Thursday, March 26, 2009

Hannan & Draper on Channel 4 News

For those of you who missed the Channel 4 News report earlier of Dan Hannan's internet hit, here is the film report and then a discussion between Dan Hannan and that well known internet guru, Derek Draper.

If you were a Labour voter watching that, I wonder if your reaction was the same as mine. I suspect it was. And I bet you can guess what it was, too.

UPDATE: PM had a report too. Click HERE and scroll in 39 minutes.


  1. Iain, Has Draper got bad teeth?

    They looked really bad. Do not let him get off the hook regarding his faked degree! Has he faked his economics degree as well?

    Can anyone confirm his degree in economics is sound? Manchester University?

    I say this as I feel Draper and his awful slurs will be to the fore in a general election campaign. So we should ensure he is written off before then.

    Mind you, as you say, ALL voters will turn away from Labour with that man!

  2. Yeah if Brown gets to see it and Dolly's lamentable performance earlier he may well echo Clem Atlee and ask Derek for 'a period of silence'.

  3. Is Draper actually a tramp? He looks as though he hasn't washed for weeks.

  4. Draper makes Jeffrey Archer look positively fragrant.

  5. How much is the Conservative Party paying broadcasters to us Derek Draper as the face of the Labour Party?

  6. They should have much more of Draper on the television: he ably shows just how awful, low grade and bankrupt (I mean idologically and that's not supposed to be a joke - far from it) Labour are.

  7. Draper looks like a Walt Disney villan - all the better for the Conservatives.

    I showed the Guido vs Dolly video to two women sepertaely earlier today and both gave up in under a minuting saying they could not stand to listen to Draper. David Cameron should plough a lot of money into LabourList to keep Draper on the box. (and print T-shirts)

  8. The thing that stood out for me was Mr Drapers caption which seemed to suggest that he is a member of Parliament.

    Perhaps that's why Iain was curious about the reaction of Labour voters.

    Even they wouldn't....would they?

  9. I've not seen much of Draper before and never really understood the animosity that he drew. Thanks then Iain for revealing to me what a revolting, self opinionated, poisonous little man he is.

  10. Labour voters will not be watching it.

    Labour voters are currently sitting with their heads in the sand.

    Another way to put it might be to say they are somewhere in Egypt.

    For the rest of us passed this stage we will have also been through Anger, and for a while we were in the Bargaining phase (the notion that there was a quick fix).

    I guess we are in the Depression stage - where we find the Governor of the BoE telling us there are limits to what can be done. In this we are one stage ahead of Brown.

    Finally we will get to Acceptance. We will start to deal with reality. That will begin with the general election and we will learn from our mistakes and make sure that we do not elect a Labour government for a very long time.

    Browns acceptance stage will come when he rewrites history in his memoirs -- in Nantucket.

  11. Obviously CCHQ is paying Draper to repel the recidivist handful who might be thinking of voting Labour but, I dunno, hasn't it gone a bit far, now? I mean, the unappetising, delusional, speak-your-weight machine (is he related to Gordon, by any chance?) is so very repellent that even my cat is barfing more often than I think is good for him, very time Draper pops up. We might be getting a negative net result on this tactic. Having Draper round his neck might get Gordon the sympathy vote.

    But, then again, nah. If you need to top up the old Let's Keep Draper On TV Fund you only have to ask. Put me down for a tenner in the meantime. It's worth it just to see the unpleasant and very dim sod told to shape up by both Andrew Neil and Jon Snow. And on the same day, too. What a ****er.

  12. Strapworld, I was in the Economics faculty at the University of Manchester until a year ago... I'm not entirely surprised Dolly has a degree there, given some of the morons who managed to get them... and now work for the Civil Service... I shudder thinking about it, actually...

  13. Hannon is awesome and Draper just looked the utter morally, intellectually bankrupt loser that he is.

  14. Mr Draper does not come across well.

  15. "Derek Draper, MP" indeed!

    I don't know how he keeps getting himself on TV but I wish he'd stop it.

  16. Did anyone else notice that it said 'Derek Draper MP'?

  17. Draper's poisonous, spiteful and disingenuous response seems to be all Labour have up their sleeve at the moment.

    Is there really a possibility that that the electorate are prepared to buy into this evil rubbish? They deserve to thrown out into the outer darkness.

