Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The Daley Dozen: Tuesday

1. Max Atkinson reads between Gordon's lines on Jacqui Smith and discovers some linguistic contortions.
2. Cicero's Songs on the growing threat from Russia.
3. English Eclectic on planning for a Labour defeat.
4. LibDem blogger Mark Reckons Derek Draper is damaging the Blogosphere.
5. Wrinkled Weasel says we should be comfortable with our diverse sexualities.
6. Luke Akehurst gives his views on the way forward on MPs' expenses.
7. Paul Waugh has the story on the Eric Pickles drinks party.
8. Michael White is sanguine about punch ups in the H of C - as well he might be.
9. Steve Richards on MP expenses and a fourth choice Home Secretary.
10. Jonathan Isaby on why the right are better dressed than the left.
11. Jo Christie-Smith likes her politics by candlelight.
12. Jane Merrick fears a media clampdown in the Commons.

PS I'm speaking in Leicester tonight, so this is one I prepared earlier :)


  1. Ten out of ten for the lowdown on the Pickles "party". Wish I'd been there. Dying to see what happens next...

  2. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/03/31/playboy_jacqui_smith_package/

