encountered Michael Sheen on the Simon Mayo Programme on 5 Live yesterday, and then sent in an apology. Bless her.

Listen HERE. (scroll down the page)


  1. off topic but on This Week last night Brillo mad a good point to Diane Abbott
    "Can you give an example of where Gordon Brown has taken something simple and made it more simple?"

    Miss A of course was happy to say she could not.

    A neat summing up of Brown's busted paradigm.

    WV is rhaparbs - which is a peculiar Scottish strain of purple rhubarb.
    Used particularly to describe the mutterings of Labour backbenchers in the Scottish Assembly

  2. And what about an apology for Harriet?

    For that matter what about an apology for/from the whole lot of them?

  3. I didn't realise he was Welsh!

    and yes *bleugh*

    wv illes!

  4. Good grief.

    Though not surprising seeing as the slightest banter demands a grovelling climbdown in these PC-controlled times ... just ask Chris Eakin.

  5. Let me take this opportunity to formally announce that Michael Sheen will playing Harriet Harman in the forthcoming bio-pic of her life: 'Harriet: A Complete Nightmare'

  6. "For that matter what about an apology for/from the whole lot of them?"

    That would take forever!

  7. Aww bless. Thats the kind of apology that endears you to to the person who sent it to you!

  8. So thats one typed up letter on HoP notepaper, sent by courier to the studio.

    Fab, glad to see our taxes are being used so wisely

  9. Wouldn't the first version Sheen read out (meet me round the back for a snog) have made us think better of Harman had she actually written it?

  10. If Mad Hattie had smiled and waved at me, far from warming the heart, I`d be in urgent need of the sick bucket.....

  11. Has Harriet finally apologised to the world for that horrible day many years ago when she joined the Labour Party? Had she never done so, their party would be slightly more tolerable than it is now.