  18. If you saw someone in such a dishevelled state shouting out such jibberish in the street then most people would cross the road.

    Ms Garroway must be very, very proud that he appears on TV in this way.

  19. Yes, captioned Dolly as "Derek Draper MP".

  20. Draper kind of reminds me of Derek Hatton.

  21. I wonder if Draper knows what soap is for?......

  22. Well my thoughts began with W and one word later its not worth the trouble

  23. Indeed. Bring back yvette cooper; all is forgiven.

  24. Was Draper ever as important as he thinks he was? I thought Labour was meant to have had this amazing media machine yet whenever he opens his mouth it sounds like he's read chapter 1 of My Little Book of Spin and is applying it.

    Maybe instead of asking Hannan what Gordon Brown was thinking, he should have let Dolly share the benefit of his alleged expertise in the understanding of the mind.

    He really does come across so badly. I'm trying to be impartial when I watch him - is he really that irritating or have the internet postings about him biased my judgement?

  25. What is the point of Derek Draper?

    I don't mean on these programs, I mean what intent did God have when he gave the world Derek Draper? Was he having an off day? They say God made man in his image, and if that is what God looks like you can see why he prefers to hide away and leave us guessing as to whether he is real or not.

    If he is the best Labour can manage for the upcoming broadband elections then I think the Tories will be quite safe.

  26. According to Politics Home:
    Derek Draper, Labour MP
    Channel 4 News

    Mr Draper called Conservative MEP Daniel Hannan's speech to the European parliament "a demented speech by a demented party".

    "It has spread like a virus around the internet" he claimed, because people have seen "a conservative being punchy and being clear".

    "I think it was a very clever, Tory boy Etonian speech," he said, but "let's not get carried away".

    "[The speech was] negative , negative, negative, same old Tories, nothing to say.

    "It was a demented speech by a demented party," he said.

    Anyone who actually watched this exchange will know who appeared demented.

  27. According to Politics Home:
    Derek Draper, Labour MP
    Channel 4 News

    Mr Draper called Conservative MEP Daniel Hannan's speech to the European parliament "a demented speech by a demented party".

    "It has spread like a virus around the internet" he claimed, because people have seen "a conservative being punchy and being clear".

    "I think it was a very clever, Tory boy Etonian speech," he said, but "let's not get carried away".

    "[The speech was] negative , negative, negative, same old Tories, nothing to say.

    "It was a demented speech by a demented party," he said.

    Anyone who actually watched this exchange will know who appeared demented.

  28. Hold on. Why was Hannan saying 10% of GDP is somehow wrong just because a few other countries have worse? It's still an unbelievable figure, there's no untruth in that.

    Then there's Dolly trying to accuse Hannan of being irresponsible (I'm guessing) by saying he'd advocated "cut, cut, cut" - well, yes, that's exactly what he was saying that Brown should have been doing when times were good. Where is the contradiction?

    Was Dolly pissed (again) or something?

    And then to to it all, he followed the same tactic as he had v Guido repeatedly today, and refused to let Hannan finish his point.

    It's micro-NuLabour.

  29. Labour have allowed, or even invited Dolly to represent them. Now they're going to have to deal with him.

    There's an ugly mood in the country and its just going to get wound up by the likes of Dolly.

  30. Draper's voice is irritating beyond endurance. He missed his calling they should use it in interrogations at Gitmo the inmates would give up everything they know within minutes. As the election draws closer I predict an increasingly hysterical response from Labour. It is starting to sink in that the game us up.

  31. Hanan's speech was impressive but his handling of Mr Garroway was no less so.

    On the one hand you had this pseudo-tramp trotting out his prepared sound bites - 'Eton and Tory Boy' 'negative do nothing' and rushing to get in 'demented speech from a demented party'.

    On the other someone articulating an opinion they had reflected on and believed in - and with the result that every response was spontaneous and to the point.

    One came over as a calculating piece of shit, the other as the sort of person you would want as a political representative.

    Pretty much true to life - and the cheapest party political broadcast you could dream of.

  32. I wonder if Dolly was tempted to refer to Andrew Neil as a racist after being told to shut up. Would have fallen off my chair laughing if he had.

