Tuesday, March 31, 2009

When Shall We Three Meet Again?

It is not often that it is worth mentioning 10 minute rule bills but it is worth highlighting that the proposer and first two sponsors of today's bill (proposing that council tax relief be renamed 'council tax rebate') were Joan Ryan, Siobhan McDonagh and David Cairns.  When was the last time these three MPs collaborated in a project?  And what will be the next time? Readers may care to speculate...


  1. It will never happen again.

    As a constituent of Joan Ryan's I for one will be voting her out.

    She has spent too much (on expenses) and achieved too little (on keeping our Hospital at Chase Farm).

    I didn't vote her in, but I sense her time has come & gone.

  2. The rebel Labour MPs last September who called for a leadership election to be held...

    Probably a co-incidence, but prepping a bill would be a good excuse to meet without raising questions...

    until you blew their cover at least.

    Good spot

  3. I used to think that MPs were hard working and conscientious but they seem to spend most of their time plotting and working out their expenses.

    Do you still want to be an MP Iain?

  4. I think it goes like this - "we three meet again, in thunder, lightning and rain"

  5. When the hurly-burly's done.
    When the battle's lost and won.
