Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Stench of Decay Gets Stronger Each Day

A reader writes...

I was told last week at a private dinner by a prominent Shadow Cabinet Minister, that recently, at the end of a routine meeting at the department that he shadows, one of the junior ministers said to him: 'You might as well come and see where your office will be' and he took him around and showed it to him! Following your piece about Dawn Butler, it does seem that parts of the Labour Party have thrown in the towel.



  1. Thrown in the towel? First sensible thing they've done for years!

  2. As a citizen I don't want them to give up. They should try and provide the best possible government for ALL the people, until (hopefully) we kick them out.
    That is their responsibility, to the people and the Crown. Any group of ministers, of what ever party, who just give up don't deserve our respect. They also don't deserve to politicians at all.
    If they really want to give up they should have the courage to call a General Election immediately.
    Iain is right when he defends politicians. It is tough. The idea they can just throw in the towel; that they could just hang around for over a year, waiting for the axe to fall, doesn't help the image of politicians at all.
    If there is a general feeling of despair on the Treasury Bench, hopefully backbench Labour MPs will find a sense of decency and call a vote of confidence.

  3. * to (be) politicians at all

  4. Very interesting. I regularly talk to a senior Labour backbencher who chairs a select Committee. As i was leaving a few weeks ago he said, unprompted " philip, we are going to lose the next election but until then we must govern responsibly." Which is precisely why I advise him on technical matters. Unfortunately the PM is implementing a vindictive, irresponsible scorched earth policy.

    he knows he will lose, does not care about the lagacy, indeed probably judges that the more damage he leaves in his wake the more difficult it will be for the Tories. That is cynical, and Gordon's politics.

    Son of the manse, come on.

  5. he knows he will lose, does not care about the lagacy, indeed probably judges that the more damage he leaves in his wake the more difficult it will be for the Tories. That is cynical, and Gordon's politics.

    There's no "probably" about it.

  6. Brown is truely the worst PM this country has ever had in living memory. I just wonder, if they can actually hold it together until May of next year.

    Its looking more likely that they cant.

  7. Are we sure he wasn't shown cell No.6 at the local nick?