    I notice he failed to apologise to you as well, Iain. Says a lot about the man, don't you think?

  33. Yes, that did just say Dolly D, MP.

    What is the world coming to?

  34. Draper is not important. Remember Derek Hatton, another cheeky lefty chappy who infested the media for a moment? He now drives a 60 grand Range Rover and sells holiday apartments in Cyprus.

    There is a time for a loud mouth pub bore. They provide a breath of fresh air for pomaded pundits and guilt ridden Guardianistas. This is his moment. They know he is filth but the Establishment loves a bit of rough to play with. He is doing the job they cannot possibly be seen to do and that is kick the Tories, in the most vulnerable part of their anatomy.

    No, Draper will pass - and quite quickly, because respectable Labour voters won't want to associate with him; the ordinary working people who form the productive part of the economy and still inexplicably vote Labour.

    What I find fascinating is the way the media has handled it, and the narrative, both on the BBC and Channel Four is that this is a maverick unknown who got lucky on Youtube. What they cannot afford to do is to acknowledge that they have lost control and can no longer rely on the love in between the editors of Today, Newsnight and others, and the Government spin doctors.

    They have lost control of the media. They know it, and frankly they are increasingly looking like an aetheist who wakes up one morning to find God sitting at the end of his bed.

  35. Dolly really is an odious little turd, isn't he? I don't believe he has a single ounce of integrity in his rotund, flabby little body.

  36. Oliver Drew said... “...class war and "anything but the Tories"”

    Can anyone join or is this just a private Labour thing?

  37. MEP Farage had a go at GB as well, got the same grinning idiot reaction.

  38. Quite apart from tat being the second disgraceful performance from Dolly this week, IMHO He's beginning to resemble a horrible pervy rummaging man.

  39. New Labour will really need to do something about the excitable Draper. This party used to be respected for its effectiveness in the media.

    By putting Draper forward it would seem that they don't appear to care anymore and have given up the ghost.

  40. Mr Weasel, an excellent observation - I will nave nightmares of Mr Draper at the end of my bed!

    I was surprised [perhaps because I don't watch C4 News] at the sneering tone about Mr Hannan's speech re 10%, the semantics about the colour of the car money and to top it all...

    by using DEREK DRAPER MP as a suitable guest to discuss - well anything at all.

    Is it just me but since when did Derek become the official gob [and I mean gob in its most unflattering sense] of the Labour Party?

    Does Labour have no one else to put up?

    At first I suspected that the media must be using him as some form of freak show entertainment - but the more airtime he is given, the more I think they actually have time for him.

    Bizarre - Mr Draper makes Mr Sion Simon look like an urbane, intellectual giant by comparison.

  41. I liked how Draper thought he scored a hit by saying that Rush Limbaugh is now praising Hannan, you can judge them by their friends, etc.. Watching Draper that's more or less what I was thinking about the Labour Party

  42. Kate's friends on that night out must be real bastards - probably never even honoured the bet.

  43. Any one else think Draper is the model for Thomas in Old Harry's Game?

  44. I thought Derek Draper did quite well.

  45. First impressions 55% visual, 38% tone of voice so the likelihood of anyone actual hearing what Draper says is remote but surely this was supposed to be a piece about why this speech had become a YouTube phenomenon? So Draper was brought in as an counterbalance web expert? Draper seemed to look down his nose at this particular form of viral marketing? So obviously no expert so the general public would have switched off - not hearing any opinion at all?

    It was not just one activity like Twitter that made this spread - it is a very basic marketing communications cycle: Awareness; Interest; Desire; Action - slightly out of fashion AIDA principle but nevertheless still relevant.

    Hannan himself has a YouTube channel and has just under 2,000 subscribers probably including bloggers and Twitterers etc etc and is putting up the relevant clips instantly. Because it was a speech that was understandable and caught many people's imagination it drove them to talk about it - in blogs, online, on YouTube etc etc. Once you reach that illusive Tipping Point the touch paper is lit and the fire will spread.

    Perfect cycle - not easy to do mind you and that is what should have been talked about. Jon Snow did try to get to the bottom of why this particular speech had caught the imagination but Draper could not grasp this concept.

  46. I think Dilog is right.
    Draper does not get it.
    The Hannan phenemon is Obama to the root power n.
    It's the right concept for the connected world.
    If (and I concede it is a big if) Draper had any sense he would be looking at how he could replicate this for his masters. The nature of these sorts of successes is that they cannot be planned or even predicted. But he should still be looking...

  47. Ah! Classic Draper 'ad hominem' bullshit; "nar nar nee nar nar! you're a demented public school toff!" Says it all really.

  48. Since suffering Draper‘s lamentable performance yesterday, I’ve been trying desperately to imagine how it must feel to be a patient lying on his psychotherapy consultancy couch. The horrors have revisited me many times during the last 24 hours and then finally I decided that there is no way at all that this apology for a human being could possibly be qualified for this role!

    As far as I am aware (and I come from a family of doctors), psychiatric practitioners must, above all else, be good listeners. From watching Draper yesterday, he certainly doesn’t have the ability to be quiet for a second. Neither does he come across as calm and likeable (another pre-requisite). In fact his whole demeanor demonstrates an inimical and hostile personality and a very short fuse.

    I understand that Paul Staines has claimed that Draper’s qualifications are false and that he was expelled from the college in Berkeley where he was studying in 2004 for reasons unknown! I have also read that Paul Staines has now drawn a line under his spat with Draper and is not following his investigations through to a satisfactory conclusion. Why?

    If Draper is unqualified and is practicing illegally then it is important that he is exposed immediately. Quack treatment given to patients suffering from various mental problems by unqualified practitioners can lead to suicide and in worst case scenarios, injuries to family members and worse!

    The sooner Draper publicises copies of his qualifications (if indeed they exist), the better for all concerned.

  49. From Coumpound Security Systems website:

    "In 2006 we launched the Mosquito device that uses high frequency sound to deter youths from congregating in large groups"

    Could they now launch "The Draper", whose high-pitched whine is repellent to all ages?

  50. The beauty of Dan Hannan's speech was that he simply repeated to Brown the sort of thing that he hears, regularly, from his constituents - i.e. the very court of public opinion, so lauded by certain hoons in the ZaNu hierarchy.

  51. Derek Draper really is a little charmer isn't he. Should a qualified therapist really be accusing people of being demented?

  52. You really do have to feel sorry for Dolly. He's just a typical product of ZaNuLabour indoctrination.

    I can say this with some authority as, prior to the scales falling from my eyes, I was an (almost) loyal Labour member for nearly 30 years.

    The experience has scarred me emotionally; does anyone know of a well qualified psychotherapist who may be sympathetic to my woes?…

    Oh, bugger!

  53. "A demented speech from a demented party."
    Well put Mr Draper. That kind of stupid remark only goes to show just how out of touch you are with the country. Over ONE MILLION people have watched Dan Hannan's speech. Now that's people power!

  54. Mike@10.27

    "You really do have to feel sorry for Dolly. He's just a typical product of ZaNuLabour indoctrination."

    I'm afraid I have to disagree with you - whilst I agree that Draper is indeed thoroughly detestable, he is not a typical example of ZNL - very few people are as irritating as he is: possibly Harman, Brown and Blears when she was saying things like "losing Dunwoody's old seat shows that the public like Gordon" - she has improved a little recently. Clare Short was another one. And Livingstone. Millipede is an embarrassment as foreign secretary. Mandelson is an odious little sh*t (ditto Myners). Straw has risen from constant minor irritation to the big leagues since the FOI debacle.

    Actually, I take it back, he is a typical example, I hadn't realised there were quite so many I disliked to that extent.

  55. A demented speech from a demented party? LMAO!!! NMo-one I know has a good word to say about Brown. they all want him and his bloody dreadful party out of government. they are really angry at the way this government has screwed up the economy, damaged business and created consequent unemployment. Just a dreadful mess. Once again the Labour party has smashed a vibrabt economy. If Draper can't see that then he is the demented one not hannan nor his party.

  56. As with A Voter and Vienna Woods

    I am a psychiatrist and Draper is deluded, and in complete denial.

    The fact that he is using tory old etonian and negative means that I already have formulated my diagnosis and its not pretty Daffodil anyone?

    I refer of course to Narcissus.

    It is quite clear that where the Labour party and Draper himself are concerned they can do no wrong, and are hopelessly narcissistic. Pathologically I would suspect....
